Show TIle British ministry London 28 Tho Standard fays BeaconsDeld took leave of the Queen ye erday The following appointments have been finally made Duke of Ar ylle lord of tho privy seal Earl Kim berly secretary of stnt for tho colonial department John Bright chancellor of the Duihy of Lancaster Marquis ol Ripon viceroy of india he was offered I ho viceroyalty of cither Ireland or Jidit The report that Lord Derby was offered a seat in tho cabinet is untrue Tho absence of advanced liberals has afer long negotiations been met by conceding con-ceding a seat in the cabinet to Chamberlain Chamber-lain who will probably be president of thigboard of trade Sir Charles Dilke accepts the position of undersecretary fortho foreign department Earl Spencer will bo lord president of the council instead in-stead of the Duko of Argyle as reported yesterday Lord Craiibrook attended the India office for the las time yesterday yester-day Tho Times stales that the Earl of Kin marc has been appointed lord great chamberlain Earl of Sydney lord nigh steward Earl of Corks Orsory master of tho horse Shaw Lefovre secretary of admiralty W P Adam chief commissioner commis-sioner of works and buildings Lord Beaconsfield will not accompany the exministers to Windsor as lie delivered deliv-ered up the seals of office yesterday Before Parliament convenes Beacons field will address a meeting of conservatives conserva-tives of both houses The late cabinet went to Windsor to meet the new ministers at noon |