Show I For the BBBALB THE MAN AND THE MONKEY I I A men and a monkey I Were tandiuK trgether The monkev lookd straight at the man 1he latter remarking I wonder now whether Its true thats the way we begat T The WAn laughed aloud at his serious thought The monkey then started to grin If true said the man ft hat charge has been wrought 1 The story I think is too thin Ths men was just smoking A pipe of tobacco The monkey reached out for the pipe The man laughtd aloud then At bright little Jacko Who now for tome fUG was just rip The cute little monkey erdeavored to smoke The man wan delighted to see ii By thunder he said But this is no joke Hes fond of tho weed juet like meA me-A tumbler of whisky The man had bren drinking And some at the bottom remained The monkry had smelt it Ho began winkIng The tumbler the monkfy soon driined The man when he saw that the monkey liked drink Erpecially whisky so strong Declfred Well at last I know whit I think Our races together belong The man was still standing i The problem unfolding The monkey the pipe then did steal The min was astonished To see Jacko holding The pipe twixt his tal and his heel Hes fond tobacco and whisky said he I And filches whenever he can Tis but e slight step twixt monkey and mo By thunder Hell soon be a man ARMEEE Salt Lake City August 24th 1883 |