Show 1 The ad reading housewife shows how BUSINESS ABILITY Sho Redoes does not Merely complain about how expensive It is hi to live she live bc FINDS OUT HOW TO Tn LESSEN THE EXPENSE Butte and Superior I Braden Copper Chino Copper Copperi i LOCALS Con Thompson hompson Quincy South Hecla N New ew Yerington Badger Brothers T BROKERS Main Street Private Wires i Orders Executed in All Markets I A cargo of or- or apples was wa recently I shipped from Tasmania to London Just HORLICK'S It Means Original and Genuine MALTED MILK The Food drink for All Ages More healthful than Tea or Coffee Agrees with the weakest digestion Delicious invigorating and nutritious Rich milk malted gram grain powder form A quick lunch prepared in n a minute Take no substitute Ask Others are imitations SS WIT I Dpi V I I Ti F 25 OREGON SHORT LINE TIME CARD EFFECTIVE AUGUST 18 1012 1912 D DAILY 4 1 LY A Arrive O-d O n. n MaIM Denver Omaha Kansas ansas A A. M M. City Chicago San I Francisco Ely Ely and andS A. A AM M. M S 8 00 A A. AM M M. Ogden and Logan Inter Pocatello ler Boise going Ashton 1010 P P. P M. M A. A M. M Motor Ioto Flyer Flyer Ogden P. P M. M 1000 A. A M. M Ogden eden and ana Intermediate points p P. P pJ M. M J 1140 A A. A JU M. M Overland D Denver Denv o maha r St. St Louis Chicago P P. M M. 1159 A A. M M. M Lo Los B Angeles Chicago caso- caso M M. Denver and St. St Louis P P. P. P PM M. M Overland Osden 0 den Itono Heno Sacra Sacra- mento San b Francisco 9 05 P P. P i. i M M. lu P. P M. M Ogden Ogdon Boise Portland Butte P. P M. M 2 45 P. P M. M Ogden and San Francisco 6 50 P. P M. M P P. P M K Ogden BrIg Cache sS Valley Malad and n 1130 A A. MI M M. P P. I M M. M City Ogden Green Denver River Omaha and West Chicago Returning Park 1240 12 40 P P. P M M. MP P. P M. M Motor Ogdon and Brigham A. A M. M 71 P P. M M. Yellowstone special Ogden u Idaho a 0 Ii Falls Yellowstone Park A A. M M. 1145 P. P M. M ogdon Ogden 1030 A A. M M- Boise Portland Butte CUT City Ticket Office flow Botel Utah Telephone e 15 J II 14 I ii r Do Down Main STEIN STEIN- These BLOCH c 4 unparalleled SMART CLOTHES offerings are the best you will see for many a aday day The values are such that you ou will wonder I why we give such fine clothes for forso forso so little money All our light colored sum- sum All Mi o lr dark mixture suits mer iner suits from rom 2500 2500 to Including solid blues and 35 values c 6 1 1 1 1 fir blacks s 2500 to at 1175 11 75 values Cl Q at 18 75 Dark and mixed color summer summer sum um- ummer mer suits our extra fine Those special 15 20 at values 1175 11 i I 1 75 summer to go o at suits 8 yO 75 I D ff fine outing suits 18 13 IS 20 and 2250 50 values val Fifty at 7 95 THE FINAL IN SHIRTS and values and values I I The fall hats are arc ready for Are you ready for yours 1 r m Down Main L'- L' WE CURE MEN WITHOUT PAIN PAIX INCONVENIENCE OR Oil I LOSS OSS OF OP TIME TUIE NO FAILURES TO PROVE OUR OUn NEW NEV SYSTEM WE OFFER FOR A SHORT TIME OUR SERVICES AT A SMALL COST V VARICOSE VARICOSE- Lost Vitality iT Cured in a n. few tew weeks I 44 K Knotted no tt e d Veins Ven V 1 S Improvement from tho Cured bv by absorption no start stet I If you suffer sutter pain Then enlarged from loss of ot energy and veins are due to mumps ambition feel teel tired bicycle or horseback when you OU arise In the tho riding disease etc oto In morning lame back time lime it weakens a man dizziness spots before mentally as well as tho eyes eye and feel teel you OU physically We will cure curo tr are not the man you OU you for lito life or make no i I once were we will cure oure barge