Show State Claims l 10 Acres In City S Is School Land Ten Fen acres of or land OIL on time the westside west vest side sido of or Nineteenth la East t street be below helow lie lie- low Seventeenth South which has been In iii the time possession of oC George Saxton for thirty years cars Is claimed b by tho the state as ns part pall of oC a school t section and amid tho the title tithe is to be de decided declIed do- do clIed In Judge Wilson McCarthy's McCarthys division of or tho the Third dl district court The lan land Is alu valued el at OOOO In the hearing beaming yesterday Attorney Attorney At At- At- At torne torney Oscar W. W Moyle Io le represented and Herbert Herberta a Van D Damn Dam Jr th the state te time the ownership Controversy over o arose In 1917 lOl i. i when the state stale board hoart of or land an commissioners attempted to lease lense the time land and anti Mr h Saxton Intervened P. P C. C Loofbourow testified testified tes tee his father purchased purchase tho the tholand land hand from John Alston Aiston In iii 1 1883 1889 r residents said various persons per per- sons had Imd cultivated the tho land fur lor sears i S f |