Show TELEGRAPHIC The James Trial Kansas City 23Governor Crltten den arrived last night from Jeffrson fifty and left this morning for Gallatin where He has been subporsal by the defense de-fense to testify at James trial The Governor says be cannot imagine what they expect to prove by him except the mere fact of Franks furrender St Louis 24Thl PostDispntcft Gallatin special The Jury that is try log the case of the People vs Frank James spent the night in chsrge of the sheriff Jv was much discussed at the hotels and the opinion is generally expressed ex-pressed that u verdict of guilty is out of tbe question a hung jury is probable and acquitt1 possible Promptly at 8 oclock this morning this court convened con-vened the witnesses being excluded from the court room The attendance I was not so large as yesterday A number num-ber of ladies occupied seats on the stage Judge Goodman announced that counsel would be allowed an hour in which to present the case to tho jury Mr Wallace for the State rend the indictment and then told the story of the Winston robbery and the manner of the death of McMillan who was shot through the head as he looked through the door of the smoking car Tho three mon in the smoking car were Frank and Jesse James and Wood Bite He said the two who took possession posses-sion of the engine wore Dick Liddell and Clarence Hite The speaker foreshadowed fore-shadowed the testimony of the State locating the gang in Clay and Hay counties and establishing their presence in the vicinity of Winston on the day of the robbery The defence waived the right of the presentation of their case and the taking of testimony commenced The first witness was John D Linn of Colfax Iowa a stoneman who was in company of McMillan at the time of his death He related how he and five others including McMillan boarded a at Winton how three men came in at Winston how the three men came in the car with revolvers re-volvers in each hand How McMillan was killed as he jumped up to look through the window and tbe circumstances circum-stances ofthe robbery Crossexamination admitted thai hecould not swear to the identity of the three men BB they wore masks Addis Wolcott engineer of the train the second witness related how a couple of masked robbors jumped on the train and forced him to obey their orders at the muzzle of revolvers Frank Samper baggage man told his experience during tbe robbery how he was pulled from the car by the leg and threatened with a revolver Charles Murray United States express agent on the train related how he was forced to open the safe by two men In masks armed with revolvers Two physicians then testified as to the I nature of the wounds causing McMil I lans death This concluded the testimony of the Slate in so far as the killing las concerned con-cerned The court then adjourned until 130 when evidence will be adduced ad-duced tending to connect Frank James with the killing Governor Crittenden arrived this morning aud is an attentive auditor in court I |