Show HANKS REOPENS I IDALY IDALY DALY WEST FIGHT Gives Figures Indicating Heavy I Losses as Compared to Time The campaign for change of oC manage management management ment of the tIme Daly West Mining company in anticipation of the annual meeting of stockholder to IMS he held In Denver on February 21 1 has been ben reopened by H Otto Hanke of Cincinnati Cincinnat Ht He H has mailed maie to stockholders a voluminous letter leter the fea feature feat flirt ture t r of which is a tabulated comparative statement of mining and milling results obtained by b the Daly West Wet company and the Daly Dal Judge company com indicating that in the year ear 1908 10 the tIme Daly Dal West est company compan lost the sum of by reason ren of its methods and management having been not the same as those thol of Daly Judge The Time figures were obtained by an expert accountant who examined the Daly West est books boks in pursuance of oC an order of oC court obtained by the Hanke crowd An addi additional additional additional charge made is that the books do donot donot donot not show clearly cearl the th details of the tIle trans transaction transaction action aNion by b which the Daly Dal West Vest company obtained a Interest In the Little Bell Bel Mining company compan companA A great deal deai of space is occupied In tell tel telling Ing how the Hanke interests Interest were not given gen a fair deal at the annual meeting meting of ot stockholders held in 1909 reiterated is the complaint because baUse of the com corn having haYing received no interest upon Its Is large surplus with wih added complaint on account of the surplus having during the last year been heen drawn upon to some extent to maintain dividends 1 |