Charge 1 you for tor life lite Prices Always No Incurable Reasonable Cases Accepted We will give the t There Thero Is no risk for tor forwe poorest man a a. chance we ve do not treat Incurable Incur Incur- as well as the rich to able cases under an any receive a a. cure from us S 'S consideration WE YE D Dat DO DONOT DOat at a small smaIl cost THERE NOT EXPERIMENT IS NO MAN TOO POOR NOR NOl USE INJURIOUS TO GET OUR BEST DRUGS TO RUIN YOUR OPINION FREE SYSTEM DONT DON'T LET MONEY MATTERS OR OH FALSE FAISE PRIDE KEEP YOU AWAY WE E CURE CURB FOREVER CASES OF VARICOSE VEINS BLOOD DISEASE LOST VITALITY PILES ECZEMA ECZEMA EC EC- EC- EC ZE ZEMA IA FALLING HAIR FAILING MEMORY OBSTRUCTIONS OBSTRUCTIONS NERVOUS NERVOUS NERVOUS NER NER- KIDNEY AND BLADDER AILMENTS Any man who wants to be cured now that we will offer otter our services at VERY LOW PRICES has no excuse for tor suffering Buttering another day We dont don't care caro who has failed If It you come to us we will CURE you of ot any of the named above ailments or not charge you ou one penny for tor our services Dont Don't give up before seeing seeing- us us Call CalI and see us if It you can Write today for tor particulars if It you cannot cannot cannot can can- not call Medicines are from to a a. course DAILY HOURS 9 TO 8 CONSULTATION FREE SUNDAYS 10 TO 12 SALT LAKE MENS MEN'S S MEDICAL EDICAL r INSTITUTE 1593 IDI SOUTH MAIN STREET SALT LAKE CITY UTA UTAH DICTIONARY AND BIBLE COUPON Clip this coupon and five others appearing dally daily In InThe InThe inThe The Republican Herald-Republican and bring them to The Herald Herald- Republican office and receive a 4 dictionary for 90 cents or a 3 Bible for 75 cents D By Dy mall 00 extra for Do you want to buy a piano rent a furnished room sell your furniture exchange your old clothes clothes- clothes or or r a thousand and andOne andone andone one other things Use The Republican Herald want ad column i JI t The Attractiveness Attractive Attractive- ness of Good Service I It Is pleasant to do lo business with a a. friendly sort Jort of or man mah who tries his best to C give civo yo yon ou the most effective service ico pos pose You will win not only deal with him yourself but you win I send your our friends to him also lUll It Is just so 50 with a n bank it Its officers and and- tellers are aro cordial cordial cor cor- dial and friendly and an If It they th th arc are aIwa always s 's willing to give you Ou the benefit of or their advice or o Influence or direct help you ou will Vm naturally feel that your our bank banI connection If Is a n valuable one particularly If 11 your bank happens to to combine combino large strength with Its friendliness This Idea i la Is the keynote ol ot the service wo s try to give It makes a Do difference dIfference ask ask our The bank whoso whose customers I boost for It Is the bank tor you i National Copper I Bank I II I Union Dental Co 12 IAIN STREET f HONES WORK I PRICES Painless extraction of teeth or BO ss BOp p Isy y All work guaranteed S US J 3 I ottee We Treat You Right i tm i Office hu hours 3 a. a in an to ti p. p ra rn Sunday l 1 13 to 2 3 USI 1121 I ANTHRACITE PRICES I FIVE TJ 3 Cl A. A AI J STOVE E SIZES Sll 11 IEK lEU TON roN t tro I tI W. W 3 J. J Wolstenholme ana 1 Manager cr Arthur McFarlane Secretary I Agent for tor forKing King Hank Telephones Office Wasatch 73 So Main DENVER RIO GRAND TIME TilIE TABLE Effective May ay 19 1912 DEPART DAILY Provo ManU Mantl Marysvale 8 00 a. a am a.m. m. m Midvale and Bingham e a. a am a.m. m. m Denver Chicago and East 83 am arn m. m Park Parle City am a.m. Ogden