Show II HERALD SPORTING ANNUAL ANNUAL Copies of the 1909 issue Isue of the Salt Lake Sporting Annual cant can 4 f 4 now be had at The Herald of 4 f flee It contains all al the Utah f ff f records in every branch of sport 4 f 4 and Ls s authority for sport sportIng 1 f ing history The book is up to f 4 4 date containing alt all al records f made during the year just past 4 f 4 including cycling horse racing track and field baseball foot 4 4 ball bail bal a record of all al fights in the 4 state the tennis and golf cham 4 o 4 besides the chronology of 4 4 the world This dope book will wi willbe 4 be mailed to any address for 10 4 4 cents cent 4 4 4 t s 4 t M MM I |