Show F i W lKER RHOS f BAN KE jS I Established 1859 DEALKEJ a EXCHANGE COIN and BULLION t We drny JSxchango oa tho following leading Cities Europe GREAT BFMTAiH AriD IRSIAHD London Belfast Dublin Etlialmrjc and Glasgow SWITZERLAND BEle Seine Genera Lasrcno LsjSiiee Zurich and Yevey J FRAKCE Bordcaas Bisitr Cayenne Boaloeao Ilnoc Lyons and Paris BtLCIUM S Antwerp Brass els Lazsmbarr t 1 v HOLLAND i Anvtordsin ani Rotterdam I NORAY I Cit H Bergen Throndisjo21 scd Stsveneor SWEDEN i S Gothenburg Stockholm and Mslme S OEKK1AR51 S > Copsnhacca I ITALY 1 Florence Ger i < sshorn Milan jpIO 1 Palermo Heine Tnria Vaaiee S RUSS Bt Peicreburz SPAIK f I 0liz SlaSrid and Seville ro S It PORTUGAL IiJsbsa and Oporto s T AUSTRIA Cailsbad Prague t Pcsth Trieste Vienna WIen and S S fcUL VRE GERMAN BTATES I rfAMEEIOAN COBEESPOKDEHTS Importers and Trader Uaw York I ational Bank I Union Trust Co S chicago First National Bank St LOUIB State Savings Association Omaha Omah National Bank StCB IfrRn Pirat National Gold Bsn 811 Bran Bk British Horth America U S5 DEPOgJrTABY t IESHET NITIOUL Bill K SALT LAKE OITY Ir i 5 Paid in Capita 200000 i Surplus 50000 r WMli UOOPSBrrejiaaat v US KLUKEDQE Viee Pros 11 ViiJBNiJINGS 1 I fe i FKllAMOKZ LEITLS V Directors JOHNSUARP NICHOLAS QROSSBBOK I L th 1IIL 3 Csdnar j IttIY S PfiTS PAYAEtE CS CEKAHB i Bars nail Sails Bxchasso on NeW York SanS San-S franoiseo CLicaca St Loul Omaha LooJon sni prieiim Continental Cities I Stakes GolleetioHS remitting proceeds promptly I I f JOBS TTL08 DlI SCHICTTLSB lzoeident Atst Cashier ZZOlsTS SAVINGS SANK II l D TRUST COMPANY II No 53 East Temple St A few doors south of the Coop Building Capital Stock 200000 Paidup Capital 50000 Psya 6 per cent interest on Savings Deposits I MONEY TO LOAN On approved Securitiea at Low I i I RATES of interest ja26 1 7 fficCORNICK CO BANKERS r Salt Lake City Utah a I t I TLlr2Ac E7SBY DESCEIPXIOH OJ BAHSI56 BUBIHESS PHichase Sold Dust Coin and Ballioa II g = j PRoNpTATTHTioHcIvl I f 2 v vc IIVli 1 U1tdrtake the purchase and Sale oJ iocxs oft Commission S t AdV 1lCO on Ore and Base Bullion consigned con-signed to cur Order 8M Exchange and cao9e Telegraphic Trans F fers OH POints Eost and West and OM the Isading cities of Europe POYDD1S I WcL i Importsrs and Traders Natl I S iiinK Ohicaco Ceramerdai Rational Bank f St Lonig State SaTlnE AssooiaUon f Otaaha Omaha national Dank Baa Pran soo Jfirst Not Gold Bank my J r E P LONDON BANK I OF rf1 r I DTAII5 LIMITED 0 I 26 Austin Friars london f S inn SALT LAKE CITY UTAH u r l S CAPITAL n 160000 1n20000 Shares 8each NuMIffiR ms UlES SUBSCRIBED POE J D TO DEC 20 1878 6200 SAX 248000 S r j S We lg t to inform the publio that we prepared to transact a General Banking Business for which we have t the njeessary facilities We solicit l new aCcounts and business generally L5 < J t JExchange i Drawn on all the 4 leading cities and towns of the 1 > J United States and Enrone v J t J 4 t PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS L InLradoa ilejsrsHtrtinCo C3 Lom L bard Street Tho London Bank of Utah p Limited 23 Austin Friars j j I In New