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Show . X 1 TIIE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 13, 1922. son't Let Your Shoes Argue With You Tuesday st the hr feoaat on Watch tnow hir and Mm. Toward Park, formerly of Mur-nhot eon of the I Int&h btn. nere Murray visitor during tbe week Urt K1b hUagi) bus returned to 1 w lwu la Lne Ang)(e. after a visit hem with her mother, Mrs Harry Bint and famiy Mr and Mm Kart are sow loon State street cated is the Tartar botldtt-Mr. and Mrs Trsroas (erlisle and famUv and Mrs. Charles Bird left Monday foe a two works visit with rviattvvo id Mmilloo Idaho Mrs M. R Bishop had as her guest Fridsv of last week Mra Ernrst Spiers. Mm William Stmtig ami Mt l preal Ptrong of Salt Lake Miss gtolla Banders was lioareas to tha members of tha (V Us- -1 flub at her boat on Vina atrvat Tborsdav Tha evening wss spout in tewing. Light refreshments wara sersad Mrs. J. Mrtlcary bad aa bar gurt BunJsy' her daughter. Mm Francis Weulworth, of Mama. Mr and Mm L P Mr an) Mm Iran B'-sParry. Mr and Mrs Ernest TVrtgnt, M-- a Ly Brown. Mra ( harle Dudley and (taught r Mi formed a Ereyn Dudley, nod Jack Snedd( rvtrtv and motored to Kaltair ENmclay and sprat the flay Mr and Mra Gav Tidwell have a ihrr ro- -t for a work Mra Tidwells slater, M- Kenneth Tartar and famll of Halt Ike Mm Frnet Wright and family apent Toaway at BinffdsM v'sblng frlrmls. Mr. and Mrs Harry Kemp and daughter. Margaret returned home during the wrk. after spending a week fit Brighton f in hnr Mrs O, W. Turner anrertslned Prnast Turner, at her home on ins her street Wednesday rvaing It being his birthorated with day anniversary. The bouse wss Refreshments Bhasta daisies and msrlgohW wera served to thirtv gmt Mr and Mrs I swrcnca Tarry visited relatives and, friends at Jtlvert&n, Tnesdav A group of girls knonn as tha Beagn! girls rf Murmv First ward took a bcahet lunch and pent Mondsv in Godfrey's grots Announcement is made of the coming mar riage cf Miss Melba Jonca of Bnghnm to Burdette Bmlth of this city. The marriage w.U l tnka place Augu-- t Mr and Mrs Farl dander left Tiifdy mom fng for a ten diva trip r through Yeltawstone nstimisl park Mr and Mrs. I). O Turner have a tbe'v gnesta at their home on Vine street Mr., auj Mrs Brig Iwis of Well. Jev Mr and Mrs. Her Pnwp'l and son left during the week for an Indefinite stay Ukffxw Angehs Mr Hase .1 itcbke and two daughbrs left Monday for llsbo Falls, Idaho, to visit relatives for two weeks. Mr and Mrs J II Chambers anl Mr and Mra Willard Evans and two children left during the week by auto for California to tour the coast cities. Visa Belva Ballard Miss Nona Blard. Harry Bfllard Vemet Ballard. Mrs EntUv Maytoen Miss Gertruds forbnsh WlUsm Ingslls and Earl Wayman motor vd to Brighton Sunday and pent tho dav. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Morgan of Logan were tho Is! Week-enguests of Mr and Mrs, Isaac Morgan at their cqttaga at Mountalr, la von can Parley's Mss Mattie Cowan and Mlsa Donna Cowan of Psyson were lat wet k end guests of M eg Daisy and Maxine Simons at tbelr hotne la Cot tn a C,, (n i?3i CS WetRling party of Mrs. Benjamin Harvey, formerly MHg Phyllis Ooulet, a hrlde of Tuesday; Leone Goulet, Mias Jileau Goulet, bridesmaids; bride, and Miss ChJorisse Goulet, maid of honor. NC4H I ? 5 - - V left to right. Miss 5 Interesting News for Every Woman Hats for Immediate Wear to The Wintertime Creations in Millinery of , the Hour Are Being Dis- is, played NOW by Auerbachs, Cronped nod Specially Priced, 00 Scores of New Fall Hals, and Mrs Cattierins Blodgett and "Mrs. Oscar Dstcrson, both of Balt Lake, were ths gussts of Mr. and Mrs A. II Kkbards Thursday. Mrs Esther Oltustaad, W c 8 peace, Oscar Olmstead, Miss Pansy Jestesea and Miss OUv Glmstcad spent Ba(urday evening of last week at Baltalr Miss Virginia Ilerrftt entertained Monday evening at her homg on Wesi Beveatcenfb avt-n- u in honor of O. G. Crow of Birmingham, Ala Other gnesta were Miss Myrtle TrauaeftQ, Mass Leah Ashby. Mias Helen Christensen, Hluad 1euUletoa, Miriam Anderaon and A. L. Hewitt. Mrs J Newbousea of Magna was th guest of her daughter, Mrs. Georg Denton, last Beehive girls of the MU! Creek ward, under the direction of Mis Mildred Morgan left Tuesday for Mountair, In Pgrleya canyon, to spend a week. The girls arc being cbiiwrooed by Mrs Isaac Morgan A number of friends surprised Ml Mty Parrv at her home in tottoonood We lues day evening The evening wss spent la gam a music and dancing and light refreshments wire to twenty fire guests srrel B Ira Ballard, Nona BiRard. Dwane Ba'lafd and V erct Ballard, accompanied by their father. for a two weeks' Harry