Show NOTICE TO WATER ATEI USERS STATE ENGINEERS ENGINEER'S ENGINEERS ENGINEER'S OFFICE SALT Lake Lako CI City Utah August 8 1912 1012 Notice is s hereby given that tho the Brown Sanford Irrigation company compan by Its Is secretary J J. J V W. Stevenson whoso whose I address Is Murray Utah has hns made application In accordance with the requirements of f the Compiled Laws Las wih of at Utah 1 1907 07 as amended b by tho the Ses Ses- sion slon Laws of ot Utah 1909 and 1911 to appropriate one hundred 15 5 acro acre of ot water vater from twenty five Mill B n South Fork Salt Sal Luke count county Utah Said Bald water will wi b be stored during tho the period from tram April 1 to Juno June 30 31 In Inclusive In- In elusive of oC each year ear In itt Lako Blanch No 2 In the tho Mill 11 B un South Fork of Big BIS Cottonwood canyon Tho center of ot the tile impounding dam Is situated at a point which bears south 69 degrees 15 east cast feet distant of ot tho the north quarter corner of section 30 30 township 2 south range 2 cast east Salt Lake baso baO and meridian The valor Salt Sc so stored will be released during tho the froni from July 1 to October 31 In In- In elUsive of ot each year ear and conveyed by moans means of ot tho thin natural channel of ot Mill B n South Fork and Big Cottonwood 11 creek to a point which bears south Routh 61 degrees 41 4 minutes east cost feet die dis tant of ot tho the northwest corner of ot Sec dec cc- cc lion tion 25 6 township 2 south range 1 east cast Salt Lake Laker base and Hal meridian where It Il will be bo recovered and wil ad convoyed by means of ot a n canal for a distance of at 18 feet Ceet and there used to irrigate 2400 acres of ot land embraced In sections ejections 21 22 22 23 25 5 26 6 27 and 28 28 township 2 south range 1 cast east Salt Lake Lako base bafo and meridian This application Is designated designated in tho tile state engineers engineer's office as No All Al protests against the granting of ot said alc application stating tho the reasons must bo be mado by affidavit In duplicate and amid flied filed fled in this office within with with- wih- wih in thirty 30 da days after ater tho the comple comple- lion tion ton of ot the time publication of ot this notice CALEB TANNER n State f Engineer Date Dato of at first publication August 13 1912 date of ot completion of ot tion ton September 1 12 1912 NOTICE OTICE TO WATER TEI USERS I STATE ENGINEERS ENGINEER'S OFFICE SALT Lake Lako CI City Utah August 8 19 1912 Notice Is hereby given that that the Brown Sanford Irrigation company by Its Is attorney D D. D W. W Moffat whoso whose postoffice address Is Murray Utah h has s made application In accordance with the the- requirements of at tho time Compiled Laws wih of at Utah 1 1907 07 as amended by the Session See Ses sion sian Laws of 01 Utah 1909 1009 and 1911 HIl to appropriate one one- ont onehundred hundred twenty five 26 acre foot of at water from Mill 11 B South Fork Jork Salt Lake county Utah Said water will wil bo ho stored during tho the period from April Apri 1 to June Juno 30 In Inclusive In- In elusive ef of ot each year car In Lake Blanch No 2 in n Mill ll B n South Fork of Big Cottonwood canyon canon The center of the Impounding dam is situated at a point which bears beard south Houth 70 degrees 45 minutes minutes min mm- utes east feet teet distant of at the north quarter corner COlner of at section 30 township 2 south range 2 east cast Salt SaI Lake base and meridian The ho water so stored will willbe wi be released during th the period from Jul July 1 to October 31 31 Inclusive of or each year and allowed to flow flo Cow down the natural channel of ot Mill 11 B South Fork un and Big Cottonwood creek to to a point which bears south 61 degrees derees 41 minutes minutes min mm- utes east cast feet Ceet distant of ot the northwest corner cOlner of at section 25 2 township town town- ship 2 south range 1 cast east Salt Sal Lako Lake base and meridian where It will wi bo be recovered and anti conveyed con eed by means means' of a ditch dich for a distance of feet and und there used to Irrigate 2400 acres of at land embraced In sections 21 21 22 22 23 23 25 25 26 27 i and 28 28 township 2 south range 1 east eat Salt Lake base baso and meridian This Tills application hi ht h designated In tho the state engineers engineer's office as No I All Al protests against tho granting of ot said application stating the reasons must must bo be made by b affidavit In duplicate and flied filed ted In this office within with wih- wih in thirty 30 days tas ta's after aCer the completion comple comple- tion ton of ot the publication of or this notice CALEB TA TANNER En State Engineer Date of or first publication August 13 1912 date of at completion of ot publication publication tion September 1 12 1912 |