York Messrs Morton BliHS d Co i S 1 I I j In Chicajo The First National BankS Bank-S Omaha Omaha National Bank fi But Francisco The Bank of California t S rzi t i LHOYODBE J I 9 j 1 EI Lo 01tl F 1I1111iV1 Allcocks Porous Plasters THE ORIGINAL AiD ONLY GENUINE Their aisU decree ofpcrfcction has been secured niter years of experiment Coun > 0i cfl 01 the CHOICEST Gtuua unit Extracts We guar un tee tUdia the BEST external remedy 827 I Tho Best Purgative and Blood I Purifier BRAKDBSTMS PILLS PURELY VEGETABLE One or two every iighf in ten days cure Cosiivcuess und Dyspepsia Dys-pepsia Taken oil on emptY julaaincb they never UUSCRC or annoy Sold by all Druggists a27 ow I Fio HandS3wed csHoE JOHIiSO HOMEMADE MEDICINES Rocky Mountain Liniment Eye Balm Essence of Life Pul aocic Syrup Conklin Sslve 4cotct THE BONESET PILLS Thor cleanse and purify the Blood They remove Bilious matterfrom the Stomach They give appetite and assist digattion They quickly give relief in Dyspepsia They euro tick HeEacohs and Pain in the Hoed HThdy ctira ilatultnco and drive array In ilcostion They euro Mountain sd Bilious Forerr They give strength sa a tonic and are an cSeieat cathartic They act splendid in cases f Cottcas Colds Nearalcia Thoy romo a hoav5ne s Iron tho itomacii andcanoo healthful slecp They are good foi ColIc Crump cold Itheu ItiSIl ihey are real Rock Mountain Eesnlators They aro tbe bst medicine jomcanrtako They are purely Tcsetable harmless and active They are horsomide and warranted to do YOU good They thoaU be kcp at hand by every family Tcey Eell at 25 cect per bor 52 per aozoi sot by msil They are always kept at Z c KI Drug Store Salt Lake City and ail dozes conan allY la tho territory S Depot for JohBBOB family Mcdisices 35 UKOHJE LTAIJ n7 LIE GAL BLANKSe mIlE FOLLOWING LIKE OF I BLANKS has been compiled with ho greatest care and with tho advica c ± ho leading members of tho legal fraternity nity of Salt Lake City They are mad to conform strictly to tho law in every particular and parties using these Blanks will find them to be the best overused over-used in this Territory I iPPIJCATIOSS FOR PATENTS OF KIN 1 Notice of Location Application tor Patent SProof of Posting Notice and Diagram of Claim 4 Proof that Plat and Notice Remained Re-mained Posted Registers Certificate of PoMin Notice 6 Proof of Publication 7 Affidvit of 500 Improvemsn Affidavit of Citizenship Certificate that no Suit is Pendin 10 Power of Attorney 11 Notice of Application 12 Certificate of Identity of Claim Statement and Charge of Fees li Agreement of Publisher DEEDS Warranty Warranty against Granto Quit Claim Mining Claire Tow eite Lease Bargain snd Solo MOnIGAQD Mortgago general form Dhattel Mortgage DISTBICT OOOBT aotict of Motion Undertaking on Attachment Writ of U S Affidavit for U execution tJndertakiogon Claim and Deliver r or Iersonxl property Affidavit on Claim and Delivery o Personal Property Subpoenas nKGTlnY KOTJLBT PUBLIC Protests Notices of Protest Aclmowledgmente Witness II Party known II Subscribing WIne Wi-ne J JUSTIOES Hubpcsna civil t a criminal Warrant of Arrest Writ of Attachment