Show f air advice from MR HUME I will sell from August 7th until oy further notice I WM flUMES i CELEBRATED CANNED SALMON AT i 680hlper case I Of Four Dozen 1Pound Cans 0 I am prepared to receive orders for from 1 to 10Car Lots CEO Fta ROOKS THOSm We JENNINCS rn I C I rlVl1 UJ I r J en OD I I = es IJJ O r t I LU I f o a If 8 o = 00 oo D hI8 DO = = = lo DOm I I o ltlJ > I I CO m C H c 0 17 0 wJ < I I Q JI I A m s P H I c Ul f 1 1rn D I ri rq I m ULJ rl rD y 2 r I iE CfJ m I 0 o Pi uJ I 0A I COrn CO HfIJ C 0 I II lea Oa j 00 COm < 3I00 t m < rn < De i = H rnH C trl THOS WJEINNGL s l i Do rn 12e mYo D > IaI 0 rn oG 1Q = = 00 a 8g Jq Q TI1 a A g 0 Y a O J oa OaiB I I II I td lrJ 1M fJ = I i 0 00 t I 3 t j 0 i it i Iii Iiim q > ter m W ao i I 1t 1 BONA FIDE 1I I SALE I 0 OH MONDAY JULY 16TH We shall offer our Entire Immense Stock of CENTS FURNISHINGS AT COST FOR THIRTY DAYS I I 0 t01TLE IULLETT 5 176 Main Street Opposite Postoffice Simon Brothers MILLINERY FANCY GOODS Wholesale and Retail I ITo I-To make room for FALL STYLES We offer the remainder of all our Summer Goods atC at-C st and Hats at Less than Cost I I SALT LAKE i OITTT UTAH JENNINGS BUILDINGJj STAR EXPRESSI The Cheapest and Best Express Delivery and Transportation A system that does away with the inconvenience in-convenience of hunting Express Wagons and makes collections weekly Look out for the wagons with the Star jyis STANDARD VARNISH WORKS D ROSENBERGI SONS New York Chicago Standard Carria6 Varnishes For Sole by SEARS LIDDLE Salt Lake City Utah aul ABDY B KOS B OETOX II 26 and 28 Main Street 7 Jf w w iiJ llII = r = E = i s = = = = a = = = = = E E = I I = = = = = = = = 0 = = CA s = = = = = EB a 5 3 = i = = = = = = = = = = = e = = = = 9 = = s = = = = r = c = t cr o ci c = i < I DENVER MEDICAL COLLEGE o e Medical Department University of Denver Colorado Session of 188384 Regularlsession of 188384 will open October 2 1S83 and close March 261884 Enlarged clinical advantages will be afforded and it will be the aim of the Faculty to make the course as practical as possible pos-sible For circulars and other informatton address the Secretary DR J H KIMBALL Steele Block Denver Colorado Lime Lime Lime 0 CREA T REDUCeON By the UTAH LIME AND CE INT i COMPANY L Delivered bv the Car Load 25c Der Bushel At Kilns 20c per Bushel 0 BUHLDMNC RCK I i A No1 article HEAP Kilns first north of Bath House Depot at Old Market Row Salt Lake City Orders received at Kilns by Telephone qQS PO Box 973 I nU RLEN5 ARNICA E BALT The greatest medical wondsr 01 the World Warranted to spesdll enra Barns Brnissa 8 Cuts Dicers Salt Rheum Favar Sores Camera Pile J Ohllblalas > s Corns Tetter Chapped Heads and ell Klein amp tions guaranteed to core In every Inaiinco Ol money row ned 2S arts oar bos Fw ono fey S O M L Brag Stow v WOMAN CAN HEALTH OFWO i SYMPATHIZE WITH IS THE HOPE 0 WOMAN THERACE I v d r7A If 42 LYDIA E PINKHAMS VEGETABLE COMPOUND iSnre Cure for all FEMALE WEn > NESSES Including Lencorrhcca Irregular Ir-regular and Painful Menstruation Inflammation and Ulceration of the Womb Flooding PRO LAPSUS UTERI c t Pleasant to the taste efficacious and ImmodUt fa Its effect It is a creAt help in pregnancy and relieves re-lieves pain dCrms labor and at regular periods rirrsiCLissrsEiT A miscraBE IT FEETLT t > > FOR iLLWEAKSESSE3 of the generative organs ot either sex It Is second to no remedy that ha eves been before the public end for all disease Of the ETDXTTS It Li the Greatest Remedy in the ITorfiJ t t KIDNEY COMlIAINTS of Either Sex FInd Great Relief in Its Use LYDIA EPEfKnVXrS BLOOD PUTtEFIEK wlU eradicate every vestige of Humors from the JTlood at the same time will give tone and strength to the syatem As marvellous in results as the Compound tz Both tho Compound Blood rarlfler are prepared pre-pared at233 and 235 Western Avenue Lynn Slass rrke either SI Six bottles flrs i The Compound Is sent by mall In tho form of pills or of lozenges on receipt of price 1 per box for either Mrs Pinkham freely answers all letters of Inquiry Enclose cenS otatnn Bend for pamphlet 2fmhon this Paper rjrLTOix E PrnoiAxs LIVER PILLS cure Coastlpw lion Biliousness and Torpidity of tao Liver 25 center J So1d by nil Druggists lei au THE Chicago NorthWestern Railway is the OLD ESTABLISHED SHORT LINE And the UNITED STATES FAST MAIL ROUTE It is the Goat Thoroughfare tram and to CHICAGO And all points in Northern Illinois Central Cen-tral Eastern and Northwestern lows Wisconsin Northern Michigan Minnesota ota Dakota Manitoba Central and I Northern NebrasKa Colasaau Wyoming Wyom-ing Utah Idaho Montana Nevada California Oregon Washington Territory Terri-tory JBrms7i Columbia CrT Japan the Sandwich Islands Awtiulin yew Zealand and all principal points in the I NORTH NORTHWEST and WEST I I With its own lines it traverses Northern j North-ern ILLINOIS Central and Northern IOU WISCONSIN Northern MICHIGAN MICHI-GAN MINNESOTA and Central DAKOTA DAKO-TA It offers to the traveler all accommodations accom-modations that can be offered by any railroad Its train service equals that of any road their speed is as great as comfort and safety will permit they make close connections in union depots at junction and terminal points with the leading railroads of the West and Northwest and offer to those that use them SPEED COMFORT AND SAFETY At CHICAGO it makes close connection connec-tion with all other railroads at that city It runs PALACE SLEEPING CARS on all through trains PARLOR CARS on Its principal routes and NORTHWESTERN DINING CARS on its COUNCIL BLUFFS and on its ST PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS through day express trains If you wish the Best Traveling Accommodations Accom-modations you will buy your Tickets I iPv i h WILL fuo by this route AND WILI TAKE NONE OTHER For rates for single or round trip tickets and for full information in regard re-gard to all parts of the West North and Northwest write to General Passenger Agent at Chicago ill All Coupon Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line J D LAYNG MARVIN HUGHITT Gen fatm 2d VicePres and Gen MaI1aga V H STENNETT Gen Pass Ar Chicago WNB BCOCK general western agent GEORGE Dj WILLIAMS tra veliDg ngen + Denver Co lorado > > 1 irtffn f i y = m l w 10 I 1 19 t 3 b B r t L SiO and 312 Iittranal e street r oBS NS t I = Bq k iT i SILVER BELL BANJOS LYOH fcTlEALY STATE AND MONROE ST CHICAGO Will send prepaid to any addres I their Illustrated Price L + tot Iirvtos Stylo Srvnjos dust the Instrument for Picnics Camping PartiesSum mtrFvenmsr > ercnades etc Now the rage In best society socie-ty Prices 3 > 3 and upwards U S 1 DEPO ITABY I OESERET NATIONAL BANK i SALT LAKE CITY I 1J P Paid in Capital 200000 Surplus 150000 H 8 Eldredge President Wm Jennings Vice Prest Feramorz Little l John Sharp Director t i Win W Kitor LS Hills Cashier J + Jaa T Little Asst Cashier t CI CI Paynb a Receives Deposits Payable on Demand Buys and Sells Exchange on New York San Francisco Ohicaco St Lou Omaha London and Principal Continental Conti-nental Cities Makes Collections Remitting Pro ceefe Promptly a |