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Show I THE t 44 Wu. NEPHI, UTAH. S. THE Oi TIMES-NEW- S Published Every Friday by The Times-New- s VD Ills?) TIMES-NEW- Dennis Wood Eimtok. A. H. tllHStlN SUBSCRIPTION M ANACiKU. RATKS. One Year in Advance, an Second SPECIAL! l.fu Six Months in Advance, Entered r Publishing Co. - 70 Clans Mail Matter at the ut Pout Ollice NVjihi. WHILE IT LASTS Utah Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Prices Reasonable : Your money SAFETYr is safer in the bank than in your $ cash drawer. - - This paper has enlisted V PRESTlGEl with the government in the cause of America for the period of the war Your prestige in business is increased greatly by being able to give a bank reference. Notes, may be discounted and loans often 2 IISCOUNTSi obtained, if you have a commercial bank account! llAH STAlEJgtjSjSSOtlATlCN You have the great convenience of pay ing bills by check, which is a receipt the for amount paid, DON'T BE CONVENIENCE $ s These are only a few advantages of a bank account: come in and see us and we will tell you more. FIRST FATiQNAL BANK UTAH. - NEPHI, - We Have a Full Line of WALL PAPER IN STOCK Come and Make Your Selection BAILEY Furniture Supply Co. Money To Loan on Improved Farms Reasonable Rates. Satisfactory T erms We make a thoughtful study of your particular requirement, which enables us to gie your business more than ordinary service. Kzep you loans at home! The Geo. C. Ask us how. Whitmore Co. OF! ICF. MUST NATIONAL BANK, We Sell Painls Oils Varnish Kalsomine Rakes Hoes Shovels Forks Lawn Hose Kent Our Electric Vacuum Cleaner $1.00 pe- - Day KENDALL BROS. XXKXJO XJJ .rXXXXXXX Phone No. recent letter to Colorado farmers stated some I'lain facts in a 5 i worth considering. The Supar companies are cheerfully and without protest in all the rules and reguhas lations the government deemed it necessary to apply to this industry and consider it a duty and a privilege to serve the nation in this manner. The povernment fixes the price of supar and has recommended a price ?10.(K) a ton for the farmer's beets and the companies have planted it although the price of supar has just l een low ered in the face of this record breaking price for Wets. Pres. Petcrkm says; The beet acreage now contracted for in Northern Colorado is about 40.000 acres below last season. This means lack of beets for from to 4 factories which would have to stand idle. The money received by the farmers for teets is spent al most entirely in the community, and at the average yield of twelve tons the jrross receipts from an acre of beets at the pres ent offered price exceed the av erage gross receipts of almost any staple crop, leaving, aside considerations of the safety of the return." The same conditions is con fronting other beet growing states. The sugar companies are paying undreamed of prices for U'ets and offer to help secure la'.xr. Comparison of the price of supar w ith the prices of other articles of ordinary use shows that sugar is today anxng the cheap-- 1 est of all our foodstuffs. Comparison with the price prevail-- ! ing ttefore the war shows that its advance has been relatively less than that which has taken place in almost all other commodities including farm crops. The larmer has been granted every price confession asked and aside from the question of financial gain it is row up to them as a patriotic duty to plant an increased acreage of beets. L00I COOD From Sjokane come press dispatches that en organization of timber workers embracing all branches of lumlicr industry is to fe founded. The organization meeting has been called by II. W. Hall, of the Washington State Federation of labor.He says: "With our new organization we hope to attract large numler? of men who have been associated with the I. W. W., because that organization offered the only opportunity for them to get toWe are working for gether. harmony with the Government and the Spruce Production Board and all our members are urged to join the Loyal Legion of Log. gcrs and Lumbermen. We have nothing in common with I. W.W. and we hope our organization wiil have the effect of destroying that organization here." has just The government day and mingranted an imum w age of $3.00 in all northwest lumber mills and has Wen largely successful in curbing the I. W. W. menace. vice-preside- Brushes Electric Motors White Lead "The Plumbers" BEET SLACKER W. T. Peterkin. 