Show Planting the Sta dardQ d All hail Columbus Behold the great navigator as he lands The ii perils of the deep are past The clouds of fear have vanished i1 The night of gloom has ended In the heavens the sun of success shines resplendent Morning has dawned Imperiously the banner of i > Jrw i haughty Spain greets the days day-s Lk I light Upon its fluttering folds P1 I are inscribed the destinies of a i 3tLJ I new world Its gleamiuv oXrlace I i I marks a long advance in J evolution I I evo-lution of the human pi It f i L tells a story of prophecy rn alleled of development unap I proached in the fullness of recorded 4 as re-corded time It crowns with = viaun L M triumph the efforts of genius The Worlds Fair contained no finer statutq of the great discoverer than this colossal figure It commanded from its pedestal the eastern entrance to the Administration building build-ing The majesty of its dimensions the vigor and aggressiveness aggres-siveness of its expression and the artistic finish of its composition com-position made it admired as a genuine sculptural triumph Another Standard Proudly Displayed at the Fair was that of rPrices Cream Baking Powder t A Standard of Excellence for Forty Years 1 It was tile 1 standard of unequalled strength perfect sPfi itylmd wholesome results The award to rDl Prices oi highes honors at the Fair furnishes conclusive evidence of > superiority i wits over all other baking powders > 0 to i J a Y 1 I I llrs Mary Astcn of Lewlsburg Pa suffered untold agony from broken varicose veins with Intense ItchIng Itch-Ing and burning On tire recommendation of a physIcian she took ods asapafla and used Hoods Olive Ointment Soon the ulcers began to heal the inflammation ceased sire wa completely cured ami says I enjoy health as I have not for many ycr3 Wo mo personally acquainted with Mrs Asten and know the above to bo true J S GIIIFFIX Sox Levisburg Pa HOODS PILLS euro Habitual Constipation y restoring peristaltic action ol tho alimentary canaL I Established 1841 150 Offices Tho Oldest ana Largest I R G DUN CO THE MERCANTILE AGENCY GEORGE OSMOND General Manager Utah and Idaho Offices In Progress BuIldIng Salt Lake City 1 L F > LEADS THE WORLD T AMERICAN I Lhfley S CUT GLASS Highest Award Worlds fair ci If you want thet > finest quality glass buy goods avry havinS this rade mark o Oallaway Hoock Frances ft 6 ExclusIve Agents for Salt aKf cli 5 I II1U EflHVIPI1ll1ffflnfl nfl I a Don H PorterS TK Gullen flote Rates 2to2050 Per Days Day-S C EWIF3G Proprietor GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL I Cor South Temple and Third West Streets OPPOSITE U P DEPOT I FirstClass In all Its appointments Rooms with or without board Steam beat hot ana cold water electric light and steam elevator C T WHITTEMORE PrOD U 1 iteI KiiiitforiL UrgXCgLL12 IIi FIiY POInT The Most Elegantly Equipped Hotel be JTeen Chicago and tho Pacltlo coast Capacity three times that of any other hotel G S HOLMES Prop SANTA FE ROUTr Rio Grando Western Colorado Midland Atchison Topeka Santa Fe Hallways THE ONLY LINE WHICH RUNS PULLman a PULL-man Palace Sleeping Cars between Ogden Salt Loko City nnd Chicago without chance and Pullman Palace Reclining Chair Cora between be-tween Ogden Salt Lake City Denver and Chicago Leave Ogden or Salt Lake City on the eYe slog train in order to Dec the moot beautlral scsnevy in America Train loaves Rio Grande Western Dapot Belt Laic City ti 823 p m H C BURNETT Central Agent Pss Department d05 DOOIiT BUILDING