V, Bullard, left visit With relatives end fr eada In Evanston and MU burn Wyo. Mr. and Mrs D O Turner entertatned at their home ou Vnc street Monday irening in and also tu honor of thefr wedding anniversary honor of BJr Turner parents, Mr and Mr B their II Flier, of Bpanlah Fork, wedd'ng aoniversery a so filing on the anme dnte Th In house was decorated with summer flower the dining room a bowl of white flhasta (ig'nist entered the table The evening ws eunt In music and dancing, and twenty guests were present. Mlag Bessie Coates was hostess to a purtv given In honor of her brother William Coates, Saturday evenlngof last week at their bme Tha bouse was decorated w'fh in Granger Bhsate dalslrs and marigolds Games and music were colored, and luncheon was served to twen ty guests Is tie Mrs Amelia Piston of Tavtarv'll guest of Mr and Mm. George Rhodes and fans Ur for a few days. Mrs Charles White left Tnsdav for Spantab Fork to visit relatives and friends Mr and Mra. M O Hnggau had as their last wek end guests Mr. and Mrs, Jack Mo teer of Balt Lake Mrs S E. Bringhnmt We urpricd by friends and relatives Monday evening at her home ou Vine street. The evening was spent In games and music end refreshments were served to twenty guests a her Miss Mary Hoggan of Granger ha Dmm guests for a week her cousins Mi Balt El of Jane Miss and its Hofgaa Hfgao, Lake. It and Me Fred B. Anderem and wn,' Fred 3 , spent Thursday in Ogden. Mrs Mary Whale returned ftnme during the Week afer a two moutbs stay in Los An , geles with relative Mr. and Mra William B Erhkson and fnm-ll- v returned to tboir home Tut iay even ng after spending tw weeks In, Yclhwtone, national park. Mr and Mra. Herbert Parker of Betfrn wfipt are receiving engrnDi!aticms over the ar a son. born to them during the wteii of rival and daughter Mr and Mrs. George Owen of Hinckley are the guests ofMJrs, Frank Scott for a few dajs. The teachers of the Reunion ward Relief society entertained the ReMef society offtaers at the borne of Mrs Reuben Mthnis Tuesdav The afternoon WM afternoon of last week spent In a social way and luncheon was served to twenty guests The fiaternn! orders end the mlnnteer fire department of Murray held an outing at Liberty park la Belt Lake Wednesday afternoon Mrs Edwin Eliason and little daughters, Ruth and Clara, returned home Bundny- after pending two weeks with relatives la Wyo. A birthday psrty was given In honor of D W Jones at his home la Taylorsville Tuesday evening. Refreshment were served to thirty guests. Mra. A. Boy Hills m entertained the W. club at her home In Graoger Wednesday afternoon. The rooms were decorated in golden Nine club members acd one glow and gladioli leotsl guest, Mrs, E WPson of Balt Lake, were present. The clnb will meet with Mr llrrum 0, Brrtoeh. August 28 Members of the W W club ami their husbands- motorod tu Baltalr Friday evening, where a picnic supper was served and the even ng spent In dancing. Those prcsenT" Were Mr end Mrs, Ilvrum I) Nletaon. Mr. and Mrs Frank Boy Hillam, Mr. dud Coon, Mr. and Mrs I Mrs. Gideon Knife Mrs Rllsatwth Lstrsen Mr. and Mr. Ilrrain C. Bertocb and Ur. and Mra. Martin Walk. OGDEN, Auk. 11 In compliment to Mrs. Paul Tyler of San Francisco and Bliss Zo King of Portland, Ore , former residents of this city, an informal dancing party was given this evening by and Mrs. E R. Dumke andf Mr. and Mrs R. C. Gwilllam at the E. O. Wattls home on Bccles avenue. The rooms were decorated with zinnias, gladioli and ferns. A buffet supper was served on the lawn. Mrs G. L. Be dter entertatned twelve guests at a bridge luncheon, the first of a series of afternoon parties, Thursday afternpon at her summer home In Ogden canyon. This afternoon she was hostess at a tea. The third party of the series will tfe given next week. Mrs. Florence Wattls entertained at a dinner party Thursday evening at her home, 612 Twenty-sixt- h street. Bachelor buttons In the pastel shades were combined with maidenhair fern In a basket as a centerpiece for the table, place cards In the corresponding colors were jh? guests lncludetr the close friends Wattle. Dancing was enjoyed following the dinner. Miss Wattls was assisted by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. lr Wattls. Miss Jessie Beeson, a September bride, was the guest of honor at a card party given by Miss Mary Sneddon Thursday afternoon at her home, 673 Seventh avenue, Salt Dake City. The Ogden guests included Mrs. Roscoe Ilulsh, Mrs Kenneth Tripp and Mis. T, Don Beason. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scowcroft entertained at dinner at their home, 633 Twenty-sixth street, in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tyler of San Francisco and Mr. and Mrs, D. W. Griggs of lava Angeles. Garden flowers decorated the table. In addition to the host and hostess and guests of honor, covets were laid for Mr and Mrs Louis H. Peery, Mr and Mrs. Fletcher Scowcroft, Mr and Mrs. L. B. Swaner of Sait Lake and Mrs Jane Taylor Peery of Porterville, Mr. and Mrs. Tyler and Mr. California an) Mrs. Griggs and Miss Zoe King were the complimented guests at a tea given Sunday evening by Mrs. E. Q. Wattis FRECKLE-FAC- E Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots; , How to Remove Busily. Heres a chance. Miss Freckle-face- , to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee bf a reliable concern that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes tho freckles; while if it does give you a clear complexion the expense is trifling. , Simply get an ounce of Othine double strength from any druggist and a few applications should show you how easy it is to nd yourself of the homely freckles and get R beautiful complexion. Rarely is mpre tha i one ounce needed for the worst case. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength Othino, as this strength is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. (Adv.) l.-'- iV-E- L ' Ho water too hard or coldfor this foapJt bubbles instantly J. ifadfe N f Hand-painte- son.-Becver, Beatrice Brownkng, Florence Dunti and (Mra. Conrad Bolatad. The were Misses Patricia guest Friday Healy, Gladys Rich, Elisabeth Browning, Florence Turner, Jane Treaeder, Helen Mills, Cleone Undsay, Marva McBride, Ruth Pingree, Jenneas Smith, Fhvllls McGlnley, Ida Parker, Margery Brewer, Sherma Hendorohot Florence Wattis Port Troudflt, Loulsr FishsrpfSwtrlottfe Davis, Claudia Roberts, Melba Thornley, !orln Thornley, Alice Beck and Angela Dunyon of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Parker entertained at dinner Thursday evening at their home on Jefferson avenue and Twenty-fift- h street in honor of Miss Zoe King. The decorations were gladioli, ilnmas and French marigolds. Coers mere laid for fourteen. Bridge followed the dinner. Mies Helen Conroy entertained at a supper party this evening at her home or Twenty-fourt- h street, followed by Sweet peas dancing at the Hermitage. in a basket formed the centerpiece for the table. Miss Conroy was assisted bv her mother, Mra. Edward L Conroy, and Miss Katherine Fitzgerald. The guests included Muss Katherine Shuffleharger, Miss Margaret Stine, Miss Wilma Knight, Miss Marva McBride, Miss Mamie Xop-pe- r, Miss Geraldine O'Neill, Mias Margaret Malone of Pocatello, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs Conrad Bolstad, Heber Passey, IjcwIs Conroy, Maurice Conroy,. Hassett Joo Laughran, Gerald Fhufflebarger, Corey, Jack Malone of Balt Lake and Robert O Brlen of Redwood City, Cal In honor of Mrs. Russell L. Davenport of Holyoke, Mass., Mrs George R. entertained at bridge this afternoon at her home on Grant avenue. Luncheon was served on three Small tables following bridge, each centered with a bowl of nasturtiums and goldenglow. Yellow decorations were used about.the rooms and porch. The guests included, besides the honor guests, Mrs. George A. Whitmeyer. Mra. Burton F. Dinsmore, Mrs, Edwin Bader, Mrs. G. S. Heleh, Mrs. J. W. Farnsworth, Mrs. A. A. Whlt-le- v and Mrs Charles A. West, The following, with their families, motored to the summer home of Dr. and Mrs J P. Dinneen in Beaver canon where dinner was Tuesday evening, cooked over a campfire. Mr. and Mrs. J W McDonald, Mr and Mrs 3, M. Plnard. Mr and Mrs George Blddulph, Mr and Mrs. J W. Smalley and Mr. and Mrs. J. Devereaux. Mrs Anna Van Pyka entertained the 488 members of her club at her hom Setenteenth street, Thursday afternoon. Bunco furnished entertainment for the afternoon, prizes being awarded to Mrs. J. P. Corry and Mrs Merlin Shaw, Luncheon was served on smalt tables Garden flowers were the decorations. Guests in addition to the club members, were Mrs. P. Curry and Mrs E. G. Cross J Mator and Mra Eugene Bantschl are the guets of Mra Santshl's sister, Mrs. Lydia H Tanner, until September 1, when they will go to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., where Major Pantzch! will attend school. Major and Mra Bantschl have Just returned from Germany, where Major Hantscbi was a member of the general staff, stationed with the American army He was of occupation on the Rhine. commandant at the I tah Agricultural coltor before four the European years lege war. Major and Mrs. Bantschl and Mrs Tanner will leave Monday for a week's Yellowstone park try through Miss Zoe King left today for Berkeley. Cal r to resume her studies at the