Show BERING SEA TROUBLES I RearAdmiral AValUer Will Xot Go to Honolulu Washington March 2iA leading member of the senate committee on foreign relations who is also a personal friend of Rear Admiral Walker discuSSing dis-cussing the mission of the admiral tote to-te Pacific said today that while he had no authority to speak authoritatively authorita-tively for the admiral or state department depart-ment he believed his mission had far more to do with the Bering sea question ques-tion than with Hawaii Affairs at Honolulu he said are quiet at present and I do not think there is any prospect of disturbance The Bering sea question is by no means in a satisfactory condition England is apparently not taking steps to put into execution the reguja tons for the control of the seal fisheries fish-eries and it begins to look as if that country was preparing to evade the spirit of the international agreement and would use Canada for this purpose pur-pose I have said to Admiral Walker that if I occupied his position as commander com-mander of the Pacific squadron I should see that England would have no excuse for misunderstanding the position of the United States Of course he has his instructions and will be governed by them and he does not take me into his confidence but my knowledge of his character leads me to believe that he will go as far as he consistently can In the direction di-rection I have indicted I am confi dent he fully appreciates the situation and that there will be no trifling on his part Admiral Walker has finally received his instructions and now expects to leave Washington for San Francisco tomorrow afternoon The naval regu ations prohibit any publication or dis cusion of such orders by the recipient and Secretary Herbert declines to talk All that is known is that the admiral will go direct to Honolulu by the steamer of April 5 unless some contingency ingency arises before that date At Honolulu Admiral Walker will he in command of all the United States forces in the eastern Pacific and if it should be necessary for him to take personal command of the vessels which will patrol the seal waters he probably proba-bly could reach the scene of operations opera-tions within two weeks after notice Both parties to the Bering sea arbitration arbi-tration are of the opinion that the few matters remaining to be adjusted can be disposed of within the next week and if this be the case Admiral Walker Wal-ker probably will be able before the date set for his sailing to get an accurate curate understanding of what is necessary neces-sary to be done by our naval forces in the seal waters I the conditions seem to warrant such a course it will be possible to change the admirals orders and send L him north to Bering sea instead of Hawaii Ha-waii |