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Show Honor the Pioneers. Hurrah for Pioneer Day ! Airs. Annis Lancaster is on the sick list. Arthur Nichols of Silver Beef is here on business. . Airs. James Bencher of Grass Aalley was in this city Friday on business. See change in the advertisement of R. G. AlcQuarrie & Sons this week. A representative of the Cache Knitting Knit-ting works was hustling business here this week. H. E. Gary has resigned from the board of commissioners to locate the experiment farm. The program for the 24th was handed hand-ed into this ollice this morning, too late for insertion in this issue. Dr. AAL W. Betls writes to Dr. Affleck that he keeps about the same in health as he was when he left here. He further says: ''If the Dixie people miss me as much as I do them, I feel sorry for them. '' Aloab, Grand Co., has requested the state committee to select a site for an experimental farm to examine a site at that place, forty acres bavins? been purchased by citizens of Aloab for that purpose. W. F. Gates, J. F. Gates, F. F. Gates and Mayor Brown have located the Ben Bur and Prince of India mining-claims mining-claims containing copper about thirty-miles thirty-miles south of here, over the Arizona line, and have recorded the same at Kingman. To County Fair Committees. A full attendenee of all committees is requested to meet at the residence of I David II. Morris next Alond tv evenin" ' i at S p. m. Important business to be ! transacted. Eeastus B. S.Ow, President. |