Show Mining Transactions Mining interests in the southern part of the Territory have been lagging lag-ging more or less for some time past in fact it was only in the western portion of the populated part of the county that anything of consequence had been going on for a long time prior to a few months ago when the interior part of the district of country referred to commenced com-menced to boom up again and now it is threatening to boom This region embraces some fine properties proper-ties among them the celebrated Cave Lincoln December Creole etc Messrs Croff Brothel s prinsi pal owners in the latter and several other mines have been pushing along work steadily when all but them had fled discouraged now people are coming back and investments invest-ments are numerous They have made two or three sales and as many purchases lately big figures in cash being the consideration in each and every instances No mining min-ing district of similar proportions and opportunities ever looked better than Lincoln now does and we look for big reports from there soon |