Show I I CITY BREVITIES I I MEMBERS of Rice Circle No 3 Ladies Ladle ElBERS of the tho G A R It will wi give glye a card party at Eagles hall hail hal Tuesday afternoon Feb February February Feb February 22 in honor of birthday 2 One of the features of the affair will be a baked bean belm supper and it is expected wi b that there will wi be a large attendance of Grand Army Amy veterans AFTER TWO MONTHS of diligent work the members of the Granite Granie High school Dramatic club will present the comedy comeY cub wi Western Plains in the Cottonwood ward house Friday Frida evening February I I 25 Following the performance at Cot Cottonwood Cottonwood 2 the play will wi be put on inthe in inthe Inthe the Granite Granie stake house at Murray Mura Midvale and other places THE MURRAY DRAMATIC CLUB com corn composed composed posed of young people of the smelter city will present their clever little wi prent comedy Trisa Tris in the tho Winder ward this week week HARRY G DOLAN a soldier at Fort Douglas and Grace who is I Grac but 17 years of age were arrested by Patrolman N P F Pierce last night Do Do Dolan Ian lan is charged with wih contributing to ju juvenile venUe venile venie delinquency MEMBERS of Hermoine Temple emple No 2 2 Pythian Sisters made merry with th their e friends last night at Unity hall nai with Wlm a asocial asocial asocial social dance at which there were nearly couples couple present Refresh Refreshments meats ments were served in the parlors and prizes were given for the most artistic and dancing The rooms were prettily pretty graceful decorated with flowers flower and streamers of bunting AT TIlE THE REGULAR MEETING of Great Salt TIE Lake camp No 1007 Modern Woodmen of America in I 1 O 0 O 0 F halt hall hal last night four new applications for membership were received and one transfer tran fer made One new candidate canidate was put through the paces Following the transaction of a number pcs of routine bus business bu mess iness Ine matters maters the degree degre of the cere ceremony ceremony mony of adoption was given with splendid splendid splendid did success LINCOLN LODGE Knights Knight of Pythias I will wi grant the th third degree to two can candidates cn on next Saturday night at the rooms in Castle Ca te hall bail hal on Main street streeL THE C E MILLER ILLER BROKERAGE COMPANY COMPA will In about two weeks open their private wi wire to Denver and San Francisco With both points pints they the will be connected by new copper cir circuits wi b cults J A Earles Earies will wi leave leve for San Francisco In a few days to open the theoffice theoffice office there and will wi remain in charge THE rHE SALT LAKE CHAPTER of the American Institute In LAE of Bank Clerks will wi meet at the Commercial club tomorrow night at which time tm E C Ashton A will wi deliver delver another address upon commer commercial commercIal cial banking law THE TILE CASE of Al Carr Car charged charge with wit the larceny larcen of 10 from Stephen Stanley on the night of February 12 1 will wl be heard herd in Judge Bowmans court Thurs Thursday Thur Thursday day da afternoon When he appeared yes yesterday yes yesterday Carr Car pleaded not guilty JUDGMENT JUDG for 2 76 was entered by Judge T D Lewis of the district court courte yesterday e against Hiram Tyree in favor of the Boyd Park Jewelry company for Jewelry purchased by Mrs r Tyree Tre on December 21 24 1906 19 The Jewelry cost but more than had accumulated accumulate S In interest since that time EDWARD ROGERS Is charged char d with sec mc second sc ond degree dege burglary burglar in a complaint is issued Issued issued sued from the county count attorneys office I yesterday It I is alleged that Rogers en entered entered entered the store of D C Hunt in the t Lennox building 45 West Second South street sti on Monday Monda GEORGE ATKINS aged age 10 years ers of 81 Fourth avenue was reported to the city board of health yesterday as suffering from smallpox THE ANNUAL MEETING Of the stock stockholders stok stockholders I holders of the Consolidated Wagon Machine company was held Monday at atthe atthe atthe the offices office of the company on State street Reports of officers of the com corn company pany with wih regard to the condition of the institution were most favorable with wih dividends of 10 per cent set st aside for the pr current curent year Apr from last lat at years C earnings fl The old yer board b if of of directors was unanimously una unanimously l reelected THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Utah company that was to have been ben held yesterday has been postponed post postponed pst indefinitely on acci ael of the th ab absence absence absence sence of some of the principal stockholders stock stockholders stok holders from the city CORNELIUS EASTHOPE of Warren 0 O who officiated as dairy breed bre Judge atthe at atthe atthe the Seattle exposition and Ind was wa after afterwards afterwards wards hospitably entertained in this city by C S Tinge secretary of state and Horace S Ensign secretary of the State Fair Fall association has written to Seem Secre Secretary tary Ensign Ensig stating that he is so s favor favorably favorably favorably ably Impressed with wih this section ston of country that he intends to emigrate Mr Easthope owns six valuable farms