Show l I rf I DUE gas engine Turpine and Cylinder presses are Oil If I ltI1 I I Jun from with G F Culmer Bros It is Li f I used the most perfect lubricator we ever t 11 HENRY DINWOODEY has jut received re-ceived taree more carloads of furniture fur-niture and will sell cheap t Ga to Chas K Bowring for all kinds of decorating and paper hangIng hang-Ing Old Constitution building 34 COLD Main street If OLD Honest nand Star Tobaccos To-baccos are the best plugs Try them at G F Culmer Bros t OUR Summer Silks are markea l down so low as to make them pre 11 erable to wash materials P AtTEUBACU Bno Young Men Read This THE VOLTAIC BELT Co of Marshall Mar-shall Mich offer to sendtheir celebrated cele-brated EiECTBOVoLTAio BEL and other EMCTBK APPUANCE on trial for thirty days to men young or old afflicted wIth nervous debility loss of vitality and manhood man-hood and all kindred troubles Also for rheumatism neuralgia paralysis Com sis and many other diseases restoration to health vigor and plete manhood guaranteed No risk Is trial i as thirty days incurred allowed Write them at once for Illustrated pamphlet free Dr Frazier s Boot Bitters Fraziers Boot Bitters are not a dram shop beverage but are strictly medicinal in every sense They act strongly upon the Liver and Kid keep the bowels open and neys heal regular make the weak strong > > and the lungs build up the nerves eleanse the blood ana nyntem of every Impurity Bold by druggists S10U Great Annual Clearance Sale All Summer Clothing Straw Hats and Underwear Alpaca Coats and Dusters White Linen and Marseilles Vests will be sold at half he prevailing prices at f L GoLDBEHOa Genuine Sure Pop DEATH to all insect whether ic the house or out of doors at H DlNWOODEYfi L Japanese Paper Napkins at Bed And all aorta of Stationery Pembrokes 50 Mali at RockiPrices t Btre t iC t T James E Foote Is representing A H Andrews s Coof Chicago the largest manufactory manu-factory in the world of School and Church Furniture and Office Desks Opera Chairs Bank Fittings FoldIng Fold-Ing Beds and Wood Mantles Globes Maps Black Boards School Apparatus Ap-paratus Etc Office and Sample C Room 141 South Main Street 1 You are Interested Yourself families We are prepared to sell to Call lies at the Occidental Pure Wines at reduced forma and Imported duced prices The best of Liquors You on hand tad Cigars always trial vill become convinced by a ATJEB 85 MTJEPHY Proprs What are the desirable qualities It must be convenient in a whisfter dye to to apply venient to use eusy possible to rub off elegant in appearance and cheap In price pearance Dye for the Whiskers Buckinghams merits kers unites In Itself all these C Try It To Our Patrons THE HERALD will not be responsibly re-sponsibly for debts contracted by Parties extending its employes of any tending credit must look to the individuals indi-viduals for payment and not aSO of with those O elae such accounts t the HEKAUJ REAL BARGAINS In Parasols at f ATJERBACfl3 0 First Eastern Oysters I Just received by t COFFEE JaIL Two secondhand Pianos R rell bargains at GEO CAEELESS C03 33 W First South street House Cleaning Sale Co To make TOO Goldsmith of way iiI for fall stock now on the offer the balance of ourdprvngMj stock of Mens Yontni Summer and Childrens Clothing Boys all C prices that will astonish at and secure bargains CO tioLDsjnrnot t tiOLDNITII Take Notice to bring yoUt j the time is Now Collowlng Ol10 The folioj friends from Europe ever otIe1 are the lowest rates Liverpool aD emigrants From rro 563 > > J London to Salt Lake Lsk tt Sa1tL Germaay and Paris ton Kraft 568 from all points 70 Information Sweden and Denmarfe bY furnished free w mation J Al Agent 80889 Slt 67 Third South streetBOX t Lake City I 1 |