Show S ADRIATIC CLAIMS ALLOWED Buenos Aires May In 13 The 1 The main mainI points In the of or tire the Slavs Jugo for a n settlement of or the question I to which Anton the Jugo Jugo- slav Sla forel foreign n minister has baa been aut authorised authorized author author- hor- hor I. to tell tho the Italians that Ju Jugo Jugo- o- o slavia will agree are arc given In a A. dispatch dispatch dis- dis patch sent b by La Rome corre correspondent cor cor- re respondent Thebe rhese include some modifications of ot tho the line lino as drawn dran b by President Wilson Including ratification of ot the line In favor fl of ot Ital Italy in the region ion of or ella with the tho object of or removing the frontier further from Trieste and the Inclusion of or Mount assuring Italian defense defenso of Pol Polo Pola and acceptance of ot the lie sovereignty of Italy over the city of or Flume with the tile port under the control of or the league of nations |