Show I IT is said that Russell late colt col-t lector of internal revenue for the f Richmond Va district foolishly j i imagined his auty was to work for 1 d the best interests of the government f iJ govern-ment and thereupon wrote to Secretary I 1 retary Folger that he could without I 1 1 lessening the efficiency of his office 4 I reduce the expenses 80000 a year I i if the Secretary would sustain him 11 in eliminating politics from the I I office The answer that Russell L Ii i received was to the effect that he t t would be eliminated from the office it i I I i1t 1 I j and he was Ona of these days l I 1 i perhaps officials will learn that when i they are wanted to act in the matter < j I of civil service reform they will bet be-t 111 I fl f invited to prcceea I 1 1 H EI i 11 G 0 ii f I |