University of California, after a ten da- s' visit in Ogden, the guest of Mrs, R C Uvrilliam. Miss King ta the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. King, former residents of thia city, but now of Portland, Ore. v Mrs V IfDeFue and daughter. Miss Pue, of Logan, are guests porolhirDo Tor the week-en- d of Mr. and Mrs. H. A Sod er berg. The Misses Marion, Bertha and Louise Eccles and Virginia Green left Thursday for Salt Lake to spend ten days. They will be the guests next week of Mrs. er party was given in their honor byhiking Harold Snow of Salt Lake to Mount Timpanogos this eve- ning Miss Margaret Gilmore and Miss Margaret Malone of Pocatello Idaho, are the week-en- d guests of Mrs Edward M. Conroy and Miss Helen Conroy. Mr and Mrs F. C. Bassett, Jr, and children of Salt Laae Ogden Mr aud Mrs. L. Sunday, the guests of R Ecclfs Mr. and Mrs O. K Wilbur of Idaho Falla, Idaho, spent the week here ae the aueats of Mr and Mrs. R. L. ilbur. They accompanied their daughter. Miss Blanche Wilbur, to Ogden, and she left the week for the University of durng California to enter upon her Junior year. Mias Ida Scowcroft, Miss Ruth t, M'ss .Florence Turner, Miss MarStine and Miss Katherine garet Shuffleharger motored to Salt Lake Wednesday to attend a tea given by Miss Grace Darling at her home, 10 6 First avenue. Mr. and Mrs V W. Griggs of Los Angeles, who had been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H Peerv, left Tuesday for Denver. Colo., and Kn a pity Chapin A. Day and grandson, Chapin Day Bristol, left Tuesday for Michigan to visit relatives Miss JennesS Smith visited in Bat Lake tha first of the week, the guest of Miss Paloma Brown Miss Smith attended the tea given Wednesday afternoon by the DcHa Epsilon sorority of the University of L tah "Mrs P, Littlefield and daughter, Miss Elva Littlefield, left todav for a Visit in Hood River, Ore, with Mrs. Littlefield s J. Walker West, and children They also will visit in Portland Miss Littlefield will return in two weeks and Mrs Littlefield will spend two months in Oregon. Jimmy McBeth, who had spent his vacation in Ogden with his aunt, Mrs Mary Ashton, left Tuesday for the University of California to resume his studies Miss Wtnnifred Gurney, who had been the guest of Mies Beatrice Browning at Idlewild, the Browning summer home In Ogdeh canyon, returned Wednesday to her home at Fort thought. Salt Lake. She was accompanied by Miss Browning, who was her guest for the remainder of the week Miss was a geust at a &rty given Browning at the post Thursday evening. Dr and Mrs. D. W Henderson and family and their guest, Miss Caroline Williams of Philadelphia, and Mr and Mrs Leroy B. Young and family of Brigham City motored to Timpanogos cwve in American Fork canyon Friday, Mra. Jack Major and two small sons. Jack and Theodor, have returned to their home in feait Lake after visiting in Logan, and in Ogden with Mrs Major's sister-in-laMrs John W. Scowcroft. Miss Florence Turner and Miss Elizabeth Browning motored to Logan and spent Monday and Tuesday Mr and Mrs J Milton Wilcox have returned from a trip to Bear lake and Yellowstone park. GARFIELD Mr. and Mis. E. J Hanke, Mr and Mrs L. T. Dee. Mr and Mrs. Roscoe C. Gwii-liaDr and Mrs E It. Dumke and Miss 12. Tha Otrla rlub'a antOAr.FIKLO. An Zoe King were Ogden guests at a din- ing at ftatt.tr tutnrday avanlng of last waak anctal n anrra.a waa ner party given by Thomas O'Brien at Dancing lnnoh-oaptendtd and tha rariona concaaalona wara anjfvad. the Alta club in Salt Lake Wednesday . hth-1a Mtaaaa wera Tltoac nttaadtng evening. Baulnh Brian Huth Scow-crof- -- -- d r MURRAY Ant Mr. Glsa Tripp tad Frtdftj ftftef vtsitinf nlntlxe In Fsrtiii for tiro weeks Mr and Mrs L. II UlJtar and Mra E E. Brown lea of Idaho Falls Idaho, arrived hfft Thursday and art jpioota of Mr and Mrs. Thoms Powell os North Flat strvvt Mrv and Mra Chari Whit bad as thslr trouts Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Borges of Ogden. Mr and Mrs. Rajr Miller an receiring eon fratulfttions over ths arrival of a daughter, Mra Miller was forborn t them Mondav merly Mias Mary Williams of this city Mrs. Amelia lirtoo bad as her gneata Monday ber (laughter, Mrs. Parry Bateman, and family . of West Jrdan Mrs Carl tahiquiat entertained tho mem-bor- a of the Grant ttard Relief society at her bom oa Went Fifty ninth atreet Thursday afternoon at an old fatlrtoued tewinbee. Light refreshments tvere aerveti to twenty g testa. Li if lie l aldweli Mb has returned to her bom aft Bristling rlntlvrs la Amerlesn Fork Mr. and Mrs. Ham Whittle, formerly of MurAntfelea, announce ths enray, but now of gagement of their daijghter, Miss Noln Fay Whittle to Everett Mxon of Ijos Angeles. Tli marriage will tnke place at tbe bride a bom Beptember 2. The vnung couple will spend their at Catalina island. honeymoon Dr. and Mra R. D. Ge are eomfortably tn their new borne on North Mate alreet. Will am Atwood and daughter Mlss lone Atwood. Mies Josephine Koch and Jock Koch of Balt Lake left Bunday morning for a tea days trip to YeUowatoa national Prk Mlaa Btk Biwkb.nk rvtnrnrd hem Bun6r after t two weak, vl.lt wltk ktr eant, Uia tn G. TV Bak.r, .od family st tblr cotta, MURRAY, on, Jk. trrirwl 12 homft Is Cdovoa. 