Show BRIEF AND BREEZY Edward W Fox jr lias been commissioned commis-sioned postmaster at Oivingeville The CotillIon club enjoyed the second of its teiies of parties at the Manitou last evening Yesterdays clearings were S219G2S as compared with 147768 for the same day of last year Licenses to wed were yesterday issued vet to J MrCuilough aged 21 and Edna t iiugg aged 1 There are messages at the Western Inion Telegraph ollice for H nry Price J IX Strong Mrs Annie B Calvert and G E Ward Inquiries regarding the resources and attractions of our territory and city were rtoevpd yesterday at tie chamber of conmerae from Chicago Tennesee and V Oregon Burgess precinct in Wayne county vheh two years ago gave Rawlins 4 voLes and Cannon 12 cama to the front this year with 24 votes for Raivlins and onlv 7 for Cannon Thf members of the city councils committee com-mittee on streets and on municipal laws will meet on Monday evening in the new oty hall to wrestle with the problem of the paviig rebates 1a lg The French club held an interesting meeting in the parlors of the Walker house last evening Mcms De koerv director of the club conducted an inter < eating conversazione Jim Tuft was arrested last night for disturbing the peace in the Wasatch S jumbling hal He bucked the tiger dropped K5 and then squealed so louJ that he was run In At G a m yesterday the thermometer registered 12 at noon 15 and at 0 p m 4rt tha maximum temperature being 57 and the minimum Si Observer Smiths forecast for today is Fair weather slightly cooler The Salt Lake Legion of the Select I nights of the A u U W will give tive a ball at Cliffs hall on the 2ath inst The committee on arrangements consists ol George E Teasdale James Gibson and James Adler A dispatch received from Pioche ester day announced that the condition of W S Godbe who has been extremely low with inflammation of the bowels is grpatly improved and every hope is now tad for his recovery James Rogers representing the Grand Opera House company returned from Chicago yesterday afternoon While in the east the gentleman purchased the seats and other furniture for the new theatre now nearing completion and secured se-cured a stock company for the house Window curtains in a drug store at the corner of West Temple and First South streets caught fire last night and Officer Roberts turned in a fire alarm Before the firemen reached the scene however the blaze had been extinguisnad The damage done was merely nominal Mr Virgil Kelly of Milliard county contractor on the projected Snake Valley Val-ley irrigation scheme was In the city yesterday When he left Deseret the returns re-turns from the Snake Valley precincts had not been received The impression prevailed these returns would count in Uise Cropper the Democratic nominee for sheriff but elect Charles Crane for constitutional delegate The Democrats elected their nominees for assessor Alma Greenwood of Fillmore There vill be a sham battle or more properly speaking an extended drill at Fort Douglas this afternoon to commence com-mence at 1 oclock The entire garrison will be divided into two batallions The first of these will represent an outpost with pickets thrown out The second a marching body which will encounter the nickels skirmishers will be thrown out and then the real engagement will begin The irembers of the rtah National Guard have received an invitation to be present Both street car companies have made arrangements to put on special service and quite a lively enjoyable time 1 anticipated John Rulin got drunk and in his antics it Is claimed set fire to a lodging house near the corner of First South and Vest Temple streets The fire department was called out but the blaze which was in the window draperies was put out before the boys arrived and John was placed in the arrved cooler to sober up These with a couple of plain drunks and three ladles of easy virtue iraile the afterdark police record up to midnight |