Show j 11 ecia1 isement SALE Olty about the Like Ehlln be in Salt large and superior 1 witb C August 6ucks aleo a i I 16th of Merino Called of Spsniah Frerch IInd Spanish i I llt of the WI1 2dL1eaeon I cro5 lomia railed Wblch Ththi tfiisE1 t sbly SfRAYKD with three Hone brown Work forehead Alan e white star in white faet end rewarded by leavinlZ at The finder will be t DarEt Vanhorne I FOUND street between South In the Third streetl one yearling FlJurth Fifth aud East Marked with tar on Sheep white The owner back and legli tied together chr2ee L V paying 1 have it by Store Third South Old won aylors and Fifth Bart Creels t Fourth btweefl FOR RENT OR SALE Work Shqp and good Very cheap a the Continental HotelS Hotel-S opposite to Armstrong Butterfield Comer Kimball Block LOST 1 at Black Rock a last On Thursday and Tan Dog with t crippled hind i Black The to the name of Dot I leg Anlwer8 saitably rewarded by leav finder will be 68 Commercial etreet ° log him at No SPLENDID CHANCE near the centre The flneet water power fails capable nf Salt Like a Oily ten or never eleven hone power I I of For driving Sale by BOCKHOLT CxmMiSQS July 17th 1884 LOST with three etUnn Ring A Diamond be suitably rewarded by The ndor will + I levinll at this office 1 FOR RENT Furnished Booms with all c Elegantly conyeniencee in suites and modem co Building 72 tingle tt the Thompson TS W Second South street DEiNTlST lalely contiected with Seytor B J Aukin hss removed to R Van Dr J 1 New Building where he is I the prepared HEEALD to do all kinds of Dental work I Satisfaction zaaranteed E R CLUTE GENERAL I TRANSFER Agent to and from all depots experiencEd experi-encEd Drayman satisfaction guaranteed Stabd Jennings Sons and Remington t Johnson Go E B Clute ACCIDENT Coal oil fluid and glassware cheap store four doors west of Pioneer Lamp t Theatre T DENTIST opooMta F C NicholB Dentist Office Walker House over Seabury John one drug store Anesthetics given + Telephone in office QKOKERS mJSiKMNN 9 COD CO-D Office in No 261 Union Block Main street opposite theOverland House First Floor room No 2 Loans made Jewelry Diamonds and Watches etc on Railroad tickets bought and sold Unredeemed pledges sold at very low ates Business strictly confidential t 1UFTS d MYSTKOM We hare on unniually heavy stock of Wine Liquor and Cigars THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST BEER ALWAYS FIRST CLASS Salt Cake City Beer Unlit 109 MA1K STREET WOOL GR01VERS I r REFINED SULPHUR 1 By tbe Car Load I Can be outlined from the Bnlphnr Worki mar Oove Creek tttah For information address ad-dress FEBDDIOKERT yO BaltLako City Vials AD COULD AGENT FOB a ROCK SPRNGS a ReD LCANYON 3J1 i Ite and Pleasant Vallev Coal BOCK SPBCxGd oJ Dtiterei 57 00 per ton f AtYOflL 6 60 I U1 U1nl WEBER nl I Delivered S3 00 per ton At Tardm M 5 50 ja1l I RED CANTON Deuvercd Tlt cj gQ per ton At Yard 4 00 I PLEASANT VALLEY u 25 per tot At Yard > = 7r rm7rrrij75 OAR LOAD LOTSAT YARD Rock Bprtngt SB 0 g Water 5 JN Bed Canjoc 3 50 Heiunt Va11erM M V I 5 E HotelslKoBtasrants Etc WHITE I HOUSE 1BS3T 71MILT HOTEL Main Street Salt Lake City 0Ratet915Oto82OO per diy bpeclal Catei by the week or month ATIGUffTUS PODLEOH Proprietor ST JAMES HOTEL MAIN STREET A REENWALD Proprietor FIRSTGLASS PAMIL1 HOTEL 818 THE METROPOLITAN I I Cor Weft Temple and Third South Streets Salt Lake City New Brick and NowlylFornished Flntelasa and well ventilated rooms large Sample and Booms for Commercial Travelers EVTESt S3 aad S35O per Day Q Special Katetbythe Week BBCHTOL