Undertaking oa Attachment Affidavit for II Commitments Summonses Executions IDttimus Affidavits Complaints ComplaintiriRopleviri Bond in Replevin Notice of Appeal Undertaking on Appeal MIECILLANIOU3 S Bond General Form Incorporation Bond Official Bonds Constables Sal Bills of Sale Power of Attorney general S II special i Promissory Notes Certificates of Marriage in colors The Suit Lake fleraid e THIS I PAPE mny filo at be found Goo P on iowoll S Cob l ewspjvper Advertising Bureau lOSprae J where advertising contracts may be made for it uvKEW YORK A BARGAIN A new Victor swing Machine for6ale Apply at I this office jyll I Be of Good Courage It is impossible toaay when diseases of the respiratory system are natt remedy Medical examinations are not conclusive in such case What ever the physicians may say there can be no barm in trying HALES Hoi n OF HOREHOHSD AND TAR and Ihere may be infinite good One ling is certain that no Cough Color Col-or Bronchial aflection can resist the salutary action of this wonderful reparation unless Consumption hai dually set in Sold by all druggists at 50 cents and 1 the large size being the most economical for general use M L Walley < fcCo Auburn NY write BALES HONEY OF Hong HOUND AND TAR and PIKES TOOTH ACHE DROPS we have found to bo standard articles for years past = L PIKES TOOTHACHE DEOPS CURE IN ONE MINUTE a2S SL TREES S WM WAQiTAtfF HAS FOR SATR A vy fins vatiaty of Trees Box Elder Locut ilonay Locust Black Walnut limber Hion YvB acV l bar Willows NAIIVK EVER9KEBNS Mnlterrita Peaahei twelve different kinds Plump eight different kinds Apricots the very ba < t Sugar iloaso Ward near the Paper Mill ml FARMERS All D GilROEiERS H Will do well to ECO tho New Stock of Grass and Garden SEEDS Just Arrived at GArmstrons GraIn andPBBd StorB 31 First South St Box 340 JOHN READING O8llIll Nurseryman Florist Corner Second South and Second East Streets Salt Lake City has a Choice Variety of FRUIT AND SHADE TREES Shrubs Flowers and Pure Seeds Which ho is prepared to furnish at Better Bet-ter Rates than the worthless Importations Importa-tions m20 THE NEWTON WACON Is tho Best Proportioned Most Neatly Ironed the lightest Running Run-ning and Most Durable oran or-an Wagon In tho Market pOur Eepiir Bills for the last six months on all wagons sold here have been less thin e2 AVc will show accounts ac-counts and names of every purchaser Before Purchasing a Wagon do not fail to See tho Newton Every Wagon Warranted AGENT FOR WEIR PLOWS and ilk ROWS Johnson Reapers and Mowers BRADLSY HAY RAKSS Scraiiers Std Drills Etc R II WAiiNOCK Corner East of Theatre S EilL SCOT 1 Trelin Agent o z ii c cfDG CS C C CO C3 CI MASUTACTUBE OF Iron GStLS and Fencing Iron Doors and Shutters for Fireproof Building Iron Fencing for Cemetery Lot Combination Combina-tion Fences of Iron and Woos Iron Stairs and Iron work > n general FACTORY One Block Vt of White House and one Block Soul onoiend IIouss SA LAKE CITY PO Box 471 i2 SALT L KE CITY BREWERY jrANUFACTOREBS OF LagsJP Bf Her Our exlonalco premises are now com plflto for the manufacture of Le er Beer Vith the best fvcilitio