in Ohio and proposes to sell Bel them and invest in a large farm far somewhere in inthe Inthe Inthe the west He intends to give Salt Sal Lake a god looking over with wih a view to pitch pitching pitchIng pitchIng ing his tent here PLANS are now being made for the low lowering ering erIn of the lake level by a distribution of the tue water through the various canals of the Jordan river Yesterday the lake hake was 14 1 feet above compromise point pint ACCORDING to William H Rowe one of the largest fruit frit growers gowers In Utah a crop will wl be registered this year ear throughout the state Despite Depie the cold weather wather during the winter no damage has been ben done to the te fruit and season indications point pint toward a successful J 3 R 11 EVANS and J M 31 I Batten Baten watch watchmen watchmen watchmen men at the Utah hotel were wre found guilty guit of battery batery upon Edgar Claussen in Judge Bowmans court yesterday after afternoon ater afternoon noon They were ordered to pay a fine of 25 each on the te battery bater charge Mon Monday Monday day afternoon Judge Bowman fined them 10 each on a 0 charge of carrying crying concealed weapons Claussen was assaulted as assaulted when he be asked for work at nt the theL hotel L I IrrIE TIlE THE rrIE CASE of Mrs J 1 D Day Da who con conducts conduct duets ducts duct a rooming house at State and First South streets in which she is charged with violating the Sunday liquor laws February Febra 13 1 will wi be b heard head headIn In Judge Bowmans Bowans court cour Wednesday AT THE LAST AST ANNUAL ANUA meeting of the Telluride Power company L L L Nunn of Provo was elected president of the com corn company company pany Louis to succeed James Campbell Campbel of St StLouis StLouis ELIZABETH DOHL died at nt the Holy HolyCross HolYCross HolyCross Cross hospital yesterday morning at 10 o clock Arrangements for tor the funeral beyond the fact that the services will wi willbe be held fr from the residence 81 South Eighth East East have havo not been ben completed PUBLISHED RUMORS of a consolidation of Union Pacific general offices at Og Ogden Ogden Ogden den with the Oregon Orgon Short Line and Southern Pacific offices at Salt Sal Lake together with wih the resignation of Gen General General eral oral Superintendent J M Davis of the Short Line are vigorously denied at the I local offices of the Harriman system Mr Davis says sas he has not resigned and lute has lis had no intention of doing so WOMEN and clubs were inter interested Interested interested ested yesterday in the nineteenth anni anniversary anniversary ann of or the birth of Susan B An Anthony Anthony thony and although no specific ob oh observance servance of tho the day was made here the anniversary was by no means forgot forgotten forgotten I Iten ten The leader loader of the cause of wo womans womans womans mans suffrage was wao born brn in Massachusetts BOts February 15 16 1820 PETITION in voluntary bankruptcy was filed yesterday esterday In the United d States fied district court by Joseph L Alvard the liabilities being of which 1025 bing 1138 Is in secured claims Assets Asset are set forth to the value of or 1020 IO O of which is excepted and 50 Is property In reversion Sarah Sirah Sarh E B Alford Alord Abram Rose Ros and J J Larkin all al of Ogden are the heaviest creditors The Tha Burton Implement company Studebaker Bros and the Consolidated Wagon MaChine Ma Machine Ia Iachine chine company are ar also als among the claimants YEE YICK TICK FONG a Chinese Chines of Green Gren River RIer Wyo has applied apple to Immigration Immig tion Inspector Rise Hise for necessary neer pa papers p papers ton in order to tomake tomake pers showing his identity to tomake make a visit to his home in China Chia ALL OF THE TE actions of the council Monday night were approved approve by Mayor John S Bransford yesterday including the four appointments made by the council counci I MEMBERS of the Utah conservation commission will wl meet met in the office of Governor William Spry this afternoon at 4 to lay the foundation for tor forthe forthe the report of next year which will wU go into detail regarding the resources of ot Utah O 0 ROWLAND MUMFORD left this morning moring on a three thre weeks business trip and other eastern to New Xe York City Cl ester points Mr Mumford is one on of the parties pints interested In the opening of anew a anew anew new hat store In this city cl J H FORD of Sigurd Sevier county filed application yesterday esterday with the fe state engineer for fot thirty of water engner from Cove river to be used for fish hatching purposes JOHN H MILES of Miles Mies Brothers sheep shep men of Novene Bear Lake county Idaho is in town tow He has just been re released r released leased from a weeks stay at the L I D DS DS DS S hospital hopital and will wl leave leve for the Utah Uth desert rt to tn attend tt na his ii herd of nf sheep shep ehen as a soon Boon as n traffic is reopened on the th West Western et eter era ern er Pacific IN POSSESSION of f Information regard regarding regarding ing valuable land titles Detective F FM FM M Schulze Is looking for a man named John K Thornton whom they the concern Thorton Detective Schulze is l desirous of find finding fIndIng ing lug his man before the dose close cos of the month meath |