Show AID FOR THE UNIVERSITY The voluntary reduction in the salaries tv sal-aries of the University professors i which will curtail the expenses of the institution has been followed by a generous offer from the Salt Lake Lit eray and Scientific Association In aid j of the establishment It is hoped that I further assistance will be the consequence conse-quence of these examples and that the result wih be the continuance of all the departments of the University i even if in a somewhat contracted form despite the efforts to cripple it by the Republican legislature of 94 The association we have named has erected a splendid building in the Seventeenth Sev-enteenth Ward which is admirably I adapted fpr educational purroses and 1 tltted vI6i the finest scieitulc appara t J I Ls t tus in all this mountain region The I whole establishment and equipments with one firstclass professor have been tendered by the association free for the term of two years This is a magnificent gift It will help the University to tide over the trouble which has overtaken it through the parsimony of the legislature and its refusal to make the necessary appropriation ap-propriation for the maintenance of the chief educational institution of the territory The faculty will be placed in entire control of the institution thus offered and this will materially reduce its current expenses It is to be hoped that other plans will be devised by which the University Univer-sity of Utah can be properly maintained main-tained until a less niggardly legislature legisla-ture and one less controlled by sectional sec-tional and party feelings can be elected elect-ed Men of means would bring lasting honor upon their names if in this critical crit-ical time in the history of Utah education educa-tion they would step forward and come to the rescue of the University It must not be allowed to decline nor should its usefulness be permitted to diminish |