Show DENVER RIO GRANDI BAILWA The New Popular TBAM8COMTINEMTAu ROUTE > ow Open far Business between OGDEN SALT LAKE Lp tIYILL1rrL J afot7Nrart Lttl iI NNI50 ANU SAN JUAN TUNING DISTBIOTd PUEBLO DENVER And ell points on the entire system in UTAH COLORADO NEW RICO On and after I SUNDAY JULY 1ST 1883 The Atlantic Eipress Train composed of Pnilman Palace Eleepers and elegant first lais Coaches will leave Ogden at 842 am on arrival c > f train from San Francisco and Salt Lake at 1020 am making direst con aetion at pueblo and D nvpr Mia through sprees Trains for Kansas City St Louis Chicago Pittsburs Philadelphia New York Boston and all Eastern Northern and Southern point The Pacific Express train from Denvei Pueblo and Eastern paints will arrive in Salt Lake daily lit 518am and Ogden Central making direct connection with the Central Pacific trains for the Pacific Coast Local trains leave Springvllle 657 am Salt Lake 920 am arriving la Ogden 1049 am returning leave Ogden 247 pm Salt Lake 432pm arriving at Springnlle 647 pm Loave Salt Lake for all points on Bingham and Alta branches at 702 am arrive at 622 P For > n Scofield and Coal Mine leave Salt Lake 1020 am arrive 568 am An Accommodation Train will leave Pleasant Valley Junction at 747 a m Thistle 1057 a m SprjnjrviUe 1243 p m Provo 132 p m arriving at Salt Lako City at 602 p moo This train will run daily except Sundays rPaseengere will net be carried on Freight Trains DC DODGE F C NIm jjnl i Manager Qenl Pass AgU HCTRY WOOD Genl Supt E A MUDGETT Gen Agt Pass Depot Salt Lake City Utah ffffl NEVADA RAILWAY On ana after MONDAY JUNE 4 18S3 The Utah and Nevada Railway Company Com-pany will run trains on week days as follows am Leave Salt Lake City 810 II Garfield 930 Arrive at Terminus 1110 pm Leave the Terminus 1230 Garfield 210 Arrive at Salt Lake City 330 SUNDAY TRAINS I LfcweSlt Lake City at 930 am and 415pm Saturnine arrive at Sail Like City at 230 and 750 pm BATHING TRAIN On and after Monday August 20th ISIS a bathing train will leave Salt Lake City daily at 415 pm Returning reach alt Lake at 740 pm Pare to the Lake and return on all trains SOc Children under 10 years of Je half fare Xo freight will be received alter 4 p m S F Fenton W W Riter Gen Frt and Pass Agt Supt J 3I r Ps O LE LO Successors to W W Bartlett MANUFACTURERS OF SPRING BEDS and MATTRESSES We Invite inspection of the differen styles ot SPRING BEDS and COTS which we manufacture MATTRESSES of all kinds in stock and made to order UPHOLSTERING of all kind 11 In our Art Department We have a large and choice collection of English French and German ENGRAVINGS Also a Collection of ART PHOTOGRAPHS From the S nlc P lotOIDdDH Co of Boston UNMOUNTED PHOTOGRAPHS d ALBUMS to hold them 231 UAIN tilT fe21 Next to dirt Howe UNDERTAKING i JOS WM TAYLOR UNDERTAKER P4 flit line ° r 0 sketa Metalho Case takM is tautly rood ComnJ and Undertakers Goods coon l on hand oTelthtwill by Telegraph or Telephone day gu prompt Soma Tel V Ifill receive prompt attention reii PhoJe communication with office reei or Rot Temple street southeast of Valley B Q > 4 a NASAL INJECTOR freeWltb p Ch with t mbothe of Shilohs Catarrh iremr edDY Price G0c Sold by Z C rlf Store i6 I I i SEEK health and avoid sickness Instead of feeling tired and worn out instead of aches and pains wouldnt you rather feel fresh and strong You can continue feeling miserable and good for nothing no-thing and no one but yourself your-self can find fault but if you are tired of that kind of life you can change it if you choose How By getting one bottle of BROWN IRON BITTERs BIT-TERS and taking it regularly according to directions Mansfield Ohio NovaS 1881 Gentlemen 1 have suffered with pain in my side and back and great soreness on my breast with shooting shoot-ing pains all through my body attended at-tended with great weakness depression depres-sion of spirits and loss of appetite appe-tite I have taken several different t medicines and was treated by prominent prom-inent physicians for my liTer kidneys kid-neys and spleen but I got no relief I thought I would try Browns Iron Bitters Ihavenowtakenonebottle and a half and am about wellpain in side rnd back all gonesoreness all out of xy breast and I have a good appetite and am gaining in strength and flesh Itcan justlybe