SAia Lana CUT UrUI Free Free AD7 poTson condlnc their ailirosn io cJthsr of tUo undersigned ageata eST Z THE CHICAGOJ MIL W AUKEE AIID ST PAUL Bill STEAMHEATED and ELECTRICTJGHT2D TRAINS DAILY trill bo nans FREE OF ClIAHGI 4 A STA cf the Unliad StJStes two fact tj ttuse la eio OB EC KEENE Commerc1d kctt UMa ALLEN Trar Ft aafl 2zea A fifr G3Q1J SsrlKR Block 111 ViI e 5C 1d izti i c Salt tafeo city OtsBu > f 1 > > BANK OF SALT LAKEX lame H Bnoon Foaldena H SI Bacon VlcoPresldent F L Holland Cashicj W B Holland GFJIERA1 1MTKlli BUSINESS TRANSACTED Unlimited capital to lend on improved im-proved roil estate Safe Deposit Boxes for rent Capita 100000 Surplus 40000 THE DESERET SAVINGS BANK Salt Lake City Utah DiiiECTons James V Little President Moses Thatcher VicePreaWent Kites A Smith Cashier Henry Dlnwoodey George IJomnsy James hap W W Riser John K Barnes John II Winder John C Cutler D H Peery Frank W Jennings E K Elflreiljjo Five per cent Interest paid on savings deposits compounded semiannually Ac counts solicited from one dollar upward L S Hills President Motet Thatcher Vice President II S Young Cashier I U 5 Deposit > ± yj i fflSFtE1 R T NATIONAL BANK Salt Lake City Utah CAPITAL 5500000 SURPLUS 500000 Sofely Cejoosit Bores for Rent Capital 300000 Surplus 50000 OoiiiRierGia ationai r Bank OF SUT LAKE CITY Cor 2nd South and Commercial Sts General Banking in All Its Branches Issues Certificates of Deposits payable en demand de-mand Roaring Interest It left a specified time bells Drafts and Bills of Exchange on all principal prin-cipal cities In the United States and Europe DIRECTORS Geo M Downey Prost T7 H Noble V Prsst Tbos Marshall I nCV P P H Auerbncn John J Daly O J Salisbury Woylon O Fox John W Donnellan Nnvrell Beemas Cashier NATIONAL BASK of the REPUBLIC Frank Knox President 3U C Kurrlcfc VicoPrestdeat Ed W DuzicanCanbier Capital paid In COOCOn Banking in all Ita branches transao to1 chance Crawn on the principal cities of Europe Interest oad ci imu deposits U TALKER vv BROTHERS9 BACKERS Established 1858 Snccessors to 7BS mm NA75QNAL BANK OF SAL LAKE CITY A Genera Banking Easiness Traas > acted actedWELLS WELLS FARGO AND BANK COS Salt Lake City Utah Established 1852 Transacts a General Banking Business J E DOOLY Cashier T R J ones AND COft ANY I BAN KERS SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Utah Commercial Savings = BANK = = GENErUIL flN1UNG BUSINESS Foreign and Domestic Exchange bought and sold I 5 per cent Interest paid on Savings De posits Compounded Four Times a Year I I ESTABLISHED iSM 5 iS-M Cornici Co BANKERS SALT LAKE CITY UTAH A General Banking Busings Transact I Collections Promptly muscle on AH xois M finn West and Northwo Careful attention liven to Consignments or CTJ und Bullion Exohanffe and Teleg apnlo Transfers on the principal Cittos of the United States and EnrooB PEINC1PJLL CGKIIESPOXDENTS Sew York Importers and Traders Ntfont1 Bank Kountze Brothers Chicago Commercial National Dank Ban FranciscoFirst National Bank OmahaOmahaNatlonal Bank Bt Louis National Bank of Commerce Kansas City National Book gic Kansas City First National Bank American National 3anr Denver Denver National Bank CIty Ntt13 J Bank Pneblo First National Bank Pcrflanil OregonFirst National flank donU3nl2 Bank Limlll j etI 111 B Ii SCl1ettler BANK2KG and BROKERAGE 60 South East Temple St Real Estate Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold Notary Work t 1t < iAILROAD AHNQUNCEK9E3TS 1o Fctllci sYEM 1M THE THROUGH