Show WORK ML WILL II START TODAY ON OH NEW MINING EXCHANGE Active construction work on the tho Salt Lake mining exchange will begin this morning T J Armstrong the contractor tor has already a large quantity of build buildIng Ing material on the ground and some forty or fifty men will begin the work today toda The excavation for the foundation was completed some time ago so there TV will III be no delay In the construction work from now on unless the weather Inter inte feres materially It Is expected that the new exchange will be ready for ter occupancy by Sept 1 this year ear All the money has been ben sub subscribed subscribed scribed for the building and there will Da ha Dano bano hano no delay on that account The new mining exchange will be lo ho located located on Cactus street the new thorough thoroughfare fare created by Samuel Newhouse and OT 01 o which the new Commercial club will be built bUlt The bid of o Mr Armstrong for the building was and the new home of the mining operators will be one ol of the finest in 11 the country |