Show I University Notes Nots The second flond annual university un day da which is celebrated in honor of the birth of George Washington will 1 be b ob observed observed served at the university Tuesday Tut ay All Allwork Allwork 1 work will vilI wl be b suspended at the th school I At 11 1 the program will wi com corn commence comI I mence and the students faculty facility re regents gents gent and fri friends of the te institution are I Invited J ite to attend AV w w V Riter Rier chairman of oC the uni irni university nl board of regents will wl address addres the students at chapel Friday Fri The preliminary contest for places in inthe inthe inthe the final oratorical contest for the I championship of the freshman class classI j I will wl be 1 held Thursday afternoon in the th thI I assembly room rom The contest ctet has crl I I I ate a treat great deal del of interest and those thO in iii charge cha e of the contest are ar looking forward to the most successful contest ever eer held at the university The annual of the chem chemistry chemIstry students student will wi be b held in the as assembly sn blY room on February 22 The Th pro program ro gram grain grm for the evening is in Iii charge hare of Dr DrW W v r C Ebaugh Squire Coop oP director of music at the university gave gf H a I recital of ot Madam Butterfly Butterf Tuesday afternoon in the as assembly assembly room rom |