Show HEALTH BOARD BILL KILLED BY SENATE Senator bill enlarging the th state board of health changing the tho du duties duties ties of the board and creating state labor laboratories atones was killed yesterday by the ad oJ tion of an an ad adverse adv committee report of I the senate committee on public health The bill enlarged the membership of the state board of health and increased its powers One of ot the chief objections to It was the fact that it made two professors of the university and one instructor at the agri agricultural agricultural agricultural cultural college collee members of the board The contention was made that these ad to the board b ard so changed Its com corn composition composition position as to make of It an entirely dif di ferent body It was argued that the pres present present 1 ent cut board and Its work are entirely sat tor Another bill by Senator which was killed by the committee was a meas mea measure measure ure uro making the director of the chemical laboratory of the state university th tho the state chemist As a substitute for Cor the tue bills killed the tho public health committee reported favor lavor favorably I ably on a new bill making the professor and pathology at the wit uni university the t state tat bacteriologist |