for making and storing our tock wo arc prepared to tupply BOTTLED OR KEG BEER That cannot be excelled if equaled SATISFACTION GUARANTEED KEYSER MORITZ HEf1RY WACE nR Salt Lake City Utah CALIFORNIA BREWERY Lager Beer tie and Porter tnM1 n vu 01 second South Street three doors east ot this Elephant Store m28 JOSLIN PARK MANUFACTURING JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Keep the Largest Stock in Utah of GOLD AND SILVER BATCHES CHAINS D AAiVFD LMJ PJ MS DIA5IOND SETS DIAMOND RINGS ETC ETC ETC SOLEAGEST FOR JOHNSON Pafeat Easy Fitting EyeGlasses Main Street Salt Lake City I I WESTERN MEAT MARKET Notice of Transfer of Easiness flAyING TAKEN THE BUSINESS M0 J A VAKNES WESTERN MEAT 3IARET we beg to inform the Customers and thc Public generally that Wl will pave a1 trays on hand a full Stock of OHOICE EATS All orders entrusted to our care will bo carefully filled and promptly delivered WHITE SONS Proprietors of PEMBROKE AND WESTERN MEAT MARKETS m6 LUMBER SHINGLES LATH FLOORING RUSTIC SIDINC PICKETS ETC CHEAP AT I LATIMER TAYLOR CO3 a I S Years Before tile lulJUcI CMja R 3 E > pa i THE CENUBNE Dp Co McLANES LIVER PILLS ire not recommended remedy fir all ht ills that flesh is heir to but in affections of fie Liver and in all Bilious Complaints Dys jiepsia and Sick Headache or diseases of taat character they stand without a nvsL ACUE AND FEVER No better cathartic can be used prcpara tory to or after taking quinine As a simple purgative they are unequaled BEWARE OF IMITATIONS The genuine are never sugarcoated Each box has a redwax seal on the lid with the impression McLANES LIVER PILL Tach wrapper bears the signatures cf C McLANE and FLEMING BROS 05 ° Insist upon having the genuine Dx Co McLANES LIVER PILLS prepared bj FLEjIIXa BROS Pittsburgh raCe ra-Ce marlct being full imitations of the rams 3IcIniie spelled differently ba name pronunciation Coughs Bronchitis and Consumption What a Wellknown Druggist ssjs about Allens Lung Balsam MOTHERS READ Oakland Station Ey GentlemenThe demand for ALLENS LUNG BALSAM Is increasing constantly The ladies think there is no medicine equal to it for Croup and and Whooping CaughC C C S MAHTDT Druggist Sold by all Medicine Dealers If you are a man of business weakened by the strain of your duties avoid ttlmulinta and take HOP BITTERS If you are a man ol letters tailing over your midnight work to restore brain and nervo waste take HOP BaTTERS If you are young and suffering from any Indiscretion Indis-cretion or dissipation take HOP BITTERS It you are married or single old or young suffering suf-fering from poor hpjlth or lantrulshiu on abed of sickness take HOP B T7ERSC2 Whoever you arc vrhcreTer you are whenever you feel that your system neWs cleansing toning or stimulating without intoxl citing take HOP TTERSa Iliva you Dyspepsia Kidney or Urinary Complaint Com-plaint Disease or tile Stomach Bowels Bl00J Liver or Nerve Yonvill bs cured If you tako 30P BiTTERSu If yeu ao simply allln are Weak and law spirited try it Buy it Inslstnpon it Your drug lst keeps it HOP BiTTERSa It may tave your life II has saved hundreds Bill sTTT m