Ic RYAN Prose GLIFT HOUSES 4sp S C EWING Proprietor Main Street Salt Lake City rates Rates per day 2 Special by week or month FIRSTSLASSSAWPLE ROOM I ONGROUND FLOOR 1e3 PETERSONS MEAT MARKET I J W WEST BUT JHER1 KAC8AGE A SPECIALTY FamIly Trade Solicited Order by TOt phone StW FIRST SOUTH lET flOOKHOIT ttIMMING UOOKHOL UMMING BOOKHOLT I UMMING LIOOKHOL UMMING I OFFICE IS THE HERALD BLOCK Opposite North Continental Hotel Salt Lake Oily Utah SEARCHERS OF TITLES OF REAL ESTATE I And of other Records LOANS NEGOTIATED On Reasonable Terms LEGAL PAPERS Carefully Drawn COMPANIES INCORPORATED Wills Drawn and Probated SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES Of Deceased Parsons specially solicited Applications for Divorce and Alimony conducted lID u S S S Rented and Accounta Collected Col-lected WATER RIGHTS OlffiR STOCKS Territorial jand Connty Scrip Marketed J BOCKHOlT CUMMINGS THE HERALD BLOCK J Banking U8 BEFOSITAKY C DESERET NATIONAL BANK SALT LAKE CITY I I Paid in Capita2flOOOQ Surplus 200000 R S Et gePrealdent 1 Wm Jeaninga Vice Frest I 1 Feramon Little I John SharpS rDirectors Wm W Ritor IIi I-Ii B Hills Cashier I I Jag T Little Aiat Cashier 4 4 S Receives Deposits Payable en Demand Buys and Sells Exchange on New York San Francisco Chicago St Louis Omaha London and Principal Continental Conti-nental Cities Slakes Collections Remitting Proceeds pro-ceeds Promptly 1CORN1CK GO BAN E SALT LAZE CITY UTAH Transact a General Banking i Business Careful attention given to the Sale of I Ores and Bullion We solicit Con lignmentg guaranteeing the Highest Market Prices Collections made with prompt returns at lowest rates Execute Orders for Purchase or Sale ol Stocks and Bonds at New York and San Francisco We Sell Exchange and Telegraph Transfers on Leading ciltleg of the United States tuo Furnish Sight Drafts or Remit Fonda to London Dublin Berlin Copenhagen Parts Stockholm and all other Prominent Points in Europe at Lowest Rates of tExcha ge Certificate of Deposit Issue Payable on Demand AoilTo Accounts Solicited COPBE5PON DENTS NEW TOBK Importers and Traders Ha i tional Bank Eoantxe Brothers ODICAGO Commercial National Bank SAN FBANCISOO Firit National Gold Bank OMAHA Omaba National Bank ST LOUI5Statcl Saying Association rom TaYLOR B E sanrrrt Pretideat Aut Cashier ZIONS SAVINS BANK AND I TRij8T I1O1PANY STREET No 53 EASV TEMPLE DOES A CENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Pays 5 per cent interest on Savings I Deposits I MONEY TO LOAN On Approved Securities at Low Rates of Interest SALT LAKE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY Tl PIERPONT Superintendent Office and Woiks One Block South of Utah Central Railway Depot Manufacturers Stationary and Toil able Steam Engines and Boilers Mining and Hoisting Machinery Saw Mills Shafting Hangers Pulleys etc Boiler and Tank Work of all Kinds Made to Order Castings in Iran Copper and Brass Wrought and Cast Iron Woik for Builders Iron Fronts Columns Lintels Sill Plates Grating etc etc J A DIYNES to News Dealers MiD GENERAL AGENTS I rT1LL OPEN ho5E OF THOSE FINE WILL In the HERALD NEW BUItDINO About MAY REST with a care fully sslecte Stock of Pooks Stationery Periodicals Magazines American ant English Newspapers etc choice assortment of CiRftn Tobaccos Also a baccos and a general line of Smokers Articles Will receive subscriptions for all Publications Special attention paid to orders for English Newspapers We have the agency for Enlarging Photographs in Oil or Water Colon and will guarantee