Show r 1 f PJ fAMAN WHO IS UNACQUAINTED I WTH THS GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY WILD SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THE I rAnneapolil ° rauL Chlppew ill sreeuuTai + Mu Nritko dbu F too Dank Dan-k trea can + tte 1 R aar C rWaa tatI 7f 08ti rl Ea71 5 a cr s Coeee a E i I i pin1L ° Pit yta y a ieale Dr ° n a 0 ON F rt r Ci aru ff i j t0 t u d + ° o e a1 ueduCetea va Il ffJ 4 J 1 J 9aevO o orPyeo y v a q 9 i 1 a P I 0o tyolP rrR f rT t0 bl t acua G I I r a C CPntreZ 4a t j P68 t 8 icelTaP e r a4 + + a To Ida P J bro A y fl 4 e tda t1s off ° n 3 0 Ltarv ° wa Trca fire Ua lrnRi o e en ° ttttQt Me r S V raps N5AS C CY 3 Iie1 VoiiTaIim r HICAC09 ROCK 6SLAND PACHF9C Rv l Being the Creat Central Line affords to travelers by reason of Its unrivaled geographical I geo-graphical position thj shortest and best route between th v East Northeast and > Southeast and the Vest Nortnwest and Southwest ti I I i It Is literally and strictly true that Its connections are all of the principal linos o1 road between the Atlantic and the Pacific 1 By Its main line and branches it reaches Chicago JOliet Peoria Ottawa La Salle Ceneseo Mollno and Rock Island In Illinois Davenport Muscatlne Washington Keokuk Knoxville Oskaloosa Fairfield Des Moines West Liberty a a Iowa City Atlantic Avoca Audubon Harlan Cuthrio Center and Council Bluffa + s in Iowa Callatln Trenton Cameron and Kansas City In Missouri and Leaven worth and Atchison In Kansas and the hundreds of cities villages and town I intermediate The CHEAT ROCK iSLAND ROUTEs i I As It Ic familiarly called offers to travelers all the advantages and comforts Incident to a smooth track safe bridges Union Depots at all connecting point i Fast Express Trains composed of COMMODIOUS WELL VENTILATED WEL HEATED FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEGANT DAY COACHES a line of tW r I I MOST MACNIFICENT HORTON RECLINING CHAIR CARS eve builtl PULLMAfttt Ii 1 t latest designed and handsomest PALACE SLEEPING CARS and DINING Carer l that are acknowledged by press and people tr ic the FINEST RUN UPON AU9 Ii ROAD IN THE COUNTRY and In which superior vvsle are uervod to travelers ra > J I I the low rate of SEVENTYFIVE CENTO EACH THREE TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and the MISSOURI RIVER i t 1 TWO T AIHS each way between CHICAGO and ffilNHEAPOUa and ST Ii PAUL via the famous 1 ALBERT LEA ROUTEO I A New and Direct Line via Soncca and Kankakea has recently been opened between j expert New Kiohmond Cionnnitl Indianapolis and La Eayotto and Council Bluffs St I teal Minneapolis and intermediate points I All Through Passengers carried on Fast Express Train 7 For more detailed information Maps and Folders wares may be obtained ae well at 1 ickets at all principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada or of t I R R CABLE c T JOHN 1 VlcePrest ok Cenl Manager Cenl Tktt Paasr Agb i ManaeorCH8CAGO r I CH8CAGO i WEBECACOPIANO 111 WEBER PIANOs s II i An Instrument with a Soul in It 1 i 0 d r THE LARGEST STOCK OF PIANOS EVER EXHIBITED a I IN I UTAH II I rot f I DA YINES COAL TElR f I By paying spot cash have secured the f F I EXCLUSIVE AGENCY OF THE WEBER I 1 J Which without doubt is the t t I 11 1 BEST PIANO MANUFACTUR ED 1 i i i 1 WEBERS COMPLETE TRIUMPH j I At the Centennial Exhibition 1876 is alone sufficient to satisfy the I 1 I minds of the Public as to the Superiority of this Piano The i j Judges awarded the Weber 95 Points out of a possible J I 90 The next highest was only 91 f I JI I I + t v 1 i M ill SOLD ON EASY TERMS AT REDUCED PRICES i nil I d DYNES CO ALTER j t H i J Ii HOOPER ELDREDGE BLOCK t f mal8 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH TER t Il i t r f s r t d i i f J j il i t F Ii 1 r 1 J f H I t cLAW5N 1 t zit i t iir l q j 11 i J i i i J f L I WAREHOUSE fl r 1 rl1 a 1t SALT LAKE CITY UTAH t h 1fUJ ° i J I t t L DR M OCKUA1i 1 1 1F F PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OCULIST i i AND ATJEISTf Y Ii t FF1CE IN HILLS BUILDING OFFICE Walker House Office hours from 1 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m Residence Res-idence fourth Bait net Second and Third South Consultation in German i t and English Telephone at office and sideDCU > m27 w r 1 SHJXOHS VfALTZVR l s wl 1 i ° you need for Constipation Less oi fippetlte Dizziness and all symptoms f symp-toms of Dyspepsia Price lOc ant t 6c per bottle SoW fcv 7 a liI 4 DlPg Star l r Fl 1 It tfyM i 1 Wj r 1 > I THEBAY HORSE SHOEING SHOP I BY TELEPHONE Pendleton Hideout HORSESHOEING Promptly and Artistically Done INTERFERING IN SPEEDING CUTTINT BREACHING STUMBLING ETC ATTENDED SO AND CURED AIL I WORK WARRANTED Horses carefully led to and from any part ef the < itv without extra charge I t i HE ONLY absolute cure for Scrofula Scrofulous Contagious Itching Scaly Pimply Mercurial Cancerous Infantile and Birth Humors Blood Poisons and Torturing Skin Diseases is the CTJTICTJBA REMEDIES They have performed miracles of cures when phyii cianf hospitals Mid all other means failed They are the only Skin and Blood Cures free from mercury arsenic nd mineral poisons They are prepared by chemists of worldwide celebrity and unsullied un-sullied honor They differ in composition from all other known remedies Hence they command the confidence of physicians physi-cians druggists and all afflicted CUTICURA RESOLVENT The new bloodpurifier kills the disease germs of Scrofulous Contagious and Inherited In-herited Humors which float in the blood urine and perspiration expelling them through the bowel kidneys and pores of the EKin CDTICURA a medicinal jelly eats sway the dead skin and flesh allays tchings and irritations soften soothes and heals It instantly reieves the most torturing Itching Humors Itching Piles and Delicate irritations CoiictiaA SOAP prepared from CUTICTJEA is indispensable In-dispensable in the treatment of Skin Diseases Dis-eases Infantile and Birth Humors and for preserving and beautifying the Skin SCROFULOUS Humor on face neck and head for 12 years permanently cured by CUTICURA REMEDIES after medic l and hospital treatment had failed Bon vm Tav lor 8 Pemberton tq Boston SALT RHEUM covered the body for 10 years and resisting all known methods of treatment cured by CUTICURA REMEDIES REM-EDIES Chas Houghton lawyer 28 State st Boston PSORIASIS or Leprosy of 20 years standing perfectly cured Mo = t wonderful wonder-ful case on record Cure certified to before be-fore a magistrate and wellknown citizens citi-zens H E Carpenter Henderson New York SKIN DISEASE Of the most painful nature on his head face eyes and hands nearly destroying his eyesight cured after a consultation of physicians kad l failed F H Drake Detroit Mich Milk Crust Baby of two years head covered with crusts and sores cured and now a fine healthy child Mrs Bower 145 Clinton street Cincinnati Price OUT CURA 50c and 100 per box RE OLYENT 100 per bottle CUTICUBA SOAP 25c CxmcuBA SHAVING SOAP 15c Sold everywhere Potter Drug and Chemical Co Boston For Infantile and Birth Humors BABY Hum-ors Rough Chapprd of Greasy Skin Pimples and minor SKID Blemishes use CUTICUrA SOAP an eXlluisite SKIN BEAUTIFIER and Toilet Bath and Nursery Sanative Fragrant with delicious Sower odors and CUT CTJBA healing balsams < CATARRH COMPLETE TREATMENT 1 A single dose SandfordsKaclical Care instantly relieves the most violent sneezing or Hsad Colde clear the Head as by magic stops watery discharges from the Nose and Eyes prevents Ring ing Noises in the Head cures Nervous Headache and subdues Chills and Fever In Chronic Catarrh it cleanses the nasal passages of foul mucus restores the senses of smell taste and bearing when affected frees the head throat and bronchial tubes of offensive matter sweetens and purifies the breath stops the cough and arrests the progress of Catarrh towards Consumption One bottle Radical Cure one box Catarrhal Ca-tarrhal Solvent and Sandfords Inhaler all in one package of all drtiggists fortH Ask for SANDFOBDS EPICAL CuRE POTTER DRUG AND CHKII Co BOSTON COLLINS For the relief and preen V OL hon see INSTANT n n APPLIED TAlC VOLTAic PLIED of Rheumatism Neu N I rffA ralgia Sciatica Oonghs y Colds Weak Back Stomach a Viand BowelsShootlng Pains t Nnmbne68Hyateri Female y 5 Pains Palpitation DJI pep III i t KNB L Complaint ninE nin-E > ouB Fever Malaria ann p i il H PlEbS Epidemics use COLLINS ASTEr PLABTEBS an BIIOTKIC BAT TEEY combined with a POROUS FLAITZK uiJ laugh at palm S5c everywhere TOBy Reouctions t in Coall r END CA1Y I f By Oar Load per ton S3 OAt O-At Yard II 100 Delivered II S15O RPC JK SPRINGS i Uy Car Load per ton 56 00 At Yard 650 Delivered 700 W ECEl1 ECEl1By By Car Load per ton 450 At Yard t f 525 Delivered sao Wasatch Buildings Main Street ABRAM GOULD Agent ODELL BCN cALCIMIN ERS In Plain White or Tints JOB BING PLASTERING Grate Setting Chimney Topping Cis trns and Filters Built and Bepaired etc WhiteWashing and General Jobbing Shop and Ofijca North side of Hint South Street opposite Continental Heir I I fnMoirs t otf Paint hop 11 ID ID I buy Dr Bensons Celery and Chamomile Pills and introduce them wherever I go Personal knowledge and experience of their effects on others prompts this act Rev J P Fugett rector St Lukes church Myersburg Pa Fifty cents at drugs > drug-s I IT is the common observation I that the standard of natural health and normal activity among American Ameri-can women is being lowered by the influence of false ideas and habits of life engendered by fashionable ignorance and luxurious living It is a happy circumstance that Mrs Lydia E Pinkham has come to the Front to instruct and cure the suf ferers of her sex f JAS TnoU oN c J THOMSON I HOUSES FARMS I FOR SALE ftl QK A Adobe house of three rooms < JpJLvJV and hall rooms large high ceilings and papered lot 4x5 rode well etc near Captain Hoopers Nineteenth Ward CA ff A new brick house of eleven 4000 tfcUUV rooms lot 4Jixl2 rods well coal house etc stable 12x16 feet city water close by adjoining Regcels terrace ter-race car line Seventh Ward ftQAA A red front tea rods deep tRwUU building lots Nineteenth Ward euir House of three room ° kitchen SK1A uJJ and cellar lot 5rlO Twenty first Ward WardA A rod front 10 rods deep build 115 tj ing lot one blocs from Mir street nf 25 Per acre Filiythree acres ol f land in lots to suit about a mile west of the Denver and Rio Grande depot SfnO A house of two rcoms lo JDtfcUU 2Mx10 reds can be paid for in i installments Three blocks north o f Brigham street Twentyfirst ward v1QK Cheap building lot 44 x8 JpJLOy rods three blocks from D K G depot Fifth ward d 9nnn A farm of 48 acres > all 1 fiJJJ fenced house of 3 rooms and summer kitchen good well stable corral etc good waterrsght in a goo d t grazing country close to the city Wil 1 Exchange for city property Houses Rented Loans Negotiated and Collections made THOMSONS REAL ESTATE ATD LOAN AGEN CY No 137 Main street over Carter gun store up stairs P 0 Box 951 dliSTETrtb t p II CELEBRATED qS n t0 5TODUCD ITTEBS Hostetters Stomach Bitters iJ increasing vital power and render ing the physical functions regular and active keeps the system in good working order and protects it against disease For constipation dyspepsia and liver complaint new ousnesB kidney and rheumaiic al ments it is invaluable and it affords a sure defence against malarial fevers besides removing all tracts of such disease from tb > system t iii DRa STEINHART 205 MAIN ST SALT LAKE CITY I T AWING JUST RETURNED FRO HA Europe offers his services to It citizens of Salt Lake and Ticinity Ha has had twenty five years experience ex-perience in the special treatment call c-all Venereal Sexual and Chronic Du eases and guarantees cure all Urinary Disease Sypilitio or Murcurial Affectations 1 Affecta-tions cf the Throat Skin or Bona NERVous DEBILITY Impotency ani Lost Manhood the effects of which se various maddening and destructive L both body and mind and unless cure will terminate fatally The presence c the disease causes a continual co ciousneaa of a slow and gradual decay de-cay of all the power of body and mind with loss of manly power and vigor defective memory heart affections loss of sight noises in the head and ears confusion of idea aversion to society excessive prostration trembling of the hands and limbs coco Eumption marasmus and ultimate ds i rangement of the mind The will POW becomes so weak that the person seems L t loose control of himself end cancel look one square in the face It alas causes Dyspepsia and Indigestion wit Heart and Kidney Disease Consultation Consulta-tion is FREE and invited Come at onci do not put it off All correspondents confldental Office hours 10 to 3 ando and-o 8 evening Sundays 10 to L TO THE FRONT MANNING BECK REAL E3 III tate and Loan Agents Notaries Pub lie Properties for Sale Houses to Bent Rents Collected Money to Loan Res rotate Business Promptly Attended 14 t Office 64 Second South Street Pf 13ox499 aul MATTHEW Crap JACOB KosiH SALT LAKE CITY BREWERY TTAVING THE FINEST OFiTOUJ HAVING JLL twin spring water in the countTt it have selected our preent site for the t manufacture LAGER BEER and With the choicest Utah Barley are finest New York State Hop va Ie prey keS pared to supply in any qoanlty In our o notice and bottles on the shortest popular brand of Salt Lake City Brewery Bee MORITZ CUL v PropS THAT H1 CKINGd COUGH i BO quickly cured DJ Sbllohs at jiro We guaran tea i5i Sold 1 I ZC M L drug store |