Show Political Montgomery Ala iTbere in no opposition whatever to the Democrats Dem-ocrats on the Slate ticket and very ocr of little of a par y character in any oantests In consequence the couny there is no excite sequence ment except where candidates were running in csuntes that made no nominations and these were many runs local issues of the Democrats brought out a fair vote The hottest vote was in Mobile between the I Democratic nominees and the Independent ticket and in Birmingham Bir-mingham between the Democrats and a combination of Republicans Thoee to and greenbacktrs points were the battle grounds of the State Not half a dozen Republican Repub-lican legislative candidates were of running in the State The vote CCA tl demo Ce t about 1800 all this was Liwvy HWU14B LU1O city nCO u crats and there was no opposition Lexington Ky 4 The election resulted In today wa1 orderly and majority for a Democratic Sheriff At the court house between Geo Stewart a dispute arose Democrat and J U Geers a Republican lican resulting in Geer shooting Stewart through the head killing him instantly Another row occurred between Jack Cleary and Dick Murphy in which Cleary was diol = embowled and has since died Thi 3 3nU emS esulted from an old diflicnity n the result cf the In election was no way I |