Show lf F ± jW OOQJD S tAT t j AT OLD PRICES l 4 T1tT LGoldbJ rg Has now on hand a Large and Complete Stock of 1 SPRING and jU tf f t J SUMMER CLOTHING All jtinnictured Before the Late I Advance in Goods 1 THE LATEST STYLES OF I Gents Furnishing > Goods HATS BOOTS and HOSIER Y 7 WHICH I OFFER AT 1 i OLD PRICES To Ciotlling Dealers Having manufactured my stock bafort theUleSftdvauceingooda Ism in a rvosition to supply lie trade with NEW GOODS AT OLD PRICES Merchants placing their orders for Spring and Summer Clothing with me now can save from 25 to 30 per cent All orders sent will receive prompt and honorable attention Le GOLDBERG Successor to m2 L A GOLDBERG sTOVE 8TOVE o d rrcn III sTT g co ljsYm BBSo W 0 D 3 IoYo9 llai c Just reosired a tall lisa el tac celebrated in RANGES OLINTON OABINET BTE ART HEATJ3BS for Parlors Offices Stores and Halls great variety and of all siaea ths very best cooking outfit in the market Tho HARVARD FBAffKLlN the mar-ket Handsomest Open Parlor Stove made CANNON BOXand other HEATERS GoMon for Stores Offices Bar Booms OXH 8TOVE3 Reporter nt assortment a complete oa Grown and Stewart FUR ACE WORK A SPSOSALTY tiin a waUappointed Shop we arc prepared I I to do all iiinda of TIN find ShEET IRON WORK with promptness Lfearal Discount to Country Dealers GEOo M e 8ooJ1I COo 93 ain Street Bait Laka City I t1 I r ppat P POGSLET Sec Tree I K B 1IU L L T PIERlOKT Superintendent I SILT LAKE fOUNDRY AND MACHINf co U C It It Depot WorksOne and a half Slacks SouTh of Foundry Machine and Boiler Shop we are now prepared Uavin 9 llappointed Boilen Stamp Mi1l Mining Milling and IIoi ting w to furnih Steam Engines Furnaces Water Jackets Slag Pets etc Saw and bcllinery Smeltinl and Pulleys an kinds of lioile Tanki and Grist Mills Shafting Gu tested Iy Work made to order Boilers and Steam Gsuges Plate etc etc Distilleries S S S Copper Work for Breweries One 20horsepower Stationary Engine ia c A T TT H UJtC SALE Ono 15 do do do U 1 One 20 do HoitUR Engine a ll a One 17inch Turbine Wheel E6r Two Steam Pumps for Boiler Feed ts 03 if poBOX39 S vjr J1i aUTIMER Hasltbo Largest Stock of wINr3aw 0 T AE98 fcllanufBctum all sizes and shapes of In the Territory i I I t S SaOVV OASES S buying them of An mmense savingby r C Fa CULMER9 TEA POT STORE J a r r 1 t 20 22 Firet South Street Gentle W omen Who want glossy luxuriant and wavy tresses of abundant beautiful Hair must use LYONS KATHAIRON This elegant cheap article always makes tho Hair grow freely and fast keeps it from falling out arrests and cures grayness gray-ness removes dandruff and itching makes tho Hair strong giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position Beau tiful healthy Hair i the snra result of nsins XnthaIron I V3 I I THE PEOPLES PAPER THE HERALD SALT LAKE DMLY HERALD S The remarbableacceEs of the papeI in the punt as manifested by its large and steadily growing subscription list its increasing advertising patronage patron-age and the expressions of goodwill toward the journal which greet us from all quarters convinces the publishers pub-lishers that they are doing what they set out to donamely furnish a newspaper that tho people would like and therefore support The HERALD as In the past will be the peoples paper Independent in a political sense it will always be found on tilE side of the people outspoken on questions aectingthe rights the masses battling for local selfgovern ment and the largest liberty to individuals indi-viduals consistent with public eoDd laboring for a pure honest and economic eco-nomic