firstclass work at reasonable figures We solicit a share of public patronage and will endeavor to gIve general satisfaction satis-faction Orders by mail promptly attended to Addreis P 0 Box 1074 Salt Lake a18 City I n r S Miscellaneous p XA JXTC > S 1lER AT D 0 CALDBRS r MUSIC PALACE ft taatt flat Bite Ills Best Grades of ROLLER PROCESS FLOUR I D RANDS HIGH PATENTS STRAIGHT BRANDS all warranted as good as any made blush UtahIhe Highest Cash Price paid for Good I Wheat Telephone tot the Mills So lOP Office Idaho Btkery No 20 Second South Street B G HUSLER Prop USUAL NOTICE t In the Probate Court in and for Sal Lake County t Utah Territory In the tfliUerof the Estate of Andrew Burt deceased j I I TT APPEARING TO THE PAID COURT IT bythe petition of B Y llamptqn and Joseph W Burt Administrators estate of Andrew Bart deceased herein filed praying for an order of sale of real eaUte letting forth that ttll necessary to tell the whole or some portion ofthe real estate belonging be-longing to said deceased to pay the debts outstanding against the laid estate and debts expense and charges of admlniitra tlon It Ii therefore ordered by the laid Court that all person interested in the estate oi the Bald deceased appear before tho said Probate Court on Tuesday the 12th day of August ADl SlatlO oclock am at the court roam of the laid Probate Court In the Connty Ccnrthouso in said City and County of Salt Late to show Cause why an order should not be made to tho aid AdmiDiatra tori to sell all or so much of the rial estate ol the laid deceased as shall bo necessary It is further ordoied that a cop of this order or-der be published in the SILT LIKE DAILY HLRALa a new p1Jer printed and published in Said City ana Connty lent ten days before be-fore said 12ttt day of August ItSl Dated Jo371811 > 18UELIAS A SMITH 1rotmto JuJte TiisiiOBY or UTAH 1 IS County ol Salt Lose J I JoaN C CUTLER Clerk of the Probate Court Island for the County of Halt Lake in the Territory of Utah do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full true and correct oopy ot the order appointing time to hear petition to sell real estate io the estte of Andrew Burt deceased as appeara of record in my office o clIc WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto let my hand and affixed atAri The seal ol laid Court this 31st day 01 JIJJ AD1ft81 OaN C CtI LtR ii3f J Piqoaie Clerk 1 fly ALL ODDS THE EST EQUIPPED RAILROAD IN THE WORLD that the Let It b8 forever remembered C CHC1GO NnRTHWESTB RAtL Y best and shortest route to and from Is the and Council Bluffs Omaha and that It Chicago is preferred by all well posted traveler when passing to or from CALIFORNIA AND COLORADO It lea operate tie bait route and the short line between Chicago and 81 t Pam and MUmcaDollS Milwaukee La Crosie Sparta Madiion Foil Howard Green Bay swarts Wlnona Owa tonna Mankato litton Cedar Rapids Di Moines Webster City AJROna Clinton Mar ghalltown Iowa Freeport Elgin Rockford local station its IIL are amongst its 800 on Ifaes of m Among a few of tho nomorons points cerlonty enjoyed J by tho patrons of this road lgb fcIc are 1U DAY COACHES which are the finest that human art and ingenuity can create i its PALATIAL BLEEPING OARS which are models comfort and elegance Hi PALACE 8fMn i1 lfr = DSAWINQ ROOM CABS which are unrar pasied by any and lit widely cslsbratod NORTHWESTERN DINING CARS The like of whim are not run fey any other road anywhere In short it is averted that it Ii THE BEST EQUIPPED ROAD IN THE WORLD All points Interest north northwest