Show DELEVAN Wis September 24 18iS GENTSI have taken not quite one bottle of the Hop HItters 1 was a feeble old man of 78 when I got it Today I am as active and feel as well as I did at 30 I see a great many that need such a medicine 0 D BOYCE aOYAi y aMC oy ROYAL UIWf7 YtOa d O 4KI G POWDER Absolutely Purea This powder never varies a marvel of parity strength and wholesomeness More eeonoralca than the ordinary kinds and cannot can-not be sold in competition with the mnlti tcdo of low teat short weight alum or Jhos pnate powdore Sold only in cans BOZI lUxisa Powtusn Co New York LEGAL NOTICE + In the Probate Court of the County of Salt Lake Territory of Utah In the Matter of the Estate of Karl G Sansted deceased Order TT APPEALING TO SAID COURT 1 by tbePetition this day presented and filed bv Anne Oharlson the administra trix of the etate cf Kirl G Se rated de cwed praying for an order sale of the real estate of paid deceased that it is necessary to soIl the whole ef said estate to psy the debts outstanding against the deceased and the debts expense and charges of administration of said estate It is therefore ordered by said Court that all nOl ona interested in siid estate of said deceased apnear before the said Probate Pro-bate Court on Friday the seventh day of September 1SS3 at 10 oclock in the forenoon of said day at the court room of said Court at thq County Court House of said County in Salt Lake City Utah to show cause why an order should not be granted to said administratrix to sell said real estate for the purposes of paying said debts outstanding againat said deceased de-ceased end the debts expenses and charges of administration And that a copy of this order be 1 published pub-lished at east ton successive day in the SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD a newspaper news-paper published and printed in said City of Bait Like E SMITH Probate Judge Dated 24h August 1833 TKRBITOBY OF UTAH COUNTY OF SALT LAKE J 6S I D BOCKHOLT Clerk of the Probate Court in and for the County of Salt Lake in the Territory of Utah do hereby certify cer-tify that tho foregoing is a full truo and correct copy of an order to show cause why an order of sale should not be granted as appears of record in my office In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and SEAL 1 affixed the Seal of said Court this 21th day of August AD 1883 D BOOKBOL au25 Probate Clerk ARGA D EJ Bestanrant an GnoD HOllSl 1 HE BEST IN TOWN EVERYTHING SEASON PRICES MODERATE I J INWOODEY Caterer Lumber Yardarm Yard-arm PLANING MILL HALF BLOCK EAST OF DEPOT Lumber Boors Lath asla Shingles Mouldings Ceiling Frames Flooring Picket Hardware Rustic 98h Weights lass eta All Bills promptly Willed Bnil1ers Gontli tOl5 nlan i taumr3 TaYlOr Romney ArmXITflU r Late LatImer Taylor Ij CoP Co-P 0 Box 629 fel SELECT OYSTERS 9 LT w S S MITxs No8 FIRST SOUTH STREET A Booths Large Selects 75 cents I Standards 5O cents PER CAN Received Fresh Every Morning Open on Sundays j l c Yi I c Call and inspect the Very Beat Assortment of CSILDBJE BOYS BOYSYOU YOU 1Eo IMiiEJITS Clothing ann Furnishing Go Which has ever been introduced into Salt Lake Cit will be sold at LO W FIGURES to make room for fresh arrivals MEiSJJ SUMMER COATS IN GREAT VARIETY II D STRAW AND FELT HATS IN LATEST STYLES 4 H So ELDREDGE Superintendent MCGO NICK R CO BANKERS SALT tAKE CITY UTAH I Transact a General Banking Bank-ing Business Careful Attention Given to the Sale ot Ores and Bullion We solicit Consignments Consign-ments Guaranteeing the Highest I High-est Market Prices Collections znado with Prompt returns atj lowest low-est Rates Execute Orders for Purchas r SaleJ of Blocks and Bonds at New York and San Francisco Wet 1 Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers oil Leading cities of the United States also Furnish Sight Drafts or Remit Funds to London Dublin Berlin Copenhagen Paris Stockholm and all other Prominent Points In Europe at Lowest Rates of Exchange Certificates of Deposit Issued Payable on Demand De-mand ACTIVE ACCOUNTS SOLICITED CORRESPONDENTS NEW YORK Importers aDd Traders Rational Bank Koanlza Brothers CHICAGO Commercial National Bank Sax FKANCISCO First National Gold Bank OMAHA Omaha National Bank ST Louis States SavingAssociation METROPOLITAN SALOON Bechtol Bros Props The Finest Liquors Bud Cigars Poo Tables Nice Cold Lunch from 9 til 12 pm Call and try us METROPOLITAN HOTEL null CITY TAX ASSESSMENT To the Tax payers of Salt Lake City N ACCORDANCE WITH THE IN provisions of Sections 15 and 16 of An Ordinance to provide for assessing and collecting city taxes passed March 12th 1878 the City Council of Salt Lake City will sit as a Board of Equalization Equali-zation on Tuesday August 28th 1888 at 6 oclock p m in the Council Chamber Cham-ber of the City Hall of said city < to determine de-termine all complaints made in regard to the assessed value of any property as assessed for city taxes for the year 1883 During its session said board will also hear and consider any petitions which may be presented to remit or abate the taxes of any insane idiotic infirm or indigent person to an amount not exceeding ex-ceeding five dollars for the current year1 agreeably to the provisions of said ordinance Let all persons take due notice and govern themselves accordingly In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my band and affixed the eoporate seal ot Le Salt Loke City this 21st day of August AD1883 HEBE M WELLS Recorder MONHEIM KNAPP ARCHITECTS OFFICE THIRD AROHITEOTS door North of Jones Bank Main street Salt Lake Box 632 t Walker Bra r i SEASONS CLOSING 0 OF 1OOO IR IS IMI 2sT gZ T T AND SZHOIRT LIEIsI QTIBIS OF DRESS coons f SlllS SA liNS1 < r VELVETS CARPE AND ALL CLASSES OF 1 i AT FROM 25c to 75c on the SB1 ft CHOICE GOODS AT IMMENSE BARG WALKER BROS RINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCI manner at the Executed in a Workmanlike F Herald Job Printino Offi ° AT LOWEST LIVING PRICES 6 |