Show INSPECTING SCHOOL BUILDINGS Capi In DoiincJI TliinUs Suciiiil Fire Protection XeeeKsar > Captain Donnell head of the local branch of the Pacific Insurance Union and his surveyors yesterday made surveys sur-veys and inspections of the various public school buildings of the city for the purpose of arriving at the rates of insurance to be charged and determining deter-mining just what special fire protections protec-tions the board of education should authorize Eight of the larger buildings build-ings were surveyed and the captain will complete the tour today The captain is very iealous in his care for the lives of the children of the public schools and believes it to be the duty of the boards of education to take all the extra and additional precautions against fires possible As Instance of the dangers incurred in not having proper and ample modes of egress from school houses he cites the recent burning of a public school building in Chicago which caused the loss of a number of young lives all of which could just as well have been saved as not had the proper precautions precau-tions been taken by the builders of the structure After insp2cting the school buildings of this city he is of the opinion that none of the two story structures will require Fre escapes es-capes as without exception they all have extra large halls and an abundance abund-ance of exits He does think however how-ever that each building should be sup plied with a six gallon chemical tank on each floor for the extinguishment of incipient blazes All of the three story or two story and high basement buildings should in the opinion cf the I captain be provided with fire escapes and the chemicals in addition The statutes of the territory and ordinances ordinan-ces of the city require that all three story buildings shall be furnlshad with fire escapes and an effort will be made to enforce those acts |