Show > t i i si rk jL f J Jl r WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH TH < GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY WILl i q SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THE f Inneapolis PIOL Chlppewa all 5tevenzToit 1 its r cdco cs p I N T g inoea p1o a frnaaAn TT sae eta I ode f Sf Fan I aw Cmue i tit orria a t ° F a I s S olio arrnr fi a t ft ogysC7 p RxL Qo 6 r I f t L d eai1 p eoe InedaGhlen o 4y fH 1 f L S f f l 1 ° fp y P df 72r w i 0 t it 0 yva yP o St i ill i t P G Nee ets 0 1r J pf o Ftuurcam r FaC n tip e ° L1IN r 4eoLL C ° Q P L MINaT Ra = I 3 t ry q de + q F fA ° 3 + JJ 6Jn gy t n a tat + cr + a ka QT irev 4 TC n S M wu TIon ere k + hn ° 1ap ° Leavenw o err 1 a c ° r r pci e t s Ntlrb eye c S V i n NSAS C TYk raga 1 v 1iia r w f 4j CEJICAC09 ROCK BSLAND PACFBC Rv Being the Creat Centra Line affords to travelers by reason of Its unrivaled geographical geo-graphical position the shortest and best rot between th j = East Northeast and Southeast arid the West Northwest and Southwest It Is literally and strictly true that its connections arc all of the principal lines o road between the Atlantic and the Pacific By Its main line and branches it reaches Chicago Jollet Peoria Ottawa La Salle Coneseo Mollne and Rock stand In Illinois Davenport Muscntlno Washington Keokuk Knoxvllle Oskaloosa Fairfield Des Moines West Liberty Iowa City Atlantic Avoca Audubon Harlan Cuthrie Center and Council Bluffs jli tn Iowa Callatln Trenton Cameron and Kansas City In Missouri and Leavers j Ji worth and Atchison in Kansas and the hundreds of cities villages and towns Intermediate The i 1 J CREAT ROCK RSlAND fiOUTE j As It is familiarly called offers to travelers all the advantages and comfort Incident to a smooth track safe bridges Union Depots at all connecting polnt r Past Express Trains composed of COMMODIOUS WELL VENTILATED WE HEATED FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEGANT DAY COACHES a line of the SfiOST MAGNIFICENT HORTOH RECLINING CHAIR CARS eve built i PULLMAN f I latest designed and handsomest PALACE SLEEPING CARS and DINING veer I r that are acknowledged by press and people tr tie tho FiEST RUN UPON AWj ROAD IN THE COUNTRY and In which superior r vj are served to travelers r3 I the low rate of SEVEHTYFIVE CENTS EACH TH EE TRAINS each way between CMICAGO and the fTSSSOUR R5VSR r TWO TOfAIHS each trap between CHICAGO and flIBM APOL 3 and ST PAUL via tho famous ALBERT LEA ROUTEu f A New and Direct Line via Soaoca and Kankakee has recently boon opened between seTsrt News Richmond l Cinjinnatt Indianapolis and La Fayette and Council Blufis St K Minneapolis and intermediate points All Through Passengers carried on Fast Expreu Train For more detailed information see Maps and Polders watch may obtained II well 111 Ictcti at all principal Ticket Offices in the United State and Canada or of R R CABLE ST JOHN VlcaPrest Cenl Manager Cenl Tf kt 4 Paosr Agt tF ManagerCH1CAGS CH1CAGS 4 f1 I WEBER PIANO a i t l 1 An Instrument with a Soul in It L j o f t S CHE LARGEST STOCK OF PIANOS EVER EXHIBITED I t r IN UTAH ll t tt 0 1 I AYE 6 b COAL TER By paying spot cash have secured the t EXCLUSIVE AGENCY OF TEE W BElt Which without doubt is the s r BEST PIANO MANUFACTURED r t WEBER COUPLETS TRIUMPH 2it the Centennial Exhibition 1S76 is alone sufficient to satisfy thE u t i minds of the Public as to the Superiority of this Piano The tI Judges awarded the Weber 95 points out of a possible I 96 The next highest was only 91 ih I i SOLD ON EASY TERMS AT REDUCED PRICES p f f i i t f DAYNES COAL TER 4 HOOPER ELDREDGE BLOCK Ff f y his SALT LAKE CITY UTAH TER a j i tJ J i t i t 3 i 6 0 t = i4 t tIt < tf It t tt ii n t i tf 1 H h t H WAREHOUSE HI11 I > ° F H i i SALT LAKE CITY UTAH if DR M BOCK IAN i j j PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OCULIST AND AURIST FFICE IN HILLS BUILDING 3 5 OFFICE Walker House Office hours from 1 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m ResidencE a Res-idencE Fourth East net Second and Third South Consultation in German SI d a and English Telephone at office and r Hideo0 m27 r vi THE REV GEO H THAYER 1 of BourbonInd says Both my f till and wife owe our lives to Sri S-ri CONSUMPTION CUBEs l gaJd by Z C ML Drug Store nn s r I I THE BAY HORSE SHOEING SHOP BY TELEPHONE Pendleton k Hideoui HORSESHOEING Promjtljr and Artistically Done INtERFERING IN SPEEDING CUTTING OVEBREAOHING 81UJIBLINO ETC I ATTENDED SCO AND CURED ALL WORK