Show SECOND CHURCHS NEW HOME HOMENo No one living in Brigham street is likely to object to the erection on that highway of a sanctuary for the Second Church of Christ Scientist called Christian Science Usually tin the i buildings of that denomination are of ofa ofa I Ia a sort to be invited They add to the th impressive beauty of the streets on which they the are located and grace the neighborhood In which they stand Whether or not the reader may subscribe subscribe sub subscribe scribe to the time doctrines of the Christian Science church the time fact remains that no organization can be bad which gathers into its fold so many people of ot the excellence known to compose the tile Christian Science church of this city Their cult has grown here herc and it is growing everywhere The First Church has become inadequate to accommodate the people who vho want to go there Mem Mein Membership Membership has Increased to the point where the congregation has to be di divided divided divided vided and the younger half halt will have to erect a home of its own No Xo longer will rented rooms be satisfactory There are already two handsome church structures in Brigham street The addition of the one mentioned will most likely do Its full share to main maln maintain tain tam the high standard set by its pre predecessors predecessors in that neighborhood |