0,t.n Mrs. Lhartr. the pst wtk Ur and IPni th CRldwrll bad s. hrr guest for Ml,. St.ry Jonr. of Mh. Thomas 81mpr and family war dinner Junta of Mr. tnd Mra. Albert Plx- - C McCrlmaion, hrlatanaon, and Ltota Power,. Marta Inyo. Hilda Thomas, Ila mood. Hriona Erara. Mart Took, Pton-ncWll Itarmc I, Milan Jona, Hulda Ahlqnl-- t. Baaal and Fthal llama, Katharrs Thomaa, Vara Hordy. Sowby, Bath Adama. Pay Konotd, Inlaa Ludwig, Lafaim Stawart, Rrhy WiWon, Mary Ellon Moore, Kmr Wright, Uarna Iaar, Martha Dot Pandlatoa, I.tndatmm Rnby Iai Chrmtnant, Lyl GarlaDd of Suit Lake and Mr. Laah Amark of San Pranclaco Jack Lndwlg, Dana WHaon, Boy n and Elmar I a twin Rldnay Lattmar. Rhaad Orral Wright, Marian Andoraon, Sld-na- y Kramar, Par Hardy, Poraos rna'ga P it WalHatton, Pd Thomaa, Prad William ter Plriar Tboa who Jnlnrd tha party for tha dancing wara Mr. end Mr B E Mix, Mr. and Mr W. C Barton and Mr end Mr Iconard P ft Wll-tlasTha chaporona wera Mr Hodga. Mr T. H. Morgan, Mra. J, T Millar, Mr and Mrs. Thomaa Maher. Mr and Mra. Ed Thomaa tleorgs Wll amt and Mr. and M- Those who aaatatad In serving thr Inm heon wara Mra. Jack Powara, Mr. H. M Laaar. Mr and Mra H, J. Lndwlg and Mr. tnd Mrs. I) L. rndrrwood. Mra Bart Mix and two children ar apandln, weak tn Vlvlas park. t The Pater Babbit club mat with Mr Leonard Hodges Thursday of last waak and last afternoon tha membara wars tha Thnrada gnaata of It a thrv a Thomaa. Both Evan and Fllzabstb Moo-- e, Misaaa and BunLate Wright spent tha last week-en- d ds y and Monday at Ptaecrcat, tn Emigration canroo. Mr. and Mr. Robert Pox and Httle danrh tar, Barnh. have returned from Callforh'a and will probably ntaka their home in Garfield again. Mra J B Pandlato and Mr. J A TVnwnaa the Jtaagnll girl on ehapatwned twlmra'ng party -to Black Bock Friday evening of la at weak. Mr. and Mm VP B. Unamend ratnmad Friday of last waak from a trip to Idaho Falla, Idaho whan they visited as uncle of Mrs. Haymond'a. Mtaa Mary Edward, of Magna was tho guest of Mlaa Bath A da tha during th waak. Mr. end Mm. A. L. Pryor of Seattle, Wash., Johnson, Ewels, MyrtI COMFOET IS A HELP To wear Cantilever Shoes is to bt pleased with the trim appearance of vour feet and to know supreme comfort the long day through. Their spe emlly designed flexible shanks and other feature work with you all day long. Your liniment and muscles are allowed the free actios and exercise anJ th Muse lira Lorentsen and Zt! Boren-s.- n a enjoyed plung at the Monroe but even sprints MTuesday aoe Inez Peterson, Ruby MurTh Cleo phy, Crane, Madge Borenaen, Orville Rather Johnson and Peterson, Gladys Thorpe entertained at tbe Thorpe home Wednesday etenlnt in honor of MU, Audrey Crane and Mabel Christensen of Balt Dak. William MBier announces the marriage of hie daughter, Thula, to Deen Nle'-aoSaturday of last week at Klchfield. n. they actually need in order to maintain dheir strength and spare you from that prevalent condition known ss Foot weak foot or tired foot. trouble are prevented and corrected. Wheit you lace up Cantilever Shoe their flexible shanks draw np to supply lust the degree of support you require each day under each arch. Slip your feet into Cantilevers shoes that don t argue with you. n, Martha Roberts of Balt Lake wan the guest of her eonsla. Miss Reekie Thomas, last tdv A Roa.nz Clover Itasmuaaon cl Balt I eke. Mr. and Mr,. Arthur Barry and week Mlss ne Laura Riih $00 for Quick Selliaj ton wood and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris at the V attis home. A variety of late summer flowers was used to decorate the rooms. Mrs R C. Gwilllam. Mrs. E J. Hanke and Mrs. B. R. Dumte assisted. Miss Blanche Barton and Miss Hope Fox entertatned at two prettily appointed luncheons Thursday and FYiday afternoons at the home of Miss Barton, 774 Twenty-fourt- h street The guests were seated at three tables, each centered with a bowl of zinnias, Shasta da. ales d and ferns. place cards were used. the luncheon Following Thursday, Miss- Faye King and Miss Katherine Shufflebgrger gave vocal numbers. The hostesses sc ere assisted by their