Show Women May Find Work While Men Are But Little Needed HE demand for help according to THE T the want ads In tho the local papers is more than two to one in favor of the women The men stand no chance atall at atall atall all there being but few jobs open while tho the women need only to take up the paper and take their choice Housekeepers are In big demand and girls wanted for general housework are too many to enumerate Laundries and big establishments are advertising for I girls In wholesale lots lota Three and four at a time are asked for while for the themen men there is nothing doing In the male help column an ad here bere and there may be found between the advertisements of business colleges and employment bu bureaus bureaus bureaus but few more moreA moreA moreA A close estimate upon the number of men out of employment in the city would approximate Hundreds of skilled la Ia laborers laborers borers boners walk tho the streets dally daily but no work Is given and there is nothing to be bedone done except look for a n job The police headquarters is crowded with lodgers every night and the hotel on First South street is doing more business at pres present present present ent than It has during the entire history of the establishment Men are surely becoming known as the weaker sex in Salt Lake while the women are gaining daily dally There are few women in Salt Lake out of a Job In yesterday morn mornIngs mornIngs mornings Ings edition of The twentythree women were wanted by es establishments establishments of Salt Lake Lalta and for gen general general genera era eral housework while but eight men were wanted six of these being Greek laborers Most of the ads for men were for experienced experienced tradesmen while any woman could have accepted any anyone one of the twentythree positions open There here seems to be but one solution for forthe forthe forthe the difficulty Men will have to turn their hands toward general housekeeping |