CELEBRATED t SIOiLtCEE 5 Fever niul Agnc The true antidote to tho effects of mlaEma Ia Hostetiers Stomach Bitters This mtdiclne Is one of the most popular remedies of an age of successful proprietary specific and is In 1m mense demand wherever on this continent fever and asno exist A irinesUsEfnH three times a day is the best possible preparative for encountering encoun-tering a malarious atmosphere regulating the liver and invigorating the stonnch For sale by all Drugs sts and Dal ers generally APPLICATION FOR PATENT Notice No 60S UNITED STATES LAND OFHOK SALT LAKE CITY Feb 26 10 VT < mC 13 IIBSEBY GIVBf THAT JN trascij J P Pace whoo postoffia address is Salt Lako City Utah hss nada application for a United SLates Iiieot fir the Emerald Alicia ilalmstoateia HushValler Klalos District loqolo I County Vti erii torrconijti3B ot Thirteen ilundfol indhitty Linear Feet of tbo Lode and surface ground Two Hundred Feat snide bcice Lot So 01 and described in tho field units a d plat of the official survey on ii In b l thir otucp with macctio variation at 17J cast r s o lows Comta ncins at the Iucovery monument from which tto discorerj D line in oro 97 feet deep boi 6 li ° E eight lost dl4hDt thence S 7 ° W OL feet to a ooict in the Contra of tho outhtrn end line thcnco S SOP E 100 feet to Pest So J thonre N 7 ° E docs the eaplarn boundary 71773 feet to in teisection cf oiaiera oad ice Of the First atl n Minire Cairn i Lot Xo 59 S 1l ° 33 wniusie ° t roa roa INO o am tustto interseoion ot the northern line of tha first national Lot No 5550 feet to Post Xo 2 thenco N S3 ° Vr 2UU feet to Post No a thenc S 7 ° W 5tl feet to intoiostion of northern line cf the First rfatiocal Let 53 7al 12 feet to intcriocion of te Eoutbers line of tho Ifim Nation Lot 53 130 feet to Post No 1 thcna S sao K 20feot to Postifo the paco of beginning of surface bounds cactainin an anon of G M acres iaIadicir the cosflwt with the First National Micior CUia Lot No 59 Area in conflict sih First Nztunal Mining Claim OGlilOjO rf an are From Post o 4 U S M M No A beam fa li ° 57 W 1W3S feet distant The ati i mining claim bcinsr of record in thn office of tho Kecordcr of taUMicin DJII tt cio k too in Toooe County lth the neare t known looitioca beet tlc Hint National llmtns Clan Lot S < n the west Any and all Arsons claiming cdrorioly any portion of Esid Emsrald Miaic Claia are required to fio their adverse claims thoroo seth the to cgistor of tho United blat Land OSce at bait Lake City Utah within tho sixty dar period of publication hereof cr they will be baricd By virtue of tha provisions nod stlIlOS of tho United States is Each czses made and provided Idiroit that this couo bo nublisbodii the Sat lake Daily UFR LD the cewspaper published nearest the laid mining call or tho period of tiitv day Jio B ELL Resister Joas A BAKZT Attorney for Applicant fc27 HAYHES a f SON f Manufacturers of Steam Boilers WATER JACKETS TANKS COOLERS PANS And Every Description of Irna Work REPAIRING DONE PR WILY All work guaranteed and bast of references ref-erences giveti both as to qu iity of work and prices South Temple