Show f I SOCIETY I IThe 1 The Tuesday tournament nt players will meet today with Mrs F J 3 I Fabian Governor and Mrs William Spry and anda a good many of the officers of the gover governors governors governors nors staff starr with their wives and daugh daughters I tots terse left yesterday afternoon for Logan to enjoy the ball to be given at the Lo Logan Logan Logan gan Agricultural college last evening A large number of Salt Lakers were in at attendance attendance attendance a good many young girls being there beforehand visiting Miss Grace Grant Miss Alice Allee Young the daughter of Mr and Mrs Willard Young and the Misses Alice Allee and Mary Wells have been spending some time with Mr and Mrs George Thatcher Mrs Nephi W Clayton entertained about forty young people most of or them high school boys and girls at the Clay Clayton Clayton Clayton ton home borne last evening as a surprise for tor her son Lawrence who won the Sons of ot the American Revolution medal last week in the oratorical contest Games were played and a general good time re resulted resulted suited Mrs Clayton leIng assisted by Miss Katherine Adams and Miss Bur Burdette Burdette Burdette dette Clawson Mrs H C Edwards entertained a few of ot the old friends of Mrs Charles O 0 Whittemore yesterday afternoon at a abridge abridge abridge bridge party when Mrs John Reed won the prize The rooms were made bright with carnations and following the game a social hour was spent delightfully v m a Mrs A C Wherry and Mrs Irs Clarence Traver entertained the members of the Cup and Saucer club and their hus bus husbands husbands bands last evening at the Wherry home on Fifth avenue when a delightful evening was spent playing bridge with witha a supper following 43 if The tourist section of oC the Ladles Ladies Lit Literary Literary Literary club meets this morning at the club house Miss Tyler will give the first topic and short talks will be given on The Women of the Russian Revolution Revolution Revolution tion and on General Ignatieff The Wasatch Literary circle meets this afternoon with Mrs Irs L P Judd at 1165 Princeton avenue Mrs Searles Mrs Dallas and Mrs Zimmerman will present the program 3 The Tho senior class In the kindergarten course at the university entertained a number of friends Saturday evening with a very enjoyable affair in the kin kindergarten kindergarten rooms when games and a supper filled the evening 3 W H Dodge and his daughter Miss Dodge spent Sunday in the city visiting Mrs Irs Katherine Belcher on their way wa from the coast to their home in Muskegon Muskegon gon gori Mich which was formerly Mrs Belchers home also Mrs G S 5 Blanchard who has spent the past year or so here with Mr and Mrs C H Blanchard Blan hard left yesterday for forthe forthe forthe the City of Mexico to visit wit another daughter there The Monday bridge tournament play players players players ers met yesterday afternoon with the i Misses Rae Rao and Olive Bartch In the Bransford The next meeting will be with Miss Lucile Lucite Franke in p 1 the Cum Cura Cummings apartments The Utah members of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity will meet at the Uni University University University club at an informal luncheon Thursday evening Mr and Mrs J I W McMurrin and their daughter Chelta and son Irvine left last evening for an indefinite stay in California H C Edwards goes to San Francisco today on a short business trip Lieutenant Eugene went to Logan yesterday to enjoy the ball given ghen by a number of his former friends at the Agricultural college The Ladles Ladies Aid societies of ot both the First Presbyterian and First Congregational Con Congregational grega i churches will hold meetings today at 11 Ray Bay RaYS S Moore will entertain a few friends informally this evening for Leo Best of New York at the J I M 31 Moore home |