and intermediate points 1035 m sm Ogden San Francisco Portland Portland Portland Port Port- land land 12 1240 0 p. p pm p.m. m. m Ogden San Francisco Portland Portland Portland Port Port- land 2 5 p. p pm p.m. m. m and 25 p. p pin pm m. m Denver Chicago and East p. p pm p.m. Provo Tintic p. p pm p.m. m. m Denver Chicago and East Po pm p.m. m. m Ogden Portland and pm pin ARRIVE DAILY Ogden Olden San Francisco Los Angelas 8 16 L m m. m Tin Tintic tic Springville Provo Prove 10 1020 20 a. a rum am m. m Bingham and Midvale 1 1030 am L m Denver Chicago and East 1225 p pm p.m. m. m I Ogden and Intermediate points p. p pm p.m. rn Denver Chicago and East Po PO pm m. m O Ogden Ogdon on San Francisco and West Vest 45 55 p. p pm p.m. m. m Park City and intermediate pol points n ts G 0 0 p. p p.m.- p.m. mo Bingham and pm p.m. t Provo Mantl Manti Marysvale pm p.m. Ogden Olden San Francisco Portland Portland Port Port- land Jand p. p pm pI Denver Chicago and East 1055 1065 pm p.m. PHONE WASATCH 2326 2 6 Ticket Office Main Street I II I FOR WEAK MEN I Animal Scram Serum Is Indicated Blood pol poison on curt S curwIn I In a few tew days dar by br th n new w European m meth meth- oil cl Science b bU i P pro- an equally r rapid pw i und end successful treat trul treatment I meet meat tot for all sil fonn torm 0 cl of I c I Vital Weakness Van Varl- cre OC Vein Bladder and Kidney 4 1 If It you nerd lily my help belp doat dout b teal teal- l- l late Call CaU at It once cr i II write rite It I My r offices are re open 1 9 t. t m. m all des to top o p. p rn rD mT 4 jw 7 l to 8 3 Sundays 4 10 to 12 STATE TE MEDICAL I. CO Rooms 11 IS I-IS S So Main I about t I A woman should know a as much of BUYING as about an any other other phase home lome Unless she studies studioS tn lbS ads sIte she probably knows less about Ii I. I 1 worth while duties i It t than about less of ot housekeeping I The only lu Iu Salt Luke Lake In under a Month Our Fee t their bell U O name There Theren g n Reason To All Beginning Treatment at Once WE VB CURE 5 S Ca Catarrh Den ALL DISEASES and t LUng Trouble Drs Shores Shores for tor a short time malce th the lowest low low- J est cst fee rato rate ever evet made mode by any reputable specialists This to all alJ who Hay 11 Fever Cerand er C special offer otter goes oes into effect at orco OCe apply Stomach S and includes Drs Dra Shores' Shores services all ull necessary office treatments and advice until you are arc cured no matter motter Liver cr what your our trouble Is Dont Don't wait until the tile Special offer heartIs heart Is withdrawn withdrawn act act today Consultation free trec Kidney S Skin erod and IN OUR SPECIAL Bladder M M. M Men en Trouble and andAll nd C en p DEPARTMENT FOR TI All Chronic n OUR NE XE V METHODS OF OP TREATMENT IlE have havo made mado and Blood wonderful strides CONTRACTED SEDI SEDI- MINT ETC IX IN are aro often oCten cured in a that arc aro few fow ew days das Blood tint and ond LONt Lout Unlit yield as UH if It by Curable magic magIc magIc-In In fact tact nearly every o known Chronic Nervous and Private trouble will vilI bo be cured now for half halt what you expect ex ox- I to pay and pay and in half tho tilo time formerly required WOMEN WO M EN 7 DRS SHORES SHORES out alit Weak e klI tired tired- sickly wo women I EXPERT SPECIALISTS men quickly CURES CURE l nt at HOME TREATMENT C lu 2 U Main Street Over tho the Store Salt Lake City CUT eon cot coto tOWS oD Hours Daily 9 to 5 Evenings 7 to 8 Sundays 10 to 12 Fr Free Freo and WRITE for tor It you ou true truo live S symptom out om of ot 1151 Confidential 9 |