Of pici0P CAR LI3E TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART AT SALT LAKE CITY DAILY AS FOLLOWS Effective October 7 1894 ARRIVE From all points east 310am From Butte Portland San Francisco Fran-cisco Cache Valley and Ogden1010 a m From all points east Park City and Ogden 420 prc From Salt Francisco Ogden and intermediate points 805 p m 1 From Milford Juab Provo San Pete and Eureka 610 p m I From Terminus and Tooolc 400 p m jI j I DEPART For Ogden Park City Pocatello and all points east 700a 111 For Ogden and Intermediate points ass am or Ogden intermediate points San Francisco and Cache Val I Fley points 2 < 0 p ra For Ogden all eastern points Butte Portland and San Fran niece 615 p m 1 For Eureka Provo Sanpete Val Jey Nephl Juab and Frisco 7 < 3 a ia For Tooelo anti Terminus 7S3 a m 1 Trains south of Juab run daily except Sunday 1 Runs dally except Sunday CITY TICKET OFFICE 201 MASH ST Through Pullman Palace Sleepers Latest Improved Tourist sleepers Free Keoliain Chair Cars Elejruttt Day Coaches Telephone No ISO D F BURLEY Genl Agt Pasiiongr Dept P II H Cunir 1 OLIVER W MISK I E KiinriY ANDKKSO Receivers Jon W Doa I ynzusmc K COUDEKT E DICKINSON E L LOMAX Gen Manager G P T Agt Rio jfiiii j 1JJSTERNA WBstBrn Scenic Line Standard Gauge Current Tinio Table ix EEEFCT NOV 1 189 LEAVE SALT LAKE No 2For Bingham Provo Grand Junction and all points east SOSant No tFor Provo Grand Junction and all points east 323 p iSt No GFor Sanpete Sevler and all intermediate points 230 p ni No 31101 Ogden and the westU59 t > m < I No IFor Ogden and the west 130 D m No SVor Eureka Payson Provo and all Intermediate points 00 pAR m p-AR VES SALT LAKE pfo 1 Fron Provo Grand June Otl7F and the E l20piHi No 3Erom Provo Grand June lion and the east ITSjp mj Nc From Provo Bin ham Sanpete Eureka and all intermediate in-termediate points 5 2Pm No 7From Eureka and Payson 9oo a m No 2From Ogden and the vest 7 50 ra No tFrom O26 > a and the west 815 p ra Only line lunum uuuuKh Pullman Palace Pal-ace sleeping cars Salt Lake to San Fran cllco gaIt Lake to Denver via Grand Junction and Salt Lake to Kansas City tnd Chicago via Colorado points Through transit or family sleepers without with-out change to Kansas City Chicago and Boston Free reclining chair cars Salt Lake td Denver Ticket Office 15 AY Second South StD St-D C Dodge A E Welbv J H Bennett CJ ° n Ater G PV Hen P < k T A S H Babcock Genl Freight Agent THE THEteer I Ill Rio UranUs BY THE LENIL LINE L OF O THE WORLD The only line running two Through Fast Trains daily to Leadville Aspen Pueblo Colorado Springs and Danver EFFECTIVE APRIL 2994 Train No 2 leaves Ogden < < 700 a ai Salt Lake b05 a in arrives at Pueblo 6ia a m Colorado Springs 715 a m Denver Den-ver 1030 a m Cripple Creek 950 a m Train Noi leaves Ogden 720 p in Salt Lake 82j p m arrives at Pueblo 626 p m Colorado Springs SOO p m Denver I Den-ver 1030 p m Connections made at Pueblo Colorado Springs and Denver with all lines east t Elegant day coaches chair cars and Pullman i Pull-man sleapers on all trains Take the D R G and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest scenery on the continent Shortest line to Cripple Creek Colorados great gold camp I A S HUGHES Traffic Men Denver CoLS 1 Col-S K HOOPER G P T A Denver CoL E F NEVINS General Agent H M GUSHING T P A SALT LAKE CITY m BEST LONE DENVER ovAA AND CHCGQ Secure your tickets ct 15 Wd Second South street W 1 1P1 IcMillans Gonl At Room 11 Over No 10 Vea > Second South Stre at |