Show I MADE COMPLETE INVESTIGATION Joint Commission on Immigration tion Publishes a Pre Preliminary Preliminary Report I 4 FACTS AND FIGURES GIVEN EVERY PHASE OF VEXED QUES QUESTION QUESTION QUESTION TION RECEIVES ATTENTION Washington March 1 facts fads showing th the character at ot atthe the work of the Joint in on immigration which wa wag by b on Feb 30 r 1 7 Were ware pre pro presented presented seated to j congress today through gh the publication of o a preliminary pr report by bythe bythe bythe the commission This report deals with practically every phase of the tion question including oriental aliens ahem and other excluded classes e peonage chanty charity among immigrants while slave ve conditions of steerage anthro anthropology congestion in large la clUes cities cJ alien criminality competition of Immigrants school inquiries administration of the tile Immigration laws migrants and other questions No conclusions have been reported by the commission but the Ute scope of the Ute work is shown in a manner which JIlek pre presages p sages extensive e legislation legi In the fu ture It is stated that if the plans plass ef Of the commission are realized the various lines of work outside Washington win wilt willbe be completed in the early fall fail probably pr by b Sept 15 The entire investigation probably will be finished by the tIM next nut fiscal fical year ear Appropriation Needed The report was waa printed and circulated today to show the necessity for an appropriation ap appropriation of or to carry calT on and complete the work Thus far tile the ex expenses of the commission from April 1 1907 1307 to Feb 1 I 1909 have been Ther There are at present 1 persons em employed em e in the commission Of this number 32 SZ ate are In Washington 2 Z In New Now NewYork NewYork York I 2 f in San Francisco K t are en engaged engaged engaged in field work and 30 20 in special lines of Inquiry The commission say saye it is generally admitted by those ac at acquainted acquainted with the subject that not notwithstanding notwithstanding notwithstanding withstanding the present law proposes to provide for tor the exclusion km of every undesirable unde immigrant thousands ot undeniably undesirable persons are ad admitted admitted each year It lisa has It been b found round that flint the law in theony theo BO no far tl as all Its exclusion provisions are concerned ia Is exceptionally throng strong but bait ilL eff It Jt la Is laIn In some respects weak The commis commission e ls sion slon says it has discovered sources of this weakness and it ft ie Is Its I purpose to recommend sum 8 effective remedies Evasions of the Law LawOne LawOne LawOne One of the most important features of the work is connected with evasions of the law Jaw resulting in the Importation of excluded classes Notwithstanding the expenditure of about IONS eOM it an annually 11 to enforce this law the commis commission sion slon finds that it does not prevent the coming of oC Chinese e laborers In consid considerable con W erable emble numbers number An extensive investigation is ie being InS made into the question que of the imports importation tion Uon and harboring of women lot for Im Immoral Immoral immoral moral purposes The results show that many man women are being constantly im imported imported ported under conditions which amount to absolute slavery As the result ot its Inquiries and the evidence It ba has 11 gathered there has hu been a noteworthy attack upon this business Which watch hoe ban resulted in a very marked decrease It lias been bet 1 found that tb t in numerous instances persons En afflicted with con contagious contagious diseases diSe and aed even criminate criminals of oC ofa oCa ofa a dangerous type have been able to evade the immigration laws and aDd come coma CORleto cometo to this country under the pretense pret of oC being biln seamen leamen Alien Allen Criminality The Time utmost importance is ill attached ed to t the inquiry being made into toe the subject of alien criminality The higher trim crim criminal crt l linal inal mel courts co of New York city are at atthe atthe atthe the request of the committee keeping records recants in great detail of each person convicted of crime and Uld it ie Is intended inte ded that a study of criminate and criminals of the second generation shall shan be hi made in that city The TIM investigation however is 18 not confined to the larger cities clUe but is being befog carried Into smaller centers and industrial comma communities in n various parts of the country countr The most mo t extensive exten le and important work undertaken by the is IA the general field investigation into re Sie economic and an social status statue of Immigrants Immigrants grants to various sections of the cairn conn country try The most important tops topics S being beim covered arc the race of in each occupation years employee employed boors of work and an discrimination for tor or against immigrants in employmeNt ern t wages and housing In taking up the congestion cone ii oC 01 I I grants in large lare cit dt es the commission to In observing communities inhabited prin Continued on Page 3 MADE COMPLETE INVESTIGATION Continued from Page 1 by members member of one rave race as 5 iu a u whether the clinging together of or mem members bers bore of the same ame race handicaps PR them In their struggle for advancement ana an prevents their rapid anu anc Americanization I IThe The Wage Earners A careful inquiry among H who are forced to compete co pete with immigrant immigrant immIgrant grant labor is being made among work workers workers ers em in trades and occupations in which immigrants are largely engaged A special field investigation is con conducted conducted ducted in selected localities in the th south and it will wili cover coyer the sentiment of legis lesis legislative legislative lathe bodies as indicated by legislation enacted affecting immigration Induce Indue Inducements Inducements ments and obstacles to immigration such as climate character of soil free or cheap lands amount variety and regularity of work throughout the year ear earthe the wages paid and hours of employ employment employment employment ment will be shown Information is also being gathered concerning the employ employment employment ment of women omen and children the prejudice prejudice prejudIce dice against races the presence or scarcity of fellow countrymen church and school s hool facilities and a vast amount of other information Oriental Immigration The investigation of oriental mimi immigration immigration gration has been confined thus far to the Rocky and Pacific coast sections and special emphasis has been placed upon the inquiry concerning the Japanese without the census recently ordered in California The commission claims it has fairly accurate information information tion concerning the numbers of Jap Japanese anese in California their distribution by counties and industrial districts their occupations and trade In Oregon and Washington the report when hen made will cover the presence of Japan Japanese ese Chinese and Hindus 1 The is 18 declared by th the commis commission commission sion to be the most potent influence nce In promoting the assimilation and Ameri timer Americanization Americanization of the immigrant The real treatment accorded steerage passengers has been given attention and members of the commission ion have come from rom foreign ports porta in the guise of Immigrants It was found that the steerage of today is far better in many ways was than in the past post but there is stilt still great groot room for improvement The commission expects to be able to report at an early date the effect of in between the and am immigrant and with one another to determine whether deleterious influence influence ence results re or whether beneficial influences will not be felt Peonage is being made the subject of ofa ofa ofa a special inquiry One of the most in subjects is an investigation being conducted in nearly cities to show to what extent the immigrant is the recipient of charity |