administration of government treating public matters dispassionately dispassion-ately and employing language calculated calcu-lated to enlighten the reason of men rather than influence their passions and working for peace and tho development de-velopment of the resources of tho territory ter-ritory instead of trying to create strife and retard progress With our increased in-creased facilities for gathering news both by telegraph and mail the employment em-ployment of a larcpr number of cor reapoudento in different sections of the country and the better arrange mart of all the many details Of the establishment we confidently promise to mako the SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD a better paper than ever SALT LAKE SEMIWEEKLY HERALD This valuable and popular edition I of the HERALD will continue to make its appearance twice a week during tho year and the same degree of progress and improvement that marks the Daily will be seen in its columns No better newspaper can ha found in the west for those people who are not blessed with daily mail facilitics than the SIJI WEEKLY HERALD It contains con-tains all the news domestic and foreign for-eign in R condensed and readable form The design has been to make it combine the distinguishing distinguish-ing characteristics of a commercial commer-cial and home journal and we believe that this has been successfully success-fully carried out The SEMIWEEKLY has certainly met with unexpectedly high favor at the hands of the people SALT LAKE WEEKLY HERALD The demand for a f WEEKLY HERALD has been very pressing during the past two or three years The aim of the publishers will bo to furnish a paper for those people who live oil the main lines of travel and who are not accommodated with mail service ser-vice oftener than onco a week to provide a newepaper for those who have only one dhy a week ofleisure to devote to the pleasant and profitable profita-ble employment of rending to supply HERALD for a suitable edition of the sending abroada paper that shall faithfully and honestly represent this great and growing territory with its many and important industries and its thrifty enterprising people to make a paper for the home circle and family fireside one that shall contain I the news and at the same time combine com-bine tho essential elements of n literary liter-ary educational end industrial jonr S I T fortt rtni niTn rvitl Ko In molo U > h u u u be WEEKLY HERALD a welcome visitor to the home where it will be bund a constant fund of instruction entertainment and profit to all members of the family Besides the leading characteristics of he Daily the Weekly will contain matter specially for the agriculturist he gardener the stockraiser the mechanic the kitchen and the household house-hold generally and on important f feature of its columna will be the wellchosen entertaining and moral literature also reports of the Tabernacle Taber-nacle discourses Nothing will be admitted ad-mitted to its columns that has not first beencarefully prepared and revised re-vised I RATESOF SUBSCRIPTION Postage Paid S S S Salt Late Daily Herale 1O5O I lQ5Q One Year D2a Six Months 7 265 Three Month Salt Late SGiiWeeMy Hernia YearJ 3 50 One Year r Six Months 175 Salt Lake WeEkly Harald Year f 200 < One T i Mouths c S S 12o jSTnd Money in Rcgiftcred JMta or Postqffice Order Address S THE RsERALE > 1 1 J S J > SaltLake City Utair Why Will Yon Allow n cold to advance in your system sys-tem and thus encourage more serious maladies such as Pneumonia Hemorrhages Hem-orrhages and Lung