Street between First and Second West Streets ddrws PO Box 5 2 t itiJ J A s1 ud eoartete Grins TO WEDLOCK s j cootunm Ctuplf en A Comptltnt VVmin hood Selection of wife ErxleKri of Irjm itr TtmMnmcDtl Stenlitr Adiice to Erult v a W5 fn ut u CSy k Xun T c i Ei1 EF Lol t Pri 1 Private Medical Adv4 cr oa daea i re ulliD f roe impur cJ mociatioBS and on If abuse the t r = h d t aaiM 51 Eo a A4 r zvPrriE = PRo BUTTS DISPERSARY 1 1211 It SL Ioalo 1 Notice S All communications on buaineES to insure immediate attention should be addressed SAW LAKE HERALD PeiKTiKa AND PUBLISHING COMPANY and not to any individual m14 I S ° a WK IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THIS c VSEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THE OU 5f nneapolts TItt 5 L ir s Clias a J r T e T d I J I F La Cease s3 s C 0Un0 ar 5 14 Ii s5 tA wr ° fl C L1 4kisoo P b v 5ryi i 11 0 C 2AN ol CHSCAGO ROCK ISLAND PACiFJC PIP P-IP THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST lS v Its mtin lirn runs frm Chicago to Council i Diamj Cars for latme purp < Hi ifN paotng the > nf > h Juliet Ottawa La balle I great teassire of our Latac i < jiie eo Mi > lmc KKIC I lani1 Davenport West i SisaN whorp you can en j litany Iowa lie Marcnso Hrooklyn Urinnell at all hours of the < lay l > ea Moines t the capital of Sown Stuart Atlantic Macnitltpnt Iron Bridges sean Atlan-tic ami Aca with branches from Bureau nndMi oun riversat all ps t luHctmntoliorla Wilton Junction toMusca line anil trausfenitrcavoiloi s 51 Vsnhuurnu i KurfleM EWon Uclknap Kansas City I emvenwi nil n ttutroille irits eaton Trenton Galiatln Came ncctlonn licmpmadp in Cr n I 5 5 5 0 hS i PUtS IltlNl IlAI K IC I s aliingloa to tcourncy Oskaloowi and Knox THIS 5 HKAT TUltOLull rllle Keokufc to Karmmcton llonaparte lIen FOLLOWS I t < m port Independent Kldon Ottumwa Eddy At CHICAGO with all aitr MletNkjl < > o i Telia Monroe and lIes homes East and South wton to Monroe Ie Monies to Inrtianolaand At8 > GLxwoon with the 1 tnlerret Atlantic to Icwia and Audubon and Ft W AC KUds Avooii to tartan This IH positively the only At A3BIMjTON 11EIUUI Uailrxul which own and operate YQt throusa LAtt it line from Chicago Into the Stnteof Kansas At J > A 8AI I E with 111 cent i Thrnttch Kxpress r s enger Trains with Pull AtrcoHlAwilh P Pt I man lulacet arsattachcIarerun each way daily W III MM and T 1 Jt tv i l twc n CHICAGO and IKOIIIA KANSAS CITY At KOTK ISLAND wiu v lonr IILIttS LHVI ENWUKTH and AveRt Island hon Ijnc aul i Uom j sov 1 hrnaehcar areaIsorunbet < TeenMUwan AtiAVaPOTwts the Va tee and KanMts City Ta tho Milwaukee and C B t J P IC It J ttwktoisnd Short line At WEst tBEBTV Wit i t i jiI I ItTbe Ureat Kocte Inland ia maimlOcently At n Kl N NELL with f eitral equipped Its road bed h simply perfect and Its At ro M M i III JiI v J liVk is laid with steel rails l AttOlMIL BLCIW WUh I 1 WUi will please yon mOt will bo the pleasure AtOMAIlA with B i f1I If l IS of cnjoTiiig your meals while passing tfverthe I AtCOM7MBLSJrrTIO wiiliH I UI lpiittol praine of Illinois and Iowa in one of At OTT0MWA with sour I s-our impuitlceut Dilnzm