Show BULL10N ORE M RtflCT i I II Latest Quotations byMcCoamCK Co Daily by cwrfcted 1 SILVER York SI 1O3 per ounce Ia Fefi 1 07X Lake In SSlt LEAD S3 60 per ICOlbs In New York 85 00 per ton Ss Lske ore nisspef In Stilt II bullion I 38 00 I COMMERCIAL Stocks and Other Markets 1lnlDr Utah Wool AuatisT 8 SALT LAKE condition 12 to 11 White spring in good lltol2 LI poor 12 Black spring Rood l condition 12 to 13 nol iam ba White fall a 8 to 10 Arizona Tool Boston Wool demand actVe Boston 8Wool 18 to 23 Unwashed 19 to 36 pun Philadelphia Wool 8 Wonl 6t8ay firm PhilsdelpbU XX and Ohio Pat and WVa S3 to 85 above 32 to 33 Extra 33 tO 80 Medium 28 to 35 GoaTEe Indiana and N Y MicbiJan 29 to 81 Wcstern fine 88 toS Medium 281030 Uoerae delSne 28 to 84 T7Mbed combing Bnd 28 to 87 Tub Waahed tond delaice 23 to 25 Unwashed combing 16 to 23 Oregon 25to28 Pulled Bullion silver 10 sBat New York Market Money eaaylH to 2 8Money New York closed offered 1 53 to 63 Exchange Prime mercantile BillsFirm paper 12k demand 14Y4 Wall Strcet Stocks lower New New York 8Stocks from 108 to 1065i Central fell oft York Oen decline The re on London ceiling ranged 4 to 2 New I aiiinder Jersey Oenxicl of the list exceptionally ran firm and roe 1 declined after 11 but toward HoonStcck8 midday became firmer and ad I 1A to 1 vanced 4 > U advance early Stocks etrons ecnem buying whicn brought good dealine to cover richtaned shorts wio advance began of 3 o2J I Tnis resulted in an strong I Market closed railways strong lts firm Governments lower on reports Stocks oocnea h avy account The deCline of lelling for foreign York Cn cline ranked H to 3j Michigan Hew Central LTke Shore tral Lske u led downward move Pacificled and Union Pacific due to free sales for short ment weaknasedue inclining to belief that account Bears had spent us t the upward movement encouraged this belief force Bulla have to secure large shrrt and have worked successful in this having been interest market this alternoon they turned the alarmed at the sharp Shorts became the better and made aneflort change for however were 1 J to cover offerings succeeded in they and light little stock On way up but acquiring nt in prices from lowest improvement ed H to 1 Market of day ranged point Compared with 1 closed tt or near outside Central 5 Jersey latt nights closing St Paul 2K North per cent higher 1H Reading Lackawanna western 1 Pacific Preferred 1J and 1J Northern H to 1 per cent other active Central shares Hew York Central Michigan Delaware Hudson and Texas however I how-ever ate H 1 and Ji lower New York Mining Stocks sTbe mining market 8 New York during the I wis practically included neglected Con Pacific I Sales forenoon pit 52 Sutro Tunnel 16 Arule 6 Grand Prize 42 pry Goods 230 2ib J f L B B220J 235j 245B 2Mb j MM S Nevadft240a 270 2Ji 280 H Ii N285I 260s 285s 280b 285 Chollar 310g 320j SKsSSOs 340a3453 3 a 345b 886Js tie 83is 185b 190a 180s 185s Potosi 170s 13ii Savageh Ib 10ia Alla240s 2i5s 2Hs 245b 2ia Utah IJb Union 190s 195s 193s BmlionSOs 6Db 7010 Mono 60b Navajo 65b Byndirate40b Jacket210b Bodie 19Db 2a Benton45b Ma Scorpion 35b 40s Andes b301 Bichequer 45b Ma Alpnv135b Adjourned ods imports for Dry goods New York 8Dry g i the week 3234000 > t r TMorulnc BailroaO Stocks t New York 8 f 0 Pac Prefd 51 QovernrnenU 100iNorthwestern 101 3s NY C M S53 4 N 8 19 0 4s 15 TransPacific Oregon 25 6s Pacific 4l Mail Pacific 39 Central Pac 9i Wells Fargo 4 8t Panama L S F 13 63 Western Union Pacific 42M Union OBQ 18 fccific 125 ed NorthPftCiSc 2lJi Texas New York Petroleum New York 8Petroleum quiet 79 Chicago Markets Wheat weak lower 79H 8 Chicago 81 September 80 to cash August KZ1A October 832 November 52 Corn Lower 622 cash August September fll3 October Oats Lowr 26s August 252 September Sep-tember 24J year Whisky 10 Railroad StockS New York 8 cloae Micb C ntral 63 Governments 100 Nor Pacific 21 S8 N Pacific pfd 01 12 4e coupons 23 4s 197 Northwestern Pac 953 25 New York 0 8X 81 Navlg Express 92 Oregon Am 15 Can Pan 453i Transcontlnen 18 Can Southern S6 Oreg 1m Co Den Pacific 40 Pacific MalL 48 O Q 18 Panama 98 Lacklwanna 12 Rock Island 13 DRG 1tStPau1 85 15 Tens Pacific 18i ErIe H St Joe 3S1 UnioD Plicific 44 Kansas Tex 187 United Static 52 Lake 3hore 82 W FnrjO ex 4 64X L N 34 W Union AfternoonWheat lower 79 > i August Aug-ust 80 Sent mbPT Corn Easier 52i August 62J September Sep-tember Oats Lowar 26 August 25Ji September Sep-tember RyeS Quiet 61 Barles Firm X higher 663i September Septem-ber Pork No trading Lard Lower 7 40 Peptember Bulb Menta Fair demand shoulders 6 20 abort ribs 8 75 short clear 935 Whisky 10 San FrancIlco StockS Ban FrancIsco S 2 Martin White 15 Alta Mexican 2 1 Be1cher 8 NAvajo 27 B B 13i Bodle Con 2 Opbir PetoE IH California10 1 8 Savage OboUar 55 Sietra Novado 2 ConPacific55 Union Con 1 Coo 13i Utah UrownPojnt 1 12 I ttt3ro 0 Yel1o ack t 27 d H N 75 AdJonrne Streets and Board San jjrancieco 8 Slreels Oahir 145i 145b lHa Mexfciti 22QB 220D G 0230 > 2is 2353 2b Market rdve Stock Chicago Chicago 8HolIsRceipts 15500 best 5 to 10 lower rough tteidy on Ite and ship 530 to 570 packing packing 610 light > 40 to 625 ping 570 to CattleReceipts 8500 lancy cattle chipping firm 700 to 7 35 Rood to choice ping 610 to 6 50 common to medium 575 stackers 3 00 to 425 feeders 4 65 to 5 f to 10 lower 490 Texans 4 30 to grass 4 65 1001 I pounds 375 to to 700 She pReceips 2800 25 o 50 lower Sheep owl inferior to fair 2 50 to 300 per choice to ex medium to god 3 25 to 400 Texas sheep 2 50 to 4 00 tra 4tO to 6 45 xas Foreign Markets Lirerpol 8 Weather favorable Wheat Dull 7a7d to 7e 9d rea winter win-ter 7 5d to 7s7d fpring 7 5d to 7s7d Corn Dull easier 6a5d |