trouble when an immediate relief can be so readily attained JBoscJiees German Syrup has gained the largest gale in the world for the cure of Cough Colds and the severest Lung Diseases It is Dr Boachees famous German prescription pre-scription and is prepared with the greatest cart and no fear need be entertained in adminittering it to the youngcat child as per direction The sale of this medicine is unprecedented unprece-dented Since first introduced there has been a constant increasing demand de-mand and without a single report of a failure to do its work in any case Ak your DrugUt ns to the truth of these remarks Large size 75 cents Try it and be convinced ia17 A FINE assortment of Programme ani Bait Cards at the HERALD office UTAH CONTRACT COMPANY Offic Ho 1234Xi First South St Sal Lake City P 0 Box 431 Undertake and ojicate on tho lowest terms and in thTshartest time either or ell of tho work of loastlnf ersdin leaping thing honine and eqaippinz Strain Horse o tafl tndll or other RAILWAYS lt Locating and con Btrnctiaj wagon roads cacal reservoir aqnedacW dam otc lay intout aad eralicl streets eidewalkf oar do grounds end neo track ercftvattnalor baildlnj loandatios cellars drain eta as well ai ovary and all other kind of work requiring the removal of earth gravel cement tone etc etc A F DOREMUS Bnpt U1P I SAND S-AND OTHERS SEEXmG HEAL TH STRENfiTH AND ENERGY ITHOUTLflE tSE OF DRUGS AHE FI tESTED TO SEND FOR THE ELECTRIC REVIEW AN ILLrSTRATED JOUR XAL VIIirn IS PCBLEHED FOIl FREE DISTRIPUIIOX JTTBEVTS upon HEALTH ntoETE and rly 1 cal Culture and I a complete enejelopirdui > formation lor invalid and thrwe who infer i > CTTOUS E xluu tinir and Painful IXwraws Ec itjeci that bears upon health and hnman hanpiu > o iv SQ attention In lU pages and the many ar 55 IM aiked I r sufleriiw invalid trbo bare duuut fc f f a core are answered and valuable information inutrcd to all who are m ne d of medral adix 1 nr subject of Electric Belta Term Medicine 011 lumdred and ODe quettions of vital impoctaii urtlnng huiaaiiitj are dull coniuered and ox 0 S IUJ tQtJ1CMEN 0 lad oO ir wfco anKr from ytirma and PhT Icl De tIIY Lon ol Manlr I Vigor lrematare Lxhaiutitw il Llle many clixiiuy couqnpnce ol early iudurre S u etc are ajciallj becented bj cotualtiuj IL lli JLEfTRIC REVIEW tUe nnnitlmlr fr iu li j racticwl ts < u > fc and iiuliml mipoi k irs fo4 to practi dcine i > nd l jHiiln out then the-n C afo alinple aud elective road to Health Vigor anf 111 > 1 ur SIt Tour addrrM on < ostal card for a ely and notion Wtrih lbuu anJi illbe ent y m tirie U Iublih PULVERMA HER GALVANIC CO M3 MONTGOMERY ST SAN FRANCISCO CAL SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS g WILLIAM HUGHES i Po DOOT MAKER Jtl 1 g 5w Late Foreman of Z O 511 Shoo fJ Factory Every description of Boots and bhoe made to order at the shortest notice Fit guaranteed guar-anteed the eye pleased and satisfaction given at the most oiEonsble prices Bepir a spe d1tl Work done fur the Trade Two Doors West of White Hones aCT MACKlHZII REFOmll GJUB TOLD3 REGULAR MEETINGS EVERY HOLDS IL Monday Evening at the Emporium Hall at 8 oclock The Reading Room and Library are open to the pubile from S a m to 10 pm All are welcome Ju F BIUDLET Pest VJT T FotiaEE Secy The Ladies Temperance Union hold Monthly eetlags on the Fourth Tuesday Ic each month It 3 P m Weekly Meetings every Monday eren log at 7 oclock CARD WANTEDA SITUATION AS ¼ danger or Superictendont of A Miues by a man who is 3i years J of Re aud tioroujfhiy qualified I v v Theoretically and