Cars hatl accompany all StLuPaciuuiC ivjty nr p i II Ihrojjlt Klpress ITalns You ret an entire At KEOKLK Wila T < I I I ncal as ccKxl as te served in any firstclass hotel Louis Inc sod St li il Uoks i t fursevcntvdvi cents At AUE20X With lli lAt Appreciating the fact that a majority of the l-At wnh A i jr tJtt JtI i r rxojle prefer separata apartment lot different Atch A Slob and CVn Lr i L piirposfi and the immense passcneer businesS At EtvtMioliill or this line wirrantins 11 we are pleased to an CIt U I Ills ronncc that tli Company runs Pullman 1alact AtKtoCtrv s 1 i i ceprng Cars lor sloopins parposcs and loIlar and souilw t PtLLLON P1I1CE CItS nrc run tbrr1 to pF r S C01CIL ULUlS 1CjNSts CITY 1TCusu is Ticket Tht thIs LIne klun a the ofiSlt Bod ci aU Ticket Agcnte In the United Htnlc5 and Canada Fer lorormation not obtnInable nt yourhoc Ueket DeIC si A 111MI3ALL E Ir re Uenl Supcriatondeot Gen Tkt an SJ Utah Southern Railroad OH AND AFTKB JTJINE 13 1H70 GOING SOUTH 4 11 a0 LO a aI Name of swtffflt I S izr z fo TRAINS I TItS a na a in C TIt-S lt 00 7 so Morgan 7 18 S 00 56 UormAnit 7 2 810 50 Loendahl 7 28 820 oJO Junction 7 37 8 3 1 AOtLITX AT Sandy 7 10 8 45 I L IoU n Sandy 755 I 950 Draper I 8 O7lOl0 i lot Lch 8141120 Il8 American Fork S 56 11 35 1 SO Pleneautirove 90811 iiO I 9Q Provo 9371245 250 Spnixgvi1Ia 9 53 1 10 j2 75 Spanish Pork 10 oe 1 35 1275 Pnysol 110 82 n 16 i 8 EO Santaqwn 1050 24 3 7h Mona i128 341 1a5 Nephi Jll 101 4 2 4 75 WI J ChIcken rook 1O 1 is 3 60 = n = 8OINO NoRTh NOi1IHH H oD Nmeoi Staton f 1 z Z I = TRAINS LAV p 81 a m c Chicken Creek 1 0 7 50 NephL 1 40 900 1 75 Moaa 2 C 940 115 Santsquin 2 401050 175 Pnyson 2 56 11 15 2 i 00 Spanish ForkS 19 11 56 2 60 Springville 3 8112 20 2 7E Provo 491245 300 Pleasant Grove 4 22 1 40 3 55 American Fork 4 Sol 1 00 8 70 Lehi 44fi 2 01 885 DI3pAr 526 3 20 4 CAn C-An LT Sandy 3 40 4 65 Leave Sandy 1 5 40 1 of51 Junction 5 45 1 651 4 75 Lovendahi 5 6 6 10 1 90 Gemnsania 6 02 5 20 15 I 00 Morgan 607 530 500 ARE AT Salt use 6 25 6 001 5 00 Noa 1 and 2 f will be run daily Noa 3 and 4 will be ma dally iuij days excepted For all Information coBGeraioz ProgU or Passage apply to JAMES SHARP Gel Freight and Ilckai Aon JOHN SHAIiP Superintacdtat UTAH WESTERN RAIL WAY 01 orated by Trastcaa for Bondholders On and after MONDAY OCT 13th 1879 rod until further cotice lEE UTAH WESTERN RAILWAY n Till ran daily Sasdays oseested ss foJ iowa 10L Lsaro Salt Lsbe City at 700 aa brave Bnjhtca at 720 aia Lyc Chambers a 800 am Arrive at Lake Point at S30 am Laavo Lskopoistat 8JO an Leave Ualfvray Hocsa at 9 15 ant Leave Toaala City at SO am Arrive at Terminus at 1030 am Loayo Terminus st 1210 pm i Leave Tooele City at 1245 pa Laave Halfway House at 115 pra Learo Lakepoint at 1 40 pm Leave Chamber at 210 pm Leave Brighton at 250 pm Amigo Salt Laka City at 310 pm No Freight received after i p m Faro to Lake Point and return same day1 125n Children under Ten 65c W W BITER Manager E J RICHARDS Surgeon and Physician Office at the Drug Store of H J Kichardi tim Co 13 East temple street 17STEWARTS STEWARTS Cekoraied BRU SHES