Show ADV3NGEFIGURIP > GOne G-One of the easiest things to do in this world is for a partisan newspaper news-paper organ to figure It out a year or two in advance of the election how its party will win One of the most difficult things to do is to keep the ballots in line with the figuring Here is the Philadelphia Press unreasoning un-reasoning Republican demonstrating demonstrat-ing by figures and a good many ifs how its party will win next year The way it i fixes the business Is about as follows The electoral vote having been increased from 369 to 401 a majority will be 201 should the States vote as they did in 1880 Republicans would have 228 and the Democrats 17G The PrEss generously admits there are three States that were Republican in 18SO which are doubt ° ul now These are Connecticut Indiana and New York with a combined vote of 57 This leaves 171 sure llepuo lican votes The Press then proceeds pro-ceeds to find five Democratic States that are doubtful California Florida Flor-ida New Jersey North Carolina and Virginia with 44 votes leaving only 129 certain votes for the Democrats Demo-crats The mathematician goes onto on-to show that the Republican hav ing 171 sure votes need only New Yorks 36 to make a majority or losing New York they can get the 30 required from Connecticut Indiana and New Jersey or losing both New York and New Jersey they could get along with California i Califor-nia Florida Indiana and Connecticut Connec-ticut or losing Indiana New York and New Jersey they can still be happy and victorious with Connecticut Con-necticut California Florida and Virginia In all these calculations Ohio is counted for the Republicans as one of the certain I states If the Republican party can be content and happy with this kind of figuring and prognostication the Democrats ought not to feel the slightest degree of alarm There is about as much chance for the Republicans Re-publicans carrying Florida North Carolina and Virginia as there is for bridainer to the moon and New no J York and Indiana are as certain togo to-go with Democrats as Iowa is to continue with Republicans Even in Ohio the Democrats have a more than even chance for winning and California is so well pleased with her Democratic rule that she is perfectly per-fectly content to continue it indefinitely indefi-nitely Only the most reckless blundering can defeat the Democracy Demo-cracy next year and what is of importance im-portance under the circumstances is that the party is in no humor to II permit of any counting out frauds |