Show B BAT AT AND AN D STEVE KETCHEL KETCH E L FIGHT 15 ROUND DRAW St. St Joseph Sept 2 Battling 2 Battling Nelson Kolson fought Steve Stevo Stevo of ot Chicago a n round fifteen draw hero horo this after alter noon ex-champion ex worked both The hands freel freely using 8 body for tOr a n target tar- tar Ket get and und In return took toole ninny many blows In Inthe Inthe inthe the face tace hol was seas floored In 11 tho the round but camo came up gamely Ills liis work apparently stamped him asa as asa a 30 comer corner Ketchel had hall the tle best of two roun rounds s and Nelson a n shade shado In 81 six Tho others were even The Tho fight I ht was witnessed witnessed wit wit- by a lar largo o crowd which Included wit wit-I than women ed more |