loa AINTB8 EALSOKHTKBS WHITJSWASHERS BOKSJSMS tea Qcuu FUOLY UBZ For Bale Wholesale and Retail by z C M I Grocery and Drag Deparcnesti 1eun Godbe fitti J CoB Co-B P Icasdol Hcun Kimball J Lvrsace Mesirs Day t Co I MwrrsWm JenaincJ k BonJ Onaaiorton t Co GF Cubizr CubizrBIEWABT BROS CO fc2 Pittsbarzh P E N1 FRESHMAN BROS Advertising Agents 186 W Fonrth St CINCINNATI Arc authorixii to receive adveitJienente for this paper aumatci fur jiihed free upon application 5end two mP2 for AdTotWm aua1 i Utah frntfid i FIOHSEELHIS OJ I Oa ad tftez O7embe4 1 Name of S4 tiof I if I h h TlUIJraJJUY1I i 1 Bait Lafe 1 77 Wooda 0r0II1 7 J 4 Uentceville 7 f Fwminrton Kaysrifia I t AB3IYC AT I Ogden S 9 I J s fams of Station = c 7 i TRAiNS LIAVX I OL rr Ei = = li h S OenlrovDla i Wood Oroie 1 JLESIV AT I S ItZ fce I i I Pintf Places MiXeD TWILL T-WILL RU DL Sundays ezrc Leaving Salt LAke Cr7 c < arrivicp in Old < n at 11 I rQ rr Selt Lake at 605 pn arn i f c ai 820 pm leaviijr OK < JPIJ aO arriving in Salt Lake City t leaving Ogden at 3 30 p rr rm Salt Lake City st 845 pm For all iEf tnia < n t z reigh t or Pauftxe apII 1 > to JAMJB SHAkP 60 Pt id 1 OlUf tfBA1I 8uit ilC I iJRTllERt n j 14 LuAu U WDRTUr Id rk ji On and after Nuv 30 i c Northward Station 6 80PM Gden 8 3s 8 00 Brigham 7 4 9 10 ummit G j 10 55 Logan 13 iOAM Franklin A o j 7 30 Rlackfoot J f 1 10 PM Beaver Canon 2j rASSXXGKR TARIi Distances sod Pares rem < I Jf rrbvii 6il25 Kaiithfi d Wiliard 141 7t lraDklin 7 Briebam RilIO Battle C Cells Kort S9eAS t I WSD Cf DeexvUe Hvill J at nLien I 9 Oaeid lott2 f i1 rotDlton 111715 noog J rr 07 tV n mit 4817 oJG Black irot w Menikn T 116 IKge Hock goo G03or > Cansr I IhdParlE I I 2i < eueqr Afitigbt Train soirg Salteav daily Eday aieeptcci 92a 12 i Cat iII ewer MoD4ey lit ednode7 J Dj Fr at7 30 a m Blickioofever Xussdayi day ned featartfar at I TJ sm Uom v ruin l aTW Beaver Canon every Ale ux Jedcc0cla7 and Friday R30 am 11 fw every Tuesday I huiiday aru Sa = J at 750 am Franklin daily Ud1Y eI optAd at 9 10 a m trriviag at ge 435 pm pmGEO W THATCHEI SUX TIlGATE No 9eautii l 1IzId Sad etaap for eackae DrE I St 2 IVNWd 145L ss S EE ssat sos OIiLkgcSiea 1 1 A s J R ntr Sw t5 tftr ce Seminal BmiMiona and Ia > potcn y T taDmrtriilir Ssrpe f1 Z4a1 srgfI = sd S psss a ° r = = = fJ s E f 9 ftl ll ft MtM = 1 tSfZa Trvi q u i i 1T rSiTJ < u HARRIS REMEDY CO Kf CHEMISTS r1aLet and Mth M tn it ST JIIIoI III oR GOUT ACUTEOFCHflONJo 4 S AnfI CHPONJDA I SURE CURE Manufactured orly ucosr the at < Mark by tho European Salicylic Midi Cj OF PARIS AND LEIPZU IMHKDIAT Rtuzr TViBaiTTRD SKTT Cos Ou R VT3Rl > Now ei a > t used by all celebrated Phjsioisn f E rand r-and Ameica becoming a K ano and Reliable Bemedy on both r TheIlj he t Medical Academy cf i ports 95 cures oiL of r0 cases nlhulti = days Eeret The only diijcltfr or poiionrns lTric Acid whih eiiats ji i e l Kheoaaatic aDd Gouty PitianU 51 1 a w boxes lor 05 ent to amy ddreJ < c a if of price lcdoned by Physician ta all Dtcistf Addrete WASHBURN CO Only Importers Bevel 2111 roa4iaYN1 J I It Bar Sale by Moore Allen i Ce V r DrooZiiat Salt Lake Kty |