called the kingofmedicines JOUK K ALLENDER BROWNS IRON BITTERS is Composed of Iron in soluble form Cinchona the great tonic together with other standard remedies making a remarkable nonalcoholic tonic which will cure Dyspepsia Dys-pepsia Indigestion Malaria Weakness and relieve all Lung and Kidney diseases Health is Wealth iitAVr LRAINyp tr CIVfS e s TREATMENT Dn E C WESTS Nana Ann Bninr Tan HZHT guaranteed specific for Hysteria Die ziness Convulsions Fits Nervous Neuralgia Headache Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco wakefulness Mental Depression Softening of the Brain resulting in Insanity and leading to auaary decay and death Premature Old Ago Barrenness Loss of power In either sex Involuntary Losses caused by overexertion of the brain youthful folly eta Bach box contains one months treatment 8100 a box or six boxes for 600 sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To euro any case WUn each order receive < by us for BIZ boxes accompanied with 85 M we frill send tho purchaser our written guaracl tee to refund the money if the treatment dot not effect a cure Guarantees issued only 11 Z C MI Drug Stare Bait Lake City Vial la 26 HENRYS CARBOLIC SALVE The most Powerful Healing Ointment ever Discovered Henrys Carbolic Salve cures 1 i Sores Henrys Carbolic Salve allays Burns Henrys Carbolic Salve euros Bruises Henrys Carbolic Salvo heals PJrapIes Henrys Carbolic Salve cures Piles Henrys Carbolic Salve koala Cuts Ask for Henrys and take He Other 43BEYTABE OF COUNTBRFEIT86a ST MARYS ACADEMY SAX T UA351JB CITY CONDUCTED THE I Sisters of the Holy Cross mHE COURSE OF STUDY IS THE thorough embracing all the branches of a solid and refined education educa-tion filling the pupils to be intelligent useful and accomplished members of society French German Latin Drawing Special Culture in Vocal Music and Ornamental Or-namental Needle Work being Included in the English Course form no extra charge The Musical and Art Departments conducted on the basis of the best European Euro-pean Conservatories and Art Schools No interference with the religious belie be-lie of nonCatholic pupils Terms for board and tuition moderate I P Small boys received in a separate department I Classes to be resumed Monday Sep tember 3 1883 1 For Catalogues address aa above I Halffare Tickets can be procured by the Academy for pupils bYJI au2 A TRUE iron medicine beneficial to the young as well as the old who suffer from dyspepsia etc is Browns Iron Bitters SALT LAKE lIIEATItE OWE iSSQHT ONi Y T WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29TH AN EVENING OF HEARTY LAUGHTER Appearance of the Distinguished Comedian Come-dian OL SMITH RUSSELL In J E Browns Successful Comedy EDGEWOOO FOLKS Tom Dilloway Sol Smith Russell In which character he will introduce his Famous SONGS SPECIALTIES SPECIAL-TIES and IMPERSONATIONS IMPERSONA-TIONS The Supporting Comnany has been selected se-lected from the Front Rank of tho Dramatic Dra-matic Profession JJr GREETED EVERYWHERE WITH SCREAMS OF LAUQHTBE Prices as usual Seats can be secured at the box office No exra charge for reserving teats FRED G BERGER Manager au23 LAST THREE DAYS i OF Congress of Wonders WITH ALL ITS NOVEL ATTRACTIONS i AT SALT LKE THETR Two Fall and Complete Performances daily Afternoons at 2 Nights at 8 ADMISSION To Parquette and PerqneUe Circlp fife Children under 9 dears of age 25c No Extra Charge for Reserved Seats Admission to First and Second Circles 2ij J Children under 9 years of age lOc By advice from MR HUME I will sell from August 7th until y further notice V WM HUMES V 11 CELEBRATED CANNED SALMON AT 680 per case Of Four Dozen 1Pound Cans 0 I am prepared to receive orders for from 1 to 10Car Lots CIO F BROOKS ITHOS W m JENNINCS I a 0 m I I I 1 I I IJ Fri CO ti c 9d < IU OJ CC I 2 EC ffi I 20 bl o I cr g 0 J E I 8 o a = w fTI J I I l < 1 H v C UJ Z wl I I ID < I V uJ C 0 0 17 I J H I I Tn I fT1 I + J 5 H UJ I c I i en < C F1 std iJ 1 rn W rTl fJ 2 I E f 0 tLJ fT1 I 1 F rl i UJ co A I H Ht C O i M 0 r v 0 O fJ I r E Fri < 0 < fTI co C Jli 1m Et 1LJ I V THOls W JENNINOS d c b i I fIJ 0 f W f tit titM 00 00 C1z E4 r z e 0 L = plM 3 P1 I I 12 f > T Z I 9 aeO o m I hI 0 TID O oS If IfC r i = 6j V O d I 11 = Zc Q 0 V I I QQ = QJI r = 00 = 0 2 c < = a 00 00d sc w yr J |