and I Chicago btuinesj centres summer west ot lJUi d t I resortS md noted hunting and fishing ate accessible by tho various branohea groundJl1Ie oTOriOl ofthiarotd It owns andcontroUotor miles of mod and baa over < 00 passenger conductors constantly caring for its millions ofpatrm tickets via thta ekyoar ticket o ent tor t1f Y OW B route AND TAKE NONE OTHER All ro eadingUekeilgents sell then It coats no eadins to travel on this route that gives rat more aia acoonunodations thin it does to go bj e poorly equipped roads descriptive circulars and summer For maps other information not ob atoll papers or write to the at your local ticket office ainable your QENL PASS AT C djYT72iT S l CHIOA80 HT W A LIPS MAV1BJO IBEsEPiT Mr M E Allison Hut hlnaont Kiln Saved his life by simple Trial Bottle of Dr Kings New Dla Consumption which for oovery bottle a large caused him to procure cured him whet that completely ant of climate Changs Doctors everything else hsdlalled Asthma Bronchitis Hoarseness Revere Coughs and all Throat and Lung to care It is guaranteed diseases Trial Bottles free at Z 0 M L Drai 1 Store Large siss 1100 i i J l t r Railroads Ill RYABA RAILWAY On and after WEDNESDAY JUNE 4rn 1884 i The mh and Nevada Railway Company Com-pany will run their trains as follows Sundays excepted Standard Jloantala line Leave Salt Lake City SiII ain 4 Garfield 1000 C Tooels 1110 I Arrive at Terminus 1WO It Leave Terminus ISO pm 4 Tooele 180 < < Qarflold 230 Arrive BaltLake City 345 t I THE BATHING TRAIN Will leave Salt Lake City Sundays exCepted ex-cepted for the Lake at fUO pm returning arrive at 830 pm SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Salt Lake City for Black Bock and OutSold oirfy at 10 a m and 4 80 pm returning re-turning arrive at 2so and 800 pm FARE To Black Book and Gar e1d and rl tuiu on all Trains 60o l Children between S and 10 years of age 25a rvpeclal Rates given to Sunday Bchoob Societies eta No freight will be received alter 4 p mi B F Fenton W W RITER lien IVt and Pass AEU 1 Unpt SALT LAKE WESTERN RY On and alter THURSDAY MAY 1ST 1884 Trains will run as follows STANDARD MOtTHTAlK TIME Lean Lehl Junction at 845 a m Codar Fort aL 950 Bush Valley at 10 56 1145 l 1 DoremusaC I Ironton cc 1120 pm M Arrive at Silver City at 1240 II Leave Silver OUr atm 100 p m II IrontoD 130 Doremua at 225 Rush Valley at 3X0 Cedar Fort It 400 JArrlve at Lab Junction at 610 Oonnecti with Utah Central train leavln Bait Lake at 730 a m Connects with Utah Central train arriving at Bait Lake at 630 p m W i V R1TEB ttartl Suet F Crowton Son RUBBER ROOFING I I u UflBER HOOFING PUT ON BY THE RUBBER also all r BOUTO or sold by the Square and kinds of MtTAL HOOFING repaired painted with SLATE ROOFING PAINT Also PLUMBING SASFITTING Steam Pipes and Boilers covered to save fuel F CROWTON 8 RON I No 12 E Third South St P O Box 956 SALT LAKE CiTY jell Dr P SJEIPIW SPEOIALIST Former Partner IDIR miHSTTIIE SAN FRANCISCO No 2vJl Main St opp Overland House in Union Block RoomJ No 1 FIrst floor Can bo consulted daily from V oclock to 12 oclock am and from 2 to 6 oclock pm Sundays from 10 am to 1 He bashed twentyfive years experience pm of all rience in tho special treatment penance Venereal Sexual and Chronic Diseases and guarantees to cure all urinary gu Syphilitic or Mercurial Affections Diseases factions of the Throat Skin Bones NERVOUS DEBILITY Impotency or and Lost Manhood exhausted Vitality Seminal Weakne Spermator rhoea Paralysis and ell the terrible effects of BolfA use youthful lies