mothers, Mrs. C.H. Barton and Mrs. B M. Fox; Mr. Carlyle Eubank, Miss Eugenia Smith, Miss Geraldine and Miss Maxine Fbx. The guests Thursday included Misses Ruth Scowcroft, Ida Scowcroft. Dorothy Ds Pue. Ann Chaffin, Margaret Stine, .Helen Conroy, Annette Cunningham. Katherine Shuffleharger, Fay King, Virginia Scowcroft, Dorothy Scowcroft. Madalyn Toy, Frances M Virginia Green, Bonita There zre hoes that srjue with vou step and there ar shoe that work, with you all day Ion, The Cantilever fchoe ta deginej, first of all, like your own foot, with a flexible arch. No neiU strip of steel, such as is embedded in the shank of ordinary shoes, disputes every step. The Cantilever Shoe also hag a snusr heel seat, the trraeefully rounded toe and the ldwer heel m vogue with tha smartest women of today. over every week. Revo Btewaet entertained Wednesday after-noo- n ef last week in honor of her ninth birthThe guests wero Gordon day anniversary. Ludwig, Berates and Noma Stewart. Margaret Wilson Ktrs ( mlerwood, Underwood, George Fred WaaUss, Lonora Frances Lundberg, Uudges aud Lnclta Uillev, Misa Mrginia Mnrsdcn of Taylorsville Is ths guest of her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Marsden. Mrs. George Oltnatead visited relatives In Little Cottonwood canyon Butiday. Mr and Mrs V. K Koehler and daughter, Drif, Mrs F Hamilton and Mrs, Earl Algoorl and daughter, Grace, all of Balt Lake, wer the giicsis of Mrs. A F. Lartoh and Mrs. Jack Denton Wednesday Mr and Mrs. James Day had ad the! guests ioia Dav, Btsnle Newton, Lucy Buntsy Misses Peterson and George Wilson, all of Balt Lode. Mrs was the gneat of her Denton George sister, Mrs H. B. Button of Magua. the first of the week f Mra. J W Moore entertained ths 0. K R. Bcial club Wednesday afternoon. The prise wss won by Mr. for high score at Vard Robert Knox. Gneata of tho club worn Mrs Miriam Marshall, A, P. Kimball and Ml Mr. and Mrs pick Paul announce tha birth of a daughter Wednesday Mr and Mr Rtrt Brown of Balt LgL wars the guests during the week of Mr. and Mrs. L A. Griffith The B'Verfy club met Tuesday with Mr George Wilson. Edng Lossy and AUeo Gardner served. The Garfled Men's club gave dancing party thia evening Mr. If. J Anderson of Balt Lake was the guest Die first of the week of her eon and hit wife Mr, and Mra Clande Anderson. M sa Mury Ahlquist spent several day during ths week in Magna tho guest of her cousin, Mrs Florence Anderson. Mr. Harold Martin left Twesdav with relatives for a trip through TeflowstoaO park. Mr. and Mrs Frank Eckblade and fimllr, Mrs George Ahlqulat and Mias Hold Ahlquist motored to Jlidvale Bunday Mr and Mr. Fred Roberta and throe children of Balt Lake were the gneata of Mm. Beb-erts- 4 Uiotims, Sunday itstrt; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. B Howells have as thefr guest their son, Archie, who to with tho m rine Miss Rose Erkblade it speodthf o week with relatives In Midvale. The L D S Relief society gav o program Tw'eday evening. TTie Ben gull girts met with Mro J. A. Thomas Monday. ii? Tah Ashby or Hunter was tho last vreok-en- d guest of IDs Mvrtla Tmnaeau. Mr, and Mr Ralph Hatton of Brigham City hero this week. Were the guests of relative The Garfield Women's clrb wilt give a public card party at the Men's clubroomt next Friday evening. ENa Mrs Thomas Morgan and daughters, MorMury and Fmma Lou, are vluttlng Mm gan's mother, Mrs. J. W. McFarland, in Bolt Lake for two weeks. Mrs Claude Anderson and ch'ld-v- n left Saturday of lst week for Vivian pnrk to aprnd two weeks Mr. and Mm A. H Richards of tho smelter will leave Tuesday fok a week's tour of Yellow stahe park and Mr George George Watts and Watts, Jr., motored to Tooele Monday evening to rlMt Mr. and Mrs Angus Mrfend. formerly of Balt Lake, who oro now residing In Tuoele, TOOELE TOOELE, Au. IS. The A. T. O club waa enterta'nert by Mika Ber.tha Snelra Sew Monday evening, at her home. aa ths feature of the evening. Refresh-nf (Art&-&- ments wera served to twelve gueets. Mas M a react MrLaws of thta city and Jeaaa W hvae of Stockton a ere married Tuesday of last week in Sa t Lake Mr and Mr. Whyde will make their home In Tooo'e. a. Mr. and T. H. MoCluak.y, Mr ahd Mrs. Flank M dgley and Mr and Mrs. Lester Gillette, ail of Balt Lake, of Mr. and Mra Brigham Sera guests Sunday. Mra Loran Run Runnela Mr, hay nela and Mlsa Beck --tend, all of Eureka, are vlaltlng In thia e ty with thalr mother. Mra E A Mile Mrs. Mi ton 1. Horsley of Ogden la vlgitlnf her psrenta Mr. and Mra JoDe La Mar. seph Mr. and Mre. M. O. Ebert and famly left for thetr home tn Spokane, Weah., Tuesday, after visiting Mra. Fannie Ebert for two weika Mr. and Mra Holger Gulhranaen