Show Sunday school teacher What has our lesson today taught us Little boyUThat we must shun evil n Teacher But we are told that money is the root of all tvil Now what further doe the lesson teach Litfe boYThat we must shun the evil to grab the root Judge UIf that man dont atop disturbing us with that coughing Ill fine him 810 Response Jedge Ill be willing to pay 820 to have that cough stopped If you can do it for 810 better get oft the bench and go to practicing medicine medi-cine Theres money in itl Jedge money In it Walter Davidge in a Washing ton court the other day listened patiently for an hour or so to to the tiresome argument of the opposing counsel Your honor said the latter toward the end of hIs argument argu-ment I have an idea Your honor broke In Davidge give him a writ of habeas corpus to take It out of solitary confinement After all the bean pole Is more useful to this country than the North Pole Philadelphia Chron I3le |