Iraotioillysa a Mining Va2tsea coil hal tiny all a Uer Hiitao Cosiioteoay from th3 Govornment o Great Brituia and Ireland as a tuporin snJent of Micca Ihi highest and most czcoptlonabl o Toittmosisli tochtrnoter td ability can ba had Apply to A3DKEW AD4M33I Americas ark Utah Co 1325 UIIII rjj FOR SALE fr A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of 0 1 New Gcoda just imoortod A j neat variety at exceedingly Low Prices Watches Cleaned at JICO a piece Work guatantcol CARL C ASmUSSEN its P2TERSEK THE BUTCHER 1225 First South tit Sagond Batcher shop from the Corner NEVER KEEPS ANYTHING llut J Tender Jnicy and Fresh Meets lie Mils at the cheapest cheap-est rate All Kinds of Meat In Season Give him a trial Sausages a specialty aa23 D U J M HOLLAND OEsoover Daris Groosry Store I H t Alain Btroet WILLIAM BREDEKIEYER 1ININQ CONSULTING fve CIVIL loL ie Ii EnEaesr U 8 itfineral Surveyor fo Utah and Idaio Notary Pnbllo GeoloeU z > mIn > Uond raittrtf 00 wlainxprorcrtlOI surrey mines railroads and menu ana ipcrinteuis s the trorkincs of the ama rcpare Mtimites and plans for openinz nod workinr mine expert on mislc < soon so-on befcra the courts F ad ca P O Bo US Salt Laignlti l > 5 ill WHITE HOUSE HOTEL 1 > UE PKOPHIBTORS TAKE PLEASURE lU fh lkL Y i in announcing to the public that the have rcmodoilod end refitted tbo Hotel The Dining Rooms are epaeious and the best of Meals will ba gcrred DieM anti day Single Meals 5Oc Hot Lnnchcs Jos per card 25c Room and Board 15O to g2 per day 3O to S2 per week Board 7 per week I Tho Bar has boa removed to tho north of the Hotel and four Billiard Tables added for the accommodation of eaesJ and la i now open A PODLECH It CO LIFT HOUSE MAUl ST SALT LAKE CITY Board nnd Rooms from 150 per day and from 8 per weak S C EWiSC JyS Pronrialor S AlLEY E USE Andrew C Brlxea Proprietor = D TTNDKR THE NEW MAKAOEUKMT ecrjl Ah t U this ccnrjl end popular hnto1 baa been renovated aid thoroughy repaired for tha reception ofeucsts Rates per day 5150 to 2 per week 58 to SlO according to room Board per week i n2 OVERLAND HOUSEMAn HOUSE-MAn STREET SALT LAKE CITY BoArd and Rooms 100 to 5150 par day Do Do 700 II 850 It week Singlo ileale 25 cent n26 VJ A PITT Proprietor THE ARCADE RESTAURANT AND CHOP HOUSE Meals served at all hours of the day and night in firstclass Style EVERY DELICACY OF THE SEASON Served up temptingly OYSTEES II EVER STYLE 66 Main Street JAS DINWOODEr lror l5RlED RlED VANYOY SOCK PJRlliG C And WIE CO t L THE ONLY RELIABLE 81ARKET FlUMP ° F-LUMP ASSORTED AND EGG COAL Large stock always on hand and full weight guaranteed Prices low and special attention given to the want of tho public Orvice Deseret Bank Block 2 Ur otcitrt BENEDICT HALL CO lUANUF iCTUItETIS tgD WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS SHOES 134 and 136 Grand St New York Corner Crosby one blocK east of Broadway Broad-way d4 Henry Cohn F Anarbaclx Bro HENRY COHN GOt Having bought out the entire business of JUXBAU M 00 Are now prepared to purchase WOOL HIDES FURS PELTS Also all kinds of IP K O ID IT O IE S lvaMces made on Wool JOHN TAYLOR SOW EROBANT TAIDOPS 93 Commercial Sircet 93 o SST JUST ARRIVEDA FINE STOCK OF S SPR3WQ AMD S U FJ1 M E R GOODS S Embracing Engliab French and American SuUinB Coatings Trouserines of New and Popular Styled at al Prices to Please Customers i tU DONT YOUFORGET IT That tho Lest and Host Extensive Assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES IN UTAH Is to be seen at the BIG BOOT A full Line of the Celebrated BURT Shoes kept constantly in Stock A