Show FAVORABLE TO DEPOSITORS Judge Ollns Decision in the Stone City DUll Case Joliet I Nov 13 Judge Olin of tine County court has rendered a decision deci-sion favorable to tale depositors in the Stone City bank case which Involves several ttiundred thousand dollars Two ears ago the Joliet Enterprise Wire company failed and 3t pulled the Stone City bank down with i The case was carried into court tout every decision was against the depositors of the Stone City bank and they lave never received one cent Henry FIsh ant < his sons Charles George and fanning of the bank firm were indicted a year I ago and tried in the Will County circuit cir-cuit for receiving money on deposit when they were insolvent and Jute Blanchard rule that they ran i savings sav-ings bank and were not insolvent and they escaped the penitentiary The Joliet Enterprise Wire olet company gave notes for 196000 to purchase wire These notes were endorsed by Henry Fish Sons as the Stone City bank and when it was decided that tOre Stone City bank was a savings institution the depositors pushed their cases to Slave the Joliet Enterprise notes set aside but Judge Olins decision allowed the indorsement to stand and the Joliet Enterprise company creditors ant depositors de-positors of the Stone City bank will come in on an even basis |