of Salt Lake were guests of friends and tViit'ves here hiat weejy-enMr and Mra Jama Kirk, Jr , left Tuesday for Balt Laka to visit relatives and frtenda for two weeks. Mra. Ray England Ja Is ting her parents, Mr. tnd Mra William Lambert, at Magna. Mlsa Hilda Llhdba-- g returned home Tuesday, after spending .two weeks at Tnknm, Idaho, the gueat of Mia, Thelma Tate. Miss Ile'en Bojden of Salt Lake, who had been visiting Mas Virginia McBride, returned to her hpme Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. E. M Reid and family and Mrs Jane Re d left Saturday of last week for s two weeks' visit at Fayetta wit hfrten ds ndTeln H vss. Mrs Frank Mil's of Helper la visiting In this rlty with relat.vea. Mias Rowena Spetr entertained at a house party Friday afternoon of last week, complimentary to, Uai Ila Webb of Monroe. The guest were Mls-- e Myrtle Lee, Virginia McBride, Henrietta Zetpha Jones, Kucka, Selma Walters, Charmlan Baker, Ver Brvan, Phyllis BoneM, Agne MeLaws. Cvnthla Spe'ra, ReMelha Speir and Dal a Beaman. freshments were served. Mr Elizabeth Doxey of Ogden and Mr. Margaret Lee or Rockland, Oal war guests of Mr. and Mr. Brigham Gll'etta lost week-en, Miss Carious. Iavts spent last weekend In SiU Lake, the guest of her brother, Qeirge R. Davis, Jr. Mr and Mrs. T. R Adams are v'aiffng In Afton, Vo., with their daughter, Mrs. M-- Balt City, Utah Order by mall when not in tht city. ke fjliilAf,! ' Orlu Barrus. t BURLEY, IDAHO BtRtftY, Idaho, Au 12 Mrs L. Q tnderwood and her mother, Mrs. Deerlng. wsre hostesses to the W. C. T. U at their home on South Oakley avenue FriAfter the regular busiday afternoon. ness meeting, which wss presided over bv Mr. H. Edward Smith, a social hour IS. Mr. and Mr. Arwas enjoyed SALIMA, All and refreshments were thur Barry of Idnho r ftiest of Mr. servdd. LorG. 3. C. Mrs. and Mrs Patterson entertained a few Barry's parents, Mr, en tven. luncheon Saturday afternoon friends at Mrs Laura Gates entertained at lunch- of lost week In honor nf Mrs Jack Gas-kl- l, eon Montlav afternocn tn honor of Mr. who left that evening wtlh her son. E. r. Wright. Mra Juna Webb and JUro. Mack, for an extended visit in Iowa. Mr. Car Forscee. and Airs Wendell Hopkins and son. Veda Herbert, Louisa Kenneth, have returned from a trip Leda Gates, Fenn, I.uella Christensen, Hilda Gates, through Ye'lowntone gark. Fred Galloway. L, C aytim, A. J. ThompMiss Lilia Sims of Rupert spent last In Burley, the guest of tela-Uveson, Deloyd Nielson and Leland Hard week-en- d enjoyed an outing at Fish lake SaturKnndav. Air. and Mrs. J J. Oamobell returned snd day Mias Lidia Nielson entertained Satur- Tuesday from a trip through Yellowstone of tn of honor last week day afternoon park. Luncfleon was her birthday anniversary. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Anderson and sons served to the Mlssea Lo's Bird, Blanch of M!n!rioka,and Mr. and Mrs Torvill ce A1 Sedonta Jensen, Truleson ami children left Friday mornBurns, Thorpe I ouiae Freece, Andreaoon and ing for a Weeks outing in ths Sawtooth Bessi Etta Allen. mountain. Mrs Nlms Davldon and children of Dr. and Mrs. J. C, Patterson and daughsnd Georgia, departed Sprlngvllle or guests of Mra. David- ters, Barnett son a parents, Mr, and Mrs. August Wednesday for Lava Hot Springs to spend Erickson. several dav Mr. and Mr. O. A Brandt and Mr. A number of Burley people attended the and Mrs. Chester Myers left Tuesday dance at th open-apavilion In Paul for Idaho Fal.s, Idaho, to visit rsiatlves Tuesday night, given under the auspices and friends. of the American Legion post No. 77. Th Misses Edith and Mabel Christen- Among tho present were Mr snd Mra. sen of Sa't Lake are vis ting their s 8. lfever, Mr. and Mr Jen Copltn. Mr Mrs Rue Nielson. snd Mr Ralph Pringle, Mr. snd Mrs. Mr. and Mra. E. W. Crane entertained Bryan Blackhurst, Mr and Mrs. Edat dinner Tuesday In honor of Mlaa Daisy ward Franks, Mr and Mrs. Rupert and A silver banket of sweet pea Mr. and Mrs, G H. James. Wright and carnations formed the centerpiece for Mrs. Earl Davidson snd children have the table Covers were laid for Mr. snd returned from a ten davs' vacation spent Mrs. H T Wright snd Mr. and Mra At Host ter s ranger station. Ronald C. Norman of Gunnison, and Mra. Miss Elsie Homer returned WednesAddis Mpriormlrk of Salt Lake. day of laat week from a month's v'sit tn Mrs. June Webb entertained Tuesday Logan, Utah, With friends and relatives. for Mrs. E. C, afternoon St luncheon Mrs Joseph I Thorpe. Wrght sndMrs. sA ll Mr. end Georg Johsnsen of I MILFORD visited fr end In Ballns, Monday Mis Palsy Wright leR Wednesday for California to remain indefinitely. 