WARRANTED Horses carefully led to and from any part of the city wiLhont extra charge DAVID JAMES I IB Eole Agent for the Jackacin Ventilating tilating Grate and Fire on the Hearth Grates Stoves and Mantle DAVID JAMES Is Bole Agent far the Otto Silent Gas Engine DAVID JAMES Is Bole Agent for the Garry Iron Booting DAVID JAMES Is Sole Agent for the Hasten H B Smith and W H Warner Steam Heating Apparatus DAVID JAMES Is Bole Agent for the Hartford Glues Water Closets and keeps in took the Hellyer Hygeia Zanes Jennings and Whites Sanitary Closets all of which are firstclass DAVID JAMES Keeps in stock the Latest Improved Plumbere Materials to be found in the Eastern Markets DAVID JAMES Has in stock the Latest Designs in Gas Fixtures selected pen oaaily while in the East the past winter DAVID JAMES Hae in stock a large supply of Iron Hose and Lead Pipe Pumps and Fittings DAVID JAMES Is also prepared to Lay Water Pipe from the water mains on short notice DAVID JAMES I I Has a large force of Firstclass Plumbers Steam and Gas Fitters and is prepared to do Plumbing and II steam Fitting on the very latest im 1 proved plans na adopted by Eastern I lilies and solicits the continued pat I nonage of the citizens of this city and vicinity DAVID JAMES Hag in stock a large assortment of Tin Plate Sheet Iron Roofing and Galvanized Iron and is prepared too to-o all kinds of Tin Copper and Sheet Iron Work Stove Furniture a Specialty Spe-cialty Oro BrS S RBCBivBd C bv Telephone At Office and Workshops No 69 Main Street or Residence myl8 THE FAMOUS BREAKWATER OaURN Butter made in from one and a hal I to three minutes I A THERMOMETER furnished with each CHuRN II I For Sale by I I Hla B CLAWSON H He b A ap27 SALT LAKE CITY THOMSON c SHURTLIFF DEXTER I Livery f Sale E and FBB State 1 best or old rostofflce All ordera Promptly Attended toP to-P 0 Box 1130 THIS NEV l TROPOLITtN BOW A Desirable Family Hotel with all the Pleasant Surroundings of Lawn Shade Tree etc etc A FirHtclaEs Hotel for 300 per day Special rates by the week or mouth I L SIMON Proprietor I Cor West Temple and Third E1uth SLI Sal Lake City I pHE ONLY absolute cure for Scrofula JL Scrofulous Contagiou Itching Scaly Pimply Mercurial Cancerous Infantile and Birth Humors Bl jod Poiaonp and Torturing Skin Diseases is theCuTJCUBA BBMZHIES They hove performed miracles of cures when phyti cianr hospitals and all other meing failed They are thaonly Sfrn and Blood Cures tree from mercury arsenic end mineral poisons Tbey are prepared by chemists of worldwide ceiebrity and unsullied un-sullied honor Tbey differ in compo ittoo from all other known remedies Heuce they command the confidence of physicians physi-cians druggists and all afflicted CUTICURA RESOLVENT The new bloodpurifier kills the disease germs cf Scrofulous Contagious and inherited In-herited Humors which float in the blood urine and perspiration expelling them through the bowel kidneys and pores ol f the skin CUTICURA a medicinal jelly eats away the dead akin and flesh ullays itchings and irritation foflunp soothe and heals It instantly relieves the most torturing Itchir g Humot Itching Iiles and Delicate Irritations CUTICURA SOAP prepared from CTJTICTJPA is indispensable in-dispensable in the treatment of Skin Diseases Dis-eases Infantile and Birth Humor end for preserving and beautifying the Skin SCROFULOUS Humor on face nock and head for 12 years permanent cured by CUTICTTBA REMEDIES after medic and hospital treatment bad failed Hon vVm Taylor Tay-lor 8 Pemberton Iq Boston SALT RHEUM covered the body for 10 years and resisting all known xuethode of treatment cured by CUTICURA REMEDIES REM-EDIES Chas Houghton lawyer 28 Stato st Boston PSORIASIS or Leprosy cf 20 yearg1 standing perfectly cured Hoot wonderful wonder-ful casa on record Cure certified to be foO a niogistrate and wellknown citizens citi-zens H E Cirpenlcr Henderfon New York SKIN DISEASE Of lha most painful nature on his head face eyes and hands nearly destroying his eyesight cured after a consultation of physicians had failed F H Drake Detroit Mich Milk Crust Baby of two years aead covered with crusts and sores cured and now a fine healthy child Mrs Borers 145 Clinton street Cincinnati Price CUTICURA 50c and 100 pet box KEOLVENT 100 per bottle CUTICUBA SOAP 25c CUTICUBA SHAVIKG SOAP 15c Sold everywhere Potter Drug and Ohemical 001 Boston For Infantile and Birth human I BABY hum-an Rough Chapp d of I I Greasy Skin Pimples and minor dsin Blemishes UBe CUTICUrA SOAP an exquisite SKIN BEAUTIFIER and Toilet Bath and Nursery Sanativa Fragrant with delicious flower odors and JUT ICURA healing balsams JI CATARRH I J I I I COMPLETE TREATMENT 1 A single dose of Santlfords Radical I Cure instantly relieves the most violent Sneezing or Head Colds clear the Head as by magic stops watery discharges from the Nose and Eyes prevents Ringing Ring-ing Noises in the Head cures Nervous eadcbe and subdues Chills and Fever In Chronic Catarrh it cleanses the nasal passages of foul mucus restores the senses ot smell ta te and hearing when affected frees the head throat and bronchial tubes of offensive matter sweetens and purifies the breath stops the cough and arrests the progress of Catarrh towards Consumption One bottle Radical Cure one box Ca ajrhal Solvent and Sandforda Inhaler all 1 in one package of all drdcgists for 51 Ask for SAKDPOBDS RADICAL CURE I POTTER DRUG AND CHK3I Co BOSTON COLLINS For the relief and preven tiOD Tflz raSIANT IT 13 AP J nIT AIC PLIED of Rheumatism Net I vf4 raMa Sciatica Oongha Colds Weak Back Stomach i o < and BowelsShooung Pains leA le-A Pains PalDltattcn Dyspep yp 81a Liver Complaint Bill ELECTRIC oua Fever Malaria and i Iii > i c Epidemics use COLLINS pLASTER S PLASTERS tan jn orBIC BAT TEST combined with a POROUS PLASTE and laugh at pain 36c everywhere ITO WASATCH MilLS Of 1881 Best Brands of FLOUR aJwaya on hand and for sale in Quantities ties large or small at bottom prices Highest uasa rnces paid for W HI 33 T r Office at Idaho Bakery Second South Street GEORGE > El1i Laul1 un FOR SALE TWO NEV 1 BOILERS One 30 and one 80 horsepower Workmanship Guaranteed and Prices Satisfactory Apply toNE HA = to-NE SON SOUTH TEMPLE ST Between Second f Third West Sts BOILER MAKERS All Kinds of Boiler Work EDone I buy Dr Bensons Celery and Chamomile Pills and introduce them wherever I go Personal knowledge and experience of their effects on others prurnpts this act Rev J P Fugett rector St Luke church Myersburg Ta Fifty cents at druggists drug-gists IT is the common observation I that the standard of natural health and normal activity among American Ameri-can women is being lowered by the iniluence of false ideas and habits of life engendered by fashionable ignorance and luxurious living It is a happy circumstance that Mrs Lydia E Pinkham has come to the front to instruct and cure the sufferers suf-ferers of her sex t iflSTETTti STOf5IACt TTER Hostetters Stomach Bit e increasing vital power anj f ing the physical functions If and active keeps the ovatej good working order and pro against disease For coast dyspepsia and liver complaInt ousness kidney and rheamau < ments it is invaluable and its it-s sure defence against m a fevers besides removing all of such lineage from the Svsts DR STEINHdRI 205 MAIN ST SALT LAKE I TTAVING JUST BBTUBNEDI n HAVING JuL Europe offers his services citizens of Salt Lake and vlcn > t j I has had twenty five years I penance in the special treatnn all Venereal Sexual and Obrcuil i eases and guarantees cure all t Disease Srpilitic or Mercurial I tions of the Throat Skin or NERVOUS DEBILITY Impoten Lost Manhood the effects of wh various maddening and destru both body and mind and unb will terminate fatally hepres tho disease causes a contiaiu sciousneas of a flow and gran cay of all the power cf and mind with loss of ssc power and vigor defective a heart sSactions loss of sgfa2 l the head and ears cmfu ion t aversion to society excessive p = > trembling of the hands and 1 mb sumption marasmus and uLnu rangemant of the mind The 7Ii i becomes so weak that the persons loose control of himself end look one square in the face ij causes Dyspepsia and Indigaoj i Heart and Kidney Disease CT tion is FEE and invited Comes do not put it off All corr asp confidental Office hours Is tv to 8 evoakjg bundajs to I I r TO THE FRONT ANNING BECK REtL MANNING Loan Agents Notsn ll lie Properties for Sale Honses Rents Collected Money to Lo5 a Kotata Business Promptly Allee Office 61 Second South Street J Uox499 r l 5IATTHEW COTTBS TjcOS SALT LAKE Cl BREWERY FINEST OFll AV G THE COIl HA in the 11 bin spring water site tit j re3sat have selected our preJent R BEER ER manufacture choicest ofLAG Utah BRi finest With New the York Stale a3ntwyt in any quanth supply pared to the shortest notl and bottles cn brand of popular Salt Lake City BrewerY MORITZ V GLEN1 r WHY WILL YOU cough will give iD1111 lhilohs Cure and fl 1 1 elief price lOC 50C 1 Z c Y J Drua Store |