fin Assortment of the very best HomeMade Work on hand Custom Work a Specially 140 Main Street JAMES PAYNE isE3A RS G IDIEIDIDILjIEJ r Wholesale and Retail dealers in S CRAIN FLOUR FEEDi i Wrf 8 B r < H Q X2 rj S SET Vs B a Grass Garden and Field Seeds S3ARJLY AnnE SUGAR CAKE SEED East Temple street THREE DOORS SOUTH OF Z C M I SALT LAKE CITY AND PARK CITY d3 VTOOL TOOL Parties having Wool to dispose of would do well to call on me aa I am prepared to pay tho S HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH FOR WOOL In large or small quantities Sacks and twine to tie fleeces furnianed Firstclass Sheep Shears kept in stock H B OLAWSON Warehouse corner South and East Temple Streets m15 I Fa AUERBACH t < BRO3 SALT LAKE CITY 1 rvmv SPRING GOODS ARRIVING DAILY I New Silks New Satins New Brocades Now Camels Hair Dress Goods Jew Dress Goods from lOc par yard upwards Paris Cashmeres our own direct importation in JJIuoblack jrarcon Wine Cardinal Car-dinal Drab Lavender Plum Navy and Seal Brown from GOc per yard upward New Prints New Lawns Now Percales New Cheviot New Ginghams and other Staple Good Latest Novelties in Laces OUCh as Babant Venice Lanquodoc Real Torchon French and other Laces AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY jaleit Novelties in Ruchings Siik and Lace Ties I Latest Novelties in Berlin Embroideries Zephyrs Ec I Latest Novelties in Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs Latest Novelties in Back Comb Veil Pins Jewelry Etc Latest Novelties in Nainsook Embroideries and Insertions 1 It S I AMONG OUR NEW CORSETS The Blue Bird Robin Long Branch and Queen Bess Corsets and Skirt Supporters i have already become ftijtular Favorites on account of their Excellent Fit Durability of Material and Good Value Five Hundred Toilet Quilts in White and Colored Jacguard Bridal and JfarseillQ from SI00 upwards Complete Assortment of Ladies Underwear superior in fit workmanship and materials to any heretofore shown at most Reasonable Prices fJEf fHTE GOODS Such as Checked and Striped Nainsook Victoria and Bishop Lawns Plain an Dotted SwiEses 3Iulls Curked and Fancy Piques Fleece Lined Marseille Birdgeye Diaper Etc AT PRICES TO PLEASE PURCHASERS S y Blenched and Halfblenched Table Damafks Turkey Red and Fancy Table Damasks t Napkins Doylies Crashes Towels and Table Cloths S Piano Covers of every grade at Lowest Possible Prices 4 Send for sample postage pEpaid of our Gents Whito Unlaundfied Shirts at 10 leach l-each best value ever otfered 0 A most magnificent Display of Silk and other Dolmans listers Circulars l DHCSSES ETC ETC JUST RECEIVED S 0 HILLIRBRY IN AIL ITS BRANCHES S i At Wholesale Only 1j 0 1 CLOTHING BOOTS SHOES ETC Ladies and Chiidres Shoes Full Stock Wholesale Orly Gents and Boys Boots Brogans Etc Wnolesalo Or J Gents and Boys Clothing at Wholeiale and Retail Gents and Boys Hats nt Wholesale and Retail Gents and Boys l Furnishing Goods of Every Kind at Wholesale and Retail 0 Our 3Ir SAMUEL ATJERBACH being the first buyer in Eastern Market I from this Territory has cured many lines of Goods before the Recent Heavy Advance Ad-vance in all elapses Merchandise of which our Wholesale and Retail Customers S shall have tho full benefit C I W e Solicit tie Me of Every Merchant or o flifcr In Utah Nevada Idaho Montana and Wyoming and guarantee terms and prices In competition with Eastern and Western Markets Freight S added Samples sent on Application S 0 jpaTOrdera Promptly filled and Honorable Treatment Wet r4ntede r o ESTABLISHED 1804e S S i fAIJERBACH BIto I < |