Show The Cmrfeir Beestablished Y SdtorsSerali It would seem from the percent efforts at home and at Washing 1 to not incorporate or to dtsincorpoN ate was to produse a chaos in Utah There are a great many outlYing towns in Utah having no Oittra tomeet and redress growing aid late evile Hoodlumism PIt Bents features of grave important 1 for the meagre nnsatisfactory duty constble I l of magistrate and co In findm eager executive and m one pmceit Is said thirty men in turn patrol ths streets at night and arrest night prowlers after curfew time 10 ptla P If such a law could be had sj avow Kanab in this Territory sails that afflict many of oar town would be obviated 1 am not i fa favor of Alpine city size corpora ions but something that wooli give enlarged ecope to suppress th i wildness ot the untamed but til dare net hope such powers to U granted I Another evil could under sucb aa act of incorporation DO met aui remedied Under an ancient ati then welltimed arrangement ra < vast hay meadows were divided k give each and all some hay lcd subsequently these have bw covered by preemptions and hOlIto steads innumerable roads or wag tracks cut ui these meadow nn i the eettlers desire to close o to lines S3M iiieee I now UIULlHIIt eat and destructive tracks but t who use these tracks fc persons dele about two weeks in a year mine each for himel it is aputlJ road and must not be closed W shall under our present regime teroiine this vexed and vex question 1 The County Court only divide its county into road d tricts for work the county uj r i 5 and ill 1 rnmmlB oner can iCy out termine pabl c highways ito tracks to which I refer are by means highways Or under con aognizaBce These and a hundred qUetit equanimity audit t disturb our body to oelerII Ta organized is no a power in the To had we Now SJthat would not veto every rf tory human thing in IncorpanJ and might hofe fur a remedy te i we faced Lt t future but we are near arni 1 evidence an am BoiI fact by solid that will produce chaos In > i that thG desirable most de is of a1 thingi anincreaeclimj averse to an Increaeofu1 I am but when its compznstfw tion ltn peaceprotectinnandte increased Irom tbe state itt immunity referred to and Its cnriTE town power the spiritual forced by that tk a power aloud against wholesome precautit to veto ens I Dl I I measures for good I f |