Show The Knightshowever we will j spare the reader this time Your Skin Cure is superexcellent superexcel-lent 1 t is fast curing my daughter of ringworm which had spread allover all-over her body Mrs E L D Merriam Mer-riam Blue Hill Mass Druggists keep it SI per package J buy Dr Bensons Celery and Chamomile Pills and introduce them wherever I go Personal knowledge and experience of their effects on others prompts this act Rev J P Fugett rector St Lukes church Myersburg Pa Fifty cents at druggists drug-gists gista014 I u rruoyr ROYAL IaWi a s nrn I I I i I I i 4ii 0 I I I POWDER Absolutely Pure This powder nerer varies a marre Ot parity strength and wholesomeness Mora economical than the ordinary kinds end cannot can-not be sold in competition with the multitude multi-tude of low test short weight alum orjjhos pbate powderi Sold only In tens SOTAL lUiwa Potrrma Co Rem York t j r < 1 D > t < c VJ < vfiT I 1 Ti I I 0 Call and inspect the Very Best Assortment of I OIIILDRmNs IBO1TS EOYSZOcr1Ei3 ZOcr1Ei3 TI > JVLtU S s Clothing and Furnishing Goods ton cl > I C s p 1 Which has ever been introduced into Salt Lake City P will be sold at LOW FfGTTRHS to Wake room I axaaxuv jl VUIll for fresh arrivals a r MENS SUMMER COATS IN GREAT VARIETY F FS 11 S STRAW AND FELT HATS IN LATEST ST YLES A H S ELDREDGE j Superintendent MCGORNIGK COf BAN ER S SALT LAKE CITY UTAII I Transact a General Banking Bank-ing Business I Careful Attention Given to the Sale ot Ores and Bullion We solicit Consignments Consign-ments Guaranteeing the Highest High-est Market Prices Collections made with Prompt returns atj lowest low-est Bates Execute Orders for Purchas r SaleJ of blocks and Bonds at New York and San Francisco Wei 1 Exchange and Telegraphic Tranifers on Leading cities of the United states also Furnish Sight Drafts or Remit Fund to London Dublin Berlin Copenhagen Paris Stockholm and all other Prominent Points in Europe at Lowest Rates of Exchange Certificates of Deposit Issued Payable on De wand ACTIVE ACCOUNTS SOLICITED CORRESPONDENTS NEW YORK Importers and Traders National Bank Kountze Brothers CHICAGO Commercial National Bank SAN FRANCISCO First Notional Gold Bank OMAHA Omaha National Bank ST Louis States SavingAssociation METROPOLITAN SALOON Bechtol Bros Props The Finest Liquors and Cigars Poo Table Nice Cold Lunch from 9 lil 12 pm Gall and try us METROPOLITAN HOTEL null CiTY TAX ASSESSMENT To the Taxpayers of Sail Lake City IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE JL provisions of Sections 15 and 16 of An Ordinance to provide for assessing and collecting city taxer passed March 12th 1878 the City Council of Salt Lake City will sit as a Board of Equalization Equali-zation on Tuesday August 28th 1883 at 6 oclock p m in the Council Chamber Cham-ber of the City Han of said city to determine de-termine all complaints made ia regard to the assessed value of any property as assessed for city taxes for the year 1883 During its session said board will also hear and consider any petitions which may be presented to remit or abate the taxes of any insane idiotic infirm or indigent person to an amount not exceeding ex-ceeding five dollars for the current years agreeably to the provisions of said ordinance Let all persons take due notice and govern themselves accordingly In testimouy whereof I have hereunto let my hand and affixed the eoporate seal of LS Salt Loke City this 21st day of August AD 1883 HEBER M WELLS Recorder MONHEIH KNAPP ROHITECTS OFFIOE TBIRD 1i Floor next door North of Jones Bank Main street Salt Lake Box 632 Walker Bras SEASONS CLOSING OUT OP I 1000 IR IE3IMI IDsT A 2sTn AND Sh ORT LIEJIsI QTIBIS t OF DRESSriCOODS t SILKS SATINS VELVETS CARPETS AND ALL CLASSES OF D Y GOOD AT FROM S5c to 75c on the 881 0 CHOICE GOODS AT IMMENSE BARGAINS i WALKER BROS RINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Executed in a Workmanlike manner at the P Herald Job Printina Office lAT lQ l-AT LOWEST LIVING PRICE = k M d ik j |