13. Mr. and Mra M. AfTLPORD, Mrs. Addis McCormick of Salt Laka I C. Smithson Aug. sod little son. Jack, reMr. T and Mra. H. her porenta, visiting turned Monday from a motor trip to Salt Wr ght. Lake and They attended the Mr and Mra Clayton RsamUason art service tnSprlngvIUe the capitol, when the statue rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter of Massssoit, by Cyrus E. Dallln. wss unMina Clover Rasmussen of Salt Lakt Is veiled. Mra. bmltnaon is a niece of the a guest of Mlaa C ara Draper. Th Aliases Kathrvn snJ Utah Mrs Wldlam Petty visited her parents, Paulinesculptor SouIhWorth of HprtngvUle accomMr and Airs. Ren holt Mstuton, in Salt panied Mr, and Mrs , Sm'thaon home on Lake, the past ten dav their motor and Will visit the reMrvor Mlsa Stena Scorup la Plaiting mainder of thtrip summer her friend In Lefenn. reMra J, Raymond ana little eon Mis Helen Anderson Is v'sltlng relaturned Tuesday from a trip to Long tives and frlenda in Provo . California and Beach other points Mrs. Chesttna Bench la a Salt Lakt Miss Gertruda Davts, who had been vtst'or. th guest of Mrs Lulu Germo for a week, M ss ttahnz Bird entsrtalned th H. C left Saturday of last week for her horns tn Beaver. of H. C. club at her home Wednesday Luncheon was served to th Mr. Mavm Dunshee and family of evening Misses Zell Sorensen, Phyllis Jorgensen, Beaver visited friends in Milford Tues-, Clara Draper, Iris Thorpe,- Fay Burnt, day evening, n route to Salt Lake Dr. and Mra C. F. Swanson left Tues- Lola'Bioan, Zelda 'Gce. Ora Lorentsen, SALINA BROOKS 03ANGE ICS CREAM & Treat for the Goda. Ii Order son for your dinner. Other varieties today are; .35 qL Fresh Peach Ice Cream Caramel Burnt Almond Ice 1 96 qt. Cream .75 qt. Vanilla Ice Cream 61 qt. Orange Ire Cream DELIVERIES DAILY AND SUNDAY 11 A. M. 2 P. M. 6 P. M. PHONE HY. P.049 d. d. t&J!hj&nn&G' ' n day for an extends! trip to Sad Francisco and other California points. Mrs IV, C. Scliow and daughter, Airs. J Weston, returned Tuesday from an extended trip to California. Mra J C Mul, loon and Mlsa M Catherine 8mlthson have returned frem an extended trip through the easL They spent two months in Boston aud Its, ted other eastern cities of note, i Mr and Mra Ben Gerald of Salt Lake are the guests of Air. and Atra Charles Bryans .Mrs Gerald was formerly Ai.ae Vera Muniford pfjhta e'e y. Mr. and Mrs JT lilumberg and family left last week for a month's vacation tu Cal fornla. , Mr and Mr D. P Van Fleet of and a party of Balt Lake friends motored to Cedar Breaks and apent Mr and Mra Otto Melcher motored to Beaver Sunday. and Mr and Mra At. EL Hickman daugh'era Helen and toJesa'e, motored visit with Mr. from Richfield Bunday and Mrs J. S, Hickman and family for a few davs. Air and Airs. William Martin. Sir. and Mrs. R Badgwirk. Mr anl Mra T Brad-fiel'Mr. and Mrs. J Turner, Mr. and. Mm C. J Haskell and Mr, and Mra Whipple inotored out to McEwen s ranch and enjnved a banquet prepared tn thetr honor Alon lay even.ng Miss Lillian Stoker Is spending a few power plant In days at the Tellurlde Pea ver canyon, the guest of Mrs. Emily Fournier Mrs Jane Mumford of Beaver spent week-en- d la- -t here, the guest of Vra Oscar Larson and Airs Charles Hollta, 1 Mra Oscar arson left Wedneeday for a trip to Salt Lake. Mrs. W Cochrane has as her guest her n s, .Miss Lil.ian Layton of Superior. Ar s R- G S'ewert left Air and Mra Welnesday by auto for Wilmington, Cal., where they will reside New-hou- se Bun-da- v. a. ir er -- AX-td- DR. r. MARION KELLINO, D.C.M.H Graduate Chiropractor Healing Magnetic and Druglet My Patient Get Well I Lumbagi, Appendicitis, Specializing and Feme i Rheumatism, Neivousness Trouble. Heart and Kidney, Vap f Bath. Mira Bell of Salt Laks City says, ran, eernlng Dt KeHmg and her treatment. To Whom It Alay Concern: $ I went to Mrs KeLl.rg on July V.X after taking treatments of evsrv VimL lour chiropractors tnc.uded. I was sent west from Iowa for my lungs. I know now 1 was In a serious condlt'on physically, when Dr. Kelllng took my case. Js consider DR. BELLING S treatmro I can say truthfully th t MARVELOUS. I feel ten yeara younger than I did wh- - i starting the treatments. I am a sc-- s 1, teacher; have been for many years, I cons der this' a most WOXDERU a TREATMENT for the nerves and fem She I trouble, and other compialnta demonstrated to m that when the me, you at the door and says. "I can t you,' It ts an honest truth, .for is true tn my case. I am now free fn pain, I sleep and feel f.ne and 1 h not yet finished the course. T ANNA BELI. e Why Be Sick? Coneult Title Wonderi Woman Today, 34 S. Main Office Street. Hours Rooms m. to Ip Across from Z, C. S07.8-I.10.- 5 p. M. I, m. I |