Show TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Adulterated Lard Chicago 20The reading of there port of the committee appointed to instigate stigate the charges of adulteration of lard made rgainst Fowler Bros on the floor of Change this morning verified the statement made in theta dispatches last night The particular charge against the firm of tendering n quantity of adul erated lard to McGeoch Evonngham Co was not verified and the committee exonerated the firm on that point The report proceed however and tAkes the land that FowjorBros deserve unquali fied disapproval and censure for the methods they have observ d in manu facturng prime steam lard The employment em-ployment of secret pipes and ether sp I J > maccef the report declares lays the firm open to the suspicion of using cotton seed Inland other contraband articles in making lard oud unless even this siupi lion Is removed the board of tradeshould be relieved from all responsibility in the matter The report concludes by ex iretBing gratification at tbe results co lined by the investigation and declares that as a result of the scientific research provoked by the trial the detection of impurities in lard by the emplojmei t of the microscope can be easily detected and that the placing of an impure article upon the market could be made practically prac-tically impossible if proper inspection takes place Forest Fires I Bar Harbor Me 22In addition to the foreet fires which have been raging several days fires broke out in seven new places Smoke like a heavy fog envelope the island and renders respiration respira-tion difficult A heavy fire has just i broken out in the forest on the north westside of Green mouutain A gang omen o-men is fighting the flames to keep them off the road and the Summit house So many and such destructive fires have been unknown yearrjhere and a large amount of valuable timber is doomed to destruction Later Another fire has broken out on the ether side of the mountain end from below it Icons as if tin Mountain House on the aummit were surrounded A heavy rain IP the only hope for ex in guishing the flames I |