Show MURDERERS EXPECTED MUCH Bold Ilnns Discovered and Frustrated Frus-trated San Francisco March 27A plot was discovered this morning by which four notorious murderers expected to free themselves from the county jail jai Already the tunneling through the jail wall had been commenced The three men who had done this work were hurriedly transferred to the county jail at San Jose They were Thomas St Clair Herman Spark and John Hansen This trio were convicted of the murder mur-der of the second mate of the bark Hesper I was their idea to kill the officers and cook and seize the ship the captains wife and 14000 in treasure treas-ure that was on board and turn pirate They are all under sentence of death Stole T entsFive Thousand Pierre S D March 27In the United States court today the grand jury indicted Alexander Moss for embezzling em-bezzling 25000 from the First National Bank of Lead city Ross pleaded guilty He will be sentenced tc morrow mor-row rowThe case of Whiteface Horse an In dian charged with helping in the massacre mas-sacre of six cowboys near the Pine Ridge Agency last year is oeing considered con-sidered Clerk Is Caught Los Angeles Cal March 21Time chief of police here has received a telegram tel-egram from one of his detectives late this afternoon informing him that young Newkirk alias Thayer the clerk who absconded from Bay City Mich with funds of the Bay county savings bank had been arrested The detec tive reports that he captured the refugee refu-gee within two miles of the Mexican line Cronkhite Goes Freely Los Angeles Cal March 27Sheriff Moore of Fountain county Indiana who came here after Cronkhite the defaulting 1 de-faulting treasurer of Warren county departed for the east with his prisoner this evening Cronkhite appeared per II fectly his misdeeds willing to return to the scene of |