Show 1 Jr H A i- i a. a III e r I t it 20 0 South Sec See Our Oar S P E C I A L ain tain alit Street Windows j luda S oday Saturday and Monday t t BRO BROS SHOE COT CO SEE THESE STYLES iI Ladies Ladies' lies Brown or Black t KID OXFORDS i g Y in In the new low 8 14 walking talking heel hecl also high 8 5 6 heel Ladies' Ladies Black Kid t Pumps high 1 or low heel A PAIR y Special 1 peela 1 r t OUR WINDOWS WINDOWS- ILDREN'S PATENT MARY J JANES ANES Turned JANES-Turned Turned soles one strap Special 5 Special 5 to S R H HL L b Sl si sito 81 to 1 11 ii 11 to 2 DRENS DREN'S N S BAREFOOT SANDALS Ill En tan n or smoke elk ell all sizes sizes sizes-I 1 to 3 a to 8 S s 1 t to 11 71 11 I to 2 SCOUT SH SHOES Ill ES Iii grained tan leather good oak oaf soles 51 Special Special 11 l 11 to 13 3 to 2 2 to 5 3 80 BROS SHOE COe e r Swanson wanson Theatre Circuit the Pick of the tho Pictures AMERICAN TODAY TOUA Y AND XU TOMORROW TO A BREAMER and ROBERT GORDON In InTile Tile The Blood Barrier 1 1 J STUART PRODUCTION GORDON Gonno n BRETLAND At the Organ n Philharmonic Orchestra TED H XI In L Conductor Violin lolin solo U by EDDIE riTZ PATRICK SUN HELL HEK PRIVATE HUSBAND N NEWS NES Children Childrens C Admission lie to r 5 G p p. p m m. m CONING COMING iF CONSTANCE CE rAI TAI In InTHE InTILE TILE THE Ill g LOVE iOVE J I I GEM Ji I IV JL ONE OXE WEEK WEEKENDING EEK ENDING TODAY TOD- KATHERINE MacDONALD and andI I NOR NORMAN N KERRY IN IX Passions Playground I Comedy 1 U OK OF MINE E I Orchestra Scenic s r r A. A D FOUR D. DAYS DAYS- lS l'S t I. I Flint Masterpiece I tc THE TH THI ID E From the Story by hT HALL CAINE v tine the authors author's son HOD Derwent Hall Caine First rime Time In Salt Snit Lake Inke BROADWAy A y-I y NOW SHOWING HAYAKAWA in inTHE inTHE THE BEGGAR A Great rule of or Adventure Ad I I lo Ix Love e and nUb all 1 tb the Charm of at M Nights I LIGHTNING In InTilE TilE DRAGO GO S 'S DEs DEN WEEKLY I I I tp NOW NOt PLAYING GREAT LEON AND CO and NEIL h EIL McKINLEY JI I OIHi OTHER DIG FEATURES Three shows dally dally 2 45 9 15 Prices NIghts Lower Floor Entire Balcony JOe Mat I y LOEWS LOEW'S CASINO CAsI NO Home of In 1 bOTU Sh m AIR Always SIH Striving ln c to tn Please o Now r TOM MOORE IN INI I DUDS and acts act of high class C 6 YA VAUDEVILLE UDE 6 6 W With MAY lAY ROBERTS Form with pith Hippodrome S Stock tack Co 1 t to 11 Weekday Mat Mats SOc We Kiddies He lac E E Evenings and Sun Sunday do c i 1 rl MARJORIE RAMBEAU I AT Ar THE TIU I I GEM GEl on C ne Week 1 Starting Saturday I rl aeD B B a a a a M M MII II A n tsar tsar- th It tt tiff IJ m y yd d sa s a a t g aaN U N SOW on rI PLAYING A rp MI m rr ill FOUR R MARX R r. r r. r laa Ito BROTHERS B r. r ae m Present tent nt X XE E Everything fr rr all I m ma 1111 o SANDY SAND SHAW w r a m m sr r. r De 11 ol 1 ill toll ml AND S' S t 55 r ro eal SON ON pip BIB U. U l pUla pm A Corned Come Comedy dy In One On Act b rr BOO Fd l d Durk Burke with yh DU Smith t Co a rR HUB air 8 c ERMINE E SISTERS BBB go rat m 1111 WRIGHT EARL UI m IDt mm O r. r Ii 1 CHAS HOWARD RD U gaff I ril tg 8 CO vu ern m DOB mm U a DOB Oe In n R BOB BOB pit d. A t happy Combination BR r. r ww QC a pR IrR B 11 1 Every Night II Prices rl S u Mats raf 5 U II Except Mon on 8 Jj JJ luc it c rom ro- ro pc r rr s U m day fluy and Taos Taos- a s i iS IC I n S c 1 s sQ r B fT daiy Mats be- be beR h R c. c r R RD u iOe c 75 V Q D Kin gin In Thursday B II U 0 1 00 r U IS p M u BIG TWO STAR TWO PEAT FEATURE E BILL II l r II FRANK MA MAYO YO g gIt It I in in Burnt urn Wings I II H Ho He tried to buy her then her then he threatened to tell her husband I so IO Joan tells the stor I pretty prell story herself It tingles with Hit ith sentiment senU- senU ment mont and the eternal triangle but true love lovo finally triumphs I I II I VIOLA DANA I 1 in Yn in Please ease Get Married I a 1 I It Its It's a daring pon society comedy corned of a couple of ot newly weds and a hon honeymoon that wasn't A merry concoction 0 of laug laughs hS and gasps gap with Just Jut a dash dh of or negligee d. d r t IJ IJ I M tI s sV V t tre Season Pre re asoh Dances Tuesday and Friday Nights I J k Sweetens Sweeten's CV i eV M J Band n ne Trains ia e ns ng 75 to 81 ND J o extra chords charge e ef f for or r dancin da I 1 I E M P R ESS Iw t I NOW T 0 T PLAYING SIXTH PLAYING SIXTH D DAY Dal DAYBoys Y r rt Boys and Girls under 16 not admitted Americas America's Greatest Actor in iu the Worlds World's Greatest 1 n Melodramatic n R Romance s John Barrymore In the Finest Performance of His Career The Career The Dual Roles of DIM Dr Jekyll all Mr Hyde o CO COMIC fIC y CARTOON C. SPECIAL L MUSIC l SIC C A i Coming Sunday Sunday- v k kA A Romance of 5 SnIt Salt Lake Lal All local star cast including City Commissioner A. A H. H Crabbe Mrs i I John S S. S Corless William Charlton E E. E E. Bennett Vera Ethel Golding and others I |