1'res. of the Great Western Sinjar Company IT CCESN'T NEPHI XfOOCOOCOCCCOOCOOOCOCCO COOOCXXXXX)CCOOOOOOCOOCCOOO r m A 1 XXXXXXOOOCXXOCOXOOCOCXJQ nt This looks like the start of an organization the purpose of which is to control the lumber industry und oiler the I. W. W. a refuge under which they can iigitate for further wage and hour concessions under the pro tection of an organization which can dictate to the saw mills and the government. It is as easy fur ;i leopard to change its spots a.--; l.r an I. W. W. to work in harmony with satisfied workmen. The people of the west would appreciate the activity of labor leaders more if they would advise workmen to join the Loyal Legion w hich is all the union necessary during war time for timber workers, instead of form ing a new organization to har!or the I. YVV. and thus inject these trouble makers into the ranks of the Ixa! Legion. Labor leaders and workmen who are not sati.-liewith con ditions in the luiiiuer industry today better join the rank of our army and draw their .$: a month as our brave boys or: the bailie fields of France are now doing. The Temper of the public will stand no nit ire interference with in mis industrial condition country. - The Vsaiiffucturer Kirk's Olive Soap 3 bars for 25c Similar to "Palm Olive" ENTERPRISE GROCERY CO. d BRING ON KE HaveYou Bought a Liberty Bond? Only One More Day! Big Drive Closes The SP3 FIRING few di.ys ago in Suit La!; a couple of Germans word interned there for using treasonable and seditious language. Both these men had been in this country for many years, one of them had accumulated considerable projK-rty- . yet according to the statements accredited to them, they appeared to hate this country with all the venom of their perverted minds, and hoped that this country would be defeated by the Kaiser. These men had lieen making more money here than they would ever have dreamed of making in Germany, and the chances are that if they had stayed in the Fatherland, they would have been on the firing line long ago. The will now ! interned for the remainder of the war, and will more than likely come out at the end of the w ar fat and sleek. Thanks to the kindhearted treatment of a generous Democracy. This paper thinks that this kind of treatment is altogether wrong for this class of people. The sooner the United States gets r d of all sentiment in reand gard to spys. all treason talking the we win are to this quicker going war. The quicker we pull off the Kid Glives, and put on the Brass Knuckles, the sooner all such talk as these men indulged in is going to cease. There is only two ways in our judgment to treat this kind of a case. The first is to line them up before a firing squad, or else ship them back to the Western front and start them back across "No Man's Iand" to the place where they tetong, with absolute from these shares. The quicker Uncle Ram get; down to the real business of this war, ant! deals with such treasonable utterances whether made by in or a cold blooded manner, the soon-ne- r this country wiil be rid of such a menace to it peace and A To-Morro- Gov-ernme- w. nt Needs YOUR Help NEPHI NATIONAL BANK COMBNOji The Lucas Show Arlington Theatre, Nephi One Week Commencing Monday, May 6th s, s ban-inme- High-Clas- Vaudeville s and Indoor Circus Present given away first night to the eldest lady and gent in the audience ADMISSION FREE nt Show starts at 8:15 Doors open at 7:40 s, Anti-American- s, Lend Him A MORGAN'S SONS CO. fcNOCH AHmid PS safety. 71 Caust of Headathf ty Hv knowing the cuw, a often b oidpd. This i partifulary common tme of The h in a diwHprefl Mom- caue of hi h may I ache of constipation, corrected by taking a few doea of Chamberlain's Tablets. Try it. Marc others have obtained jwrmaof nt relief bjr taking tbew Tablet. Therareeay to take and mild and frfntle in eflef t h"drh. hdif mt UFXTtTY For j I i BONDS PATRIOTISM Buy For SAPOLIO ECONOMY speak louder: than "Aclipns words -- Act- Don't Talk - Buy Nov |