Show I liT UTAH AH RAILWAY I COMPANY ANY FILES FILESI ANNUAL REPORT I I The annual of ot the Utah R Railway Railway Rail Rail- n- n va way com company pam filed tiled with the public utilities commission yesterday ar shows shown total assets of or or an In Increase Increase In- In crease creaso of ot over 1918 1915 The current current current cur cur- rent liabilities arc are 53 a sa decrease of or A debit balance carried to profit and loss amounted to I a decrease of or Total operating revenue for the year was a decrease of ot and total operating expense numbered for the year with compensation of ot The Tho total tons of or freight move moved moved- was The length of the road Is given Chen as miles tho average cost costa a mile b being The total nUmber number num nUm- ber of or miles operated is Js given at Taxes paid In Utah were and to the government Tho TIo road Is owned and controlled by the United States Smelting Refining Refining- company compan which owns shares ol ot I the total stock of or 30 52 shares |