and ex cerseatnmaureryeara Nocturnal Emission ceases sion the effects of whicn are various maddening and destructive to both body and mind and unless cured will er minata fatally The presence of the disease causes a continual consciousness of a slow and gradual decay of all the power of body and mind with lois of manly power and vigor defective mem apart affections loss ot sight noises ory in the head and ears confusion of ideas aversion to society excessive prostration trembling of tho hands and limb consumption derangement sumption marasmus and ultimate rangement of the mind The will power becomes so weak that tho person Beams I to lose control of himself and cannot It also causes look one squares ia the face rru Dyspepsia and Indigestion with Hear i and Kidney Disease I Tapeworm Expelled In 24 Hours I PILES Treated and Cured Bucceasiully Consultation at the office to TEEE and ad Thorough examination and invited including analysis of urine SS vice Come at oncedo iot put It cfl All correspondence strictly confidential JWSIMPSON1 A New InvoIce of PUNCH LEDAw AND ANDOBCU81 C I GELEs VThlsa we will lell to the Trade at the very Lowest figures A Full LIne Clcimillg i r Geiirl S pli5 v < Miscellaneous rEr = C i 1 i1 I I 1 j1 = q ott ii I j 1 U f f 11 li MARK McKlMMINS I j f 4 LIVERY FEED STABLES J tt 1 j The Finest Baronohea and Carrlcgca lara i 1 4i ° la-ra Nos223 2to and 230 Main dt n9 V II t IIPi S i PiT EIDfeSS Pi-T A A R tiIBr SS iRI j w Office Nom Main street first dear north of J Barratt Bra Telephone No 142 i t it Ie t i ti I Package Transfer and Esonrsfca Wagons J I 1 r always In readiness Moving Pianos Cleans Cl-eans and Furaltnre a Bpeealtr I t f Rave tie flaest fourlnhand Wagon that f 1 1 1 was ever brought to this country S f f Are prepared for any feed parties i I r t 1 Tourist will do well to call on the Stat i 1 11 Express I I f t Orders byTelathoM receive prompt atten fl I 1 I tioa I h H EDGERLT J 1715 Sole Pro r1etor i I i i I It 11 I STANDARD VARNISH WORKS j I I J i D ROSENBERG A SONS I t 11 1 I t b 1 NEWYORECR10800 I NEWYOKK Standard CaITlaue VaIJl S 1 I i I U 4 j j f II I Jt1 t for Sale bv r 5 f if I L I J SEARS LIDDLE I I l i J Salt Lake City Utah aol I f t I U = F I jjU H NRY WAGNER f SALT LALE CITY 1 A CALIFORNIA BREWERY i i q f teger Beer Ale and Potter 1 I I Wholesale md Betail i j i Pecond South Street Three doors aaal C from Main Street 11 CITY DRUG STORE H 1 lilt I Ii t A C SDllTH 10 < < 1 1 II Ii 1 u I I PROPRIETORS JI I j I Corner Main and Second South Street OLD ELEPHANT CORNER 1 j H l F J tillS t PRESCRIPTION PHI till-S I j I 1 i i t I Pure Drugs i r I Patent Medicines Jr Toilet Articles i tt 1 ND SVERTTHINQ IOUND IK A 1 I L f FIBSKUSSJMJB STORE I r I 1 ° REBClPTIOfla FILL At All Hours of the Dy or Night t by Competent Pharmacist f 11J I WHOLESALE ORDERS Ii Priced u low as any Druo use In th n Te rltory i I t i I I i 1 Hft BEAOQrARTEJlS t rv FOB t DIAMONDS i IVF r WA1CHES li JWLRY AND I II SILVERWARE iJ I < j t1 JI i JOSLINpARK It IjfI t 150 East Temple St 1 + L i < j tfh SALIT IJ1EE i lF 11 1 II r 1 I a 1 Ordera by Mall will receive Prompt Atten j fif I ties l f i l1t r tl I t NEW LDMBEE YARD i t iett T I a B SELLS I At the 1 Pioneer XiBsrioer Jar 11 Of ABMBlBONQ A EAQ1EX I FIRST CUTH STREET Opposlt Uth Ward MM tog HOCK I HSTAIL i lftr U WHOLESA1B AND LUMBER ALLJGKADES t i OondIUnlin part of Flooring BeatJne l ltlse f Roofins Ceiling Fitketa Lab SUnrlaa t Pt UoMln Joilt Doors Window Tranion I rt which will be sold cheap 1 t 1 1 ri i ti tt |