Show Goulds Statement New York 24The Sun publishes pub-lishes a letter from Washington McLean and Jay Gould in which the former as a friend and supporter of Stanley Matthews asks if there is any truth in the charge that Gould agreed to subscribe a large sum to the Garfield campaign fund upon the condition that Matthews be nominated to the supreme bench Gould replied denouncing the story as a pure fabrication and asserts that he had no bargain oi any sort directly with General Garfield Gould concludes the letter My acquaintance ac-quaintance with Matthews was not intimate Indeed I remember that it was at our own solicitation after his nomination that I asked Mr Plumb by an open telegram to act Lif consistent in his confirmation confirma-tion Matthews was never my counsel indeed he was the friend if not also the counsel for the Texas Pacific then controlled by Thomas A Scott and which was at the time hostile to the interest of those roads in which I was interested |