Show A TELEGRAPHIC Collision at Sea London 26There was a collision at 3 oclock this morning off Eddington Light English channel between the French steamer St Germaine from Havre for new York and the steamer Woodburn from the east by way of Suez Canal The Woodburn immediately f ately sank and eighteen of her rew were drowned The St Germaine disabled dis-abled arrived at Plymouth and landed the Dasseigers saved from the Wood burn The steamer Woodburn foundered in three minutes after the collision It was a fine starlight night and the sea was calm The Woodburn was being towed She was struck on the starboard quarter There was no time to lower her boats and only eleven of the persons on board were saved Those drowned were sucked into the vortex caused by the sinking of the steamer or became entangled en-tangled in the wreckage The St Oprmftinn how tuna nom pletely staved and her compartments filled with water The greater portion of i her passangers were transferred to a tug boat The bt Germain had 463 passengers passen-gers aboard including fifty nuns on their way to Texas and a crew of 122 persons The captain of the St Germain finding water pouring into tie forehold with fearful rapidity ordered that a sail ba rigged over the damaged portion of the vessel in order to check the rush of water and reduce the pressure on the bulk head Officers of the St Germain sighted the tugboat Recovery which was towing the Woodburn at 2 30 a mand thinking she was the only vessel necessary to clear the St Germains helot was ported in order that the steamer might go under ho tugboats stern They had no idea there was a ship in tow The St Ger main will go on the dry dock for repairs from marks on her bow it is apparent the St Germain went right through the Woodburn litterally cutting that vessel in two A panic ensued on the St Ger main after the collision and her passengers passen-gers insisted upon being transferred to the tug The steamer Palermo from Hamburg brings advices that the Lisbon wsin collision offShant with the tamer Rivoli from Balboa to Mid